
EFFORTPOST aftermath :marseyropeyourself: What happens to the body when being hung? :marseyhanged: Suicide by Hanging :rarityrope: [effortpost hopefully]

>Hanging suicides have always been fascinating to me, so I decided to take a deep dive into learning more about this classic method of suicide. Let's take a look together on the effects of hanging. This post will include things like Photo and Video examples, Definitions, and links to other posts that made this one possible. Sources and Credits at the end.

What is Suicide by Hanging?

Wikipedia defines Suicide by hanging as "the intentional killing of oneself (suicide) via suspension from an anchor-point such as an overhead beam or hook, by a rope or cord or by jumping from a height with a noose around the neck."

Commonly used items for Suicide by Hanging

Noose : (noun) "a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled, and typically used to hang people or trap animals"

(Definition by Oxford Languages)

Ligature : (noun) "a thing used for tying or binding something tightly."

(definition from Oxford Languages)

Considered to be a "simple" suicide method, materials used for Suicide by Hanging are readily available to the average person, making it a difficult thing to prevent.

According to https://uihc.org, the items most often used for self-strangulation are

  • Belts

  • Ties

  • Scarfs

  • Bedsheets

  • Cords

  • Ropes

  • and Shoelaces

The division of Suspension Hanging and Drop Hanging

Suspension Hanging Is the suspension of the body at the neck.

Complete Suspension consists of full suspension of the body when Hanging. This is not required as Partial Suspension (or Incomplete Suspension) consists of using the body's weight to tighten the ligature around the neck.

"Elaborate set-ups from high places are not needed for hanging. The only thing needed is leverage. This could be done by using a doorknob or bed post."

(Note from https://Uich.org)

An example of Partial Suspension > https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1710727737743593.webp

18 year old Natália Mayer Parreira hanged herself by looping a piece of clothesline over the coat hook on the back of her apartment door

Link to full post about Natália: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/aftermath/post/137214/coat-hook-suicide

Another example of Partial suspension > https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/suicide/post/134919/syrian-girl-commits-suicide-by-hanging

During partial suspension, the victim may have their knees or feet flat on the floor.

An example of complete suspension > https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/suicide/post/129019/indian-man-hangs-himself-from-a

Drop Hanging consists of dropping from a tall height with ligature around the neck, it is usually seen more as an execution method ratjer than a suicide method


An example of Drop hanging ^

(I couldn't find a backstory/explanation for anyone above except Natália, apologies)

Surviving an Attempt/Medical effects

Failed attempts happen when the ligature or anchor poimt breaks, or someone cuts them down in time.

Surviving these attempts lead to various injuries such as

Cerebral Anoxia (A form of Hypoxia specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen) which can result in permanent Brain Damage, results from suspension hanging

Laryngeal fracture (Fractures of the cartilage structures of the larynx or trachea),

Cervical spine fracture (fracture or break in the bone of the neck), result from drop hanging

Pharengeal laceration (may introduce air, secretions and bacteria into the Pharengeal space and mediastinum),

and Cartoid artery injuries (excessive Hypertextension of the cervical spine or extreme rotation of the neck)

Cerebral Hypoxia is the most common cause of death when hanging. Also known as Hangman's fracture

People who are hanged often have marks on their neck from where the ligature constricting them. An inverted V shape can also be seen most times.

Treatment for Survivors

(too lazy to type this one out)

"Initial treatment of survivors follows the 'usual priorities of airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC)'. Treatment should be 'directed at airway control with endotracheal intubation, ventilation using positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), and hyperventilation with supplemental oxygen to control intracranial pressure'. One study of people who experienced near-hanging who were treated appropriately at a hospital found that 77 percent of them survived."

(Suicide by hanging Wikipedia)

Hanging used as Capital Punishment

There are many factors that go into the "ideal" hanging of a subject.

The length of the fall is key in an effective hanging, It must be calculated based on things such as the person's size. (For example, a larger person may only require a shorter drop while a smaller person may need a higher drop.

If done incorrectly, the person could Die via decapitation if the drop is too far, or die of strangulation if the drop is too small or the noose was not placed correctly.

It can take several excruciating minutes for Strangulation to take full effect.

During Strangulation: "the carteroid arteries in the neck, which supply blood to the brain, are compressed, and the brain swells so much it ends up plugging the top of the spinal column; the Vagal nerve is pinched, leading to something called the Vagal reflex, which stops the heart; and the lack of oxygen getting to the lungs due to compression of the trachea eventually causes loss of consciousness due to suffocation. Death then follows in the same pattern as it does when the neck breaks, with the entire process ending in anywhere from five to 20 minutes."


