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Read the article that’s linked. The guy who got choked out had numerous prior arrests for offenses including assault, disorderly conduct and fare beating. He was going to meet the wrong person one day. Today was that day.

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Beware people with criminal histories and/or mental illness - if you are "acting erratically", you are fair game for a vigilante killing, and people on the Internet will applaud your death!

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Yes. No one likes criminals. No one likes mentally ill people. They are annoying and a burden at best and a danger and menace at worst.

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That's why they need help but the system fucked them over

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That sounds like that isn't my problem. If you are a danger to me or others, prepare to get put down. 🤷🏽‍♀️ This is what asylums were for

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I’m tired of people saying this. As in what system? The government? Be specific instead of saying ‘the system’. Obscure ass phrase that people like to spout off without any details, because they want to rabble with the crowd. Another one, ‘The man is holding me down’. The fuck?!?

It’s the US, and freedom exists here to give everyone a chance to become great. I’m speaking not in perceived greatness of wealth and power. Even garbage men can be great in perspective.

There are also two sides to this freedom coin. Become great, or fuck around and find out the polar opposite. This guy chose fucktard and found out.

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You really don't know what you're talking about do you.

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I countered your statement and that’s your rebuttal? I guess the system let you down too, huh?

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You really don't know what you're talking about. Stop reciting Stormfront NeoN rhetoric.

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What did anything I say have to do with Nazis?

I’m liberal, but I’m tired of other liberals giving everyone a bad name. You extreme lefts think it’s everyone’s fault but your own. Nobody is forcing a bad situation in some made up ‘system’. You deal with the consequences of your actions. Tired of this pussy ‘poor me’ attitude amongst a growing group of adults.

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So are white trash like you who, despite every advantage, can't seem to crawl your way out of the trailer park. The most pathetic type of person on the planet are white trash. Go smoke meth and fuck your mom/sister

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Nope, not saying that. You did. He was a known criminal who habitually assaulted people. Keyword is assault. Fuck around with the wrong person and find out. People do carry guns as well. Surprised he wasn’t shot sooner tbh.

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How the hell would they know about his prior arrests tho. Not saying he was innocent but still.

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Don’t have to know about his prior arrests. Karma kicked in for him. His prior arrests also help the guy who did the choke hold to not be charged yet.


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Their occupations are described as "US Marine veteran" and "local Michael Jackson impersonator". Why do I find that funny?

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That's not even a deciding factor. Nobody knew. Death is death. The most he would probably get is a charge for manslaughter

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I mean…if you’re a mentally ill criminal, you ARE dangerous and bad for the general public to be around, so don’t be surprised 🤷

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Plus, he was a Michael Jackson impersonator

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being on a gore site getting up in arms about a violent bum dying is just funny

is it sad? sure. is it really worth getting that worked up over? only if you're a retard

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I upvoted you bc I agree with you but in this case I think he met the wrong person on the wrong day he decided to walk into a subway car and threaten everyone.

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The way it should be done

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By People, you mean rednecks and guys who root for the bad guys in Mississippi burning and A time to kill. Like you.

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Choked to death over fare beating? Fuck off

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