What happens to the body during hanging? How does it feel?

Survivors of hanging attempts recall seeing and hearing lights flashing and ringing noises

In most cases the persons tongue will protrude due to extreme pressure of the jaw, they might even bite through their tongue completely.


The following are some things i found on Quora of people who survived their attempt, and sharing their experiences about how it felt.

"The first thing that comes to you isn't the will to breath but the feeling of your head on the verge of bursting. I remember the vivid feeling of every heartbeat pounding in my head. Every passing beat intensifying the feeling of my head swelling up, until the point that I thought the back of my head would pop open. Thats when the feeling of my lungs begging for air kicked in and I clawed at my throat frantically by instinct. “I don't want to die yet” was what I thought. It's painful and leaves your neck with an obvious mark."

(Chris Peterson on Quora)

"When this event occured i was in a suicidal state of mind but i am not anymore. Right when i setted it up (what i was going to use when i was going to kill myself) i hooked it on me, but i was procrastinating because i was feeling scared. So after i was done with that, i pushed the chair and i was just hanging for 2 seconds.In those 2 seconds, i felt like i was in a movie of someone who was about to meet there sudden death. I was rushing, trying to put my feet on the chair. Then i got back on the chair. This is why i got back on the chair. When i was hanging, my foot was tingling really fast and my face (A mirror was in front of me) was really red. My chest was like screaming at me. My whole body was acting like it was on a workout, rushing so fast. When I got back on the chair. I started having an attack trying to breathe. My head felt so out of air."

(Eliana on Quora)

"When I first tried I was eleven, I hanged myself in my room (I had a hook on the ceiling), I was tall so I kept having to get back on my chair and shorten the rope, when it finally was short enough for my toes to barely touch the ground my head felt like it was going to explode and my eyes felt like they were about to pop out, I choked for a minute, my head got a really warm feeling and my hands started tingling at the end, I chickened out and grabbed the scissors from my boxers and cut the rope."

(Elmo's Left Ballsack on Quora)

Images/Video links



If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone <3


Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

I dont feel like typing anymore so here's the sources












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Fun story:

I once attended a patient who attempted to hang themselves with an elastic bungee cord.

They were standing in the middle of the room, feet on the floor, with only minor discomfort from the cord being around their neck.

Their family was huddled around them, screaming and crying as if he was actively dying - and weren't doing anything to stop it. It was very very unusual.

It was a large Muslim family, and when he was 'cut down' they all began praying, presumably thanking God for saving their son.


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Well damn :bidenshocked:

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If you having a hard time like this, don't do this man. Life may be hard but the sea always calms down after the storm. Talk with someone man.

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I'm on my way :marseychasergenocide:

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people like you make the world better

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Fucking eat mt shit zozzle suck it up theough a straw straight outta my ass mf'er

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Is this some pronoun shit?


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We would loose content!!!


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Then go make some

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Try this necklace on.. Plzzz


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Thats a very cute necklace

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I had a friend who hanged himself only 15yrs old.. I hope life's better on the other side

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ignore all the insensitive people im so sorry to hear that and i hope your friend had a good life

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Sorry to hear about your friend dude :(

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I hope there is no life in the other side.

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Is this a diss ?

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i dont think life is better in hell

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Suicide is something i never hope someone does as that's never a way out but at the same time I obviously can't speak for the victims but all prayers to them 🙏

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prayers? fool.

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when i first attempted, i could feel my head feeling like it was gonna explode. my hands got really hot and my head started to hurt so bad. I started kicking my legs and punching stuff, i was struggling. It was so painful. 100% would recommend, definitely would do again

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The best way to kill yourself if you don't want to feel any pain. To successfully hang yourself, you need a thin, non-elastic rope, some cream to moisten the rope; it's better to use partial suspension and stick out your tongue. I would also recommend taking some acetylsalicylic acid and coffee beforehand. It's also only a skill issue if you fail to die.

Never kill yourself, kids. It's unhealthy. :marseyagreefast:

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One study of people who experienced near-hanging who were treated appropriately at a hospital found that 77 percent of them "survived"

"survived" isn't always a good thing, severe brain damage is worse then being dead imo.

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Yup, if your life sucks, becoming hypoxic and suffering irreversible brain damage will NOT help with that.

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Exactly, there's better ways to end your suffering

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My take on this is: if youre ever close to offing yourself, just go do a bunch of drugs instead! Whats the worse that could happen, you ruin your life??? You were just about to suspend-strangle yourself from the ceiling fan, I'm sure losing your assistant manager job at Arby's the neighbors whispering what a crackhead youve become will feel tame by comparison. And you will guananteed feel great and want to keep doing them, but thats ok, our amigos over in the cartel flair are doing the most to ensure that we have all the put-your-dick-in-the-dirt fetty and speed so good youll be long dicking the couch cushions for 3 days straight, you big stud, and and at very reasonable prices with all things considered. Gracias, mi amigos! Muchos gracias!!! So dont let the Funkytown guy die in vain- unwrap your sisters pantihose from around your larynx and call your pisca today!(he'll always say 20 min even when its 2 hours tho, just get used to it🤷‍♂️🙇‍♂️)

Because who would wanna go out Michael Hutchisons, when you can instead go FULL JIMMY HENDRIX!!!!! 🤘😖🤘

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valid take

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shut up you druggie we can tell u high right now

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See this is why you get paid the big bucks...at Arby's 😭

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Shut the fuck up

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rope is cheaper (i think)

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What happens if Im just a fat girl, living in a small village, with no money or friends and connections so I can't get the drugs? Easier to just off myself

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dont do it please

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Then you do what ever fat girl in a third world village has dreamt of doing:

You suck as many miles of dick as you have to until youre in a real country with drug dealers.

Godspeed my fat one 🫡

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Then fucking get your shit together and loose weight ALOT of weight. Stop being a fatty because if you're skinny you'd automatically feel better about yourself. Buy some makeup after and maybe change your hair and get a sick comeback. You'll have more friends. Stop whining and finally loose weight.

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I'd rather kill myself SAY NO TO DRUGS

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you forgot my favorite type of hanging , the kind where they get decapitated by it

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The long drop…for most people would require a drop of 8 feet plus. Literally separates the head from the bidyy

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I lost my partner to this method, I think I've been unfortunately obsessed with the effects and videos of it since. Feels like I can't get it out of my head

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i lost my best friend to suicide with a firearm and since then ive been obsessed with videos of it as well. i get it and im so sorry

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I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your mind gives you a break from time to time

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And we're all guilty of obsessing over death, thats why we're here afterall

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Sorry about your partner man, death is a strange thing. My brothers buddy got shot a few weeks ago and it was tough.

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It's always going to be tough, I find. Death is a very strange thing, it really changes someone's perspective seeing and experiencing it first hand

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Ok now make a thread for every possible suicide method with pics please.

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Masturbating to death

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This guy gets it.

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Maybe thats a lot of work

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Make one about poisoning with detailed methods please

You can use sanctioned suicide (an online forum) guides, or even copy paste nobody will verify lol.

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Please post detailed instructions on how to kill yourself using a nuclear bomb.

Be thorough.

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There's a website called lostallhope (it's only on archives now, I think) which has information on suicide methods and statistics

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A fantastic contribution. Thank you.

It's not the most common method worldwide for nothing.

Just make sure everything holds, nothing cracks or breaks - and that you choose a time and place where you won't be found too soon.

My highest respect to those who have practiced it successfully.

Find out beforehand how to do it and what you need to bear in mind.

Anyone who looks at such things on this site and regrets the dead has not understood the whole thing.

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Thanks for the indepth guide we didnt ask for but earned

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Cirno fumo spotted

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Np bro :nice:

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Thank you for teaching me how to kill myself by hanging.

I'll go try it now.

If you don't hear from me again - it worked.



Just kidding.

Why is everybody so serious.

Sorry I have such a black sense of humor.

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I need to die so badly but this method seems not peaceful and probably horrible, I'm scared even if I have practiced/researched it thoroughly. I have everything I need to do it but I might try my best to push through the agony of existing a little bit longer so I can get a gun instead

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Don't kys pls, suicide not good

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Make sure it's a shotgun or atleast 45. Cal hollowpoint

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I don't know who you are, or what you've been through but, there's always hope. I use to think exactly like that a year ago, I had no will to live, I stayed in my room for three years barely interacting with my family or friends, didn't eat or get enough sleep and I felt like existence was worthless, why live when my life is like this?

Well... let me tell you something, because living like absolute shit and being a depressed troglodyte like I used too isn't doing you any good. Neither is consuming media like this, I found when I actually started spending time with my loved ones, reading about things I enjoy, enjoying the warm breeze of the summer sun on my skin and laughing is far better than watching people kill themselves and listening to songs that make you want to blow your brains out.

I know the road to feeling better seems far away, but from my own experience it isn't. The day I felt content with being alive, was the day I cleaned my room and helped my mother with dinner. Then I went on long walks and reflected on myself, like really reflected. I thought to myself, If I have one life, I want to make it worthwhile in the end. Do what makes you happy, wear that shirt your mom bought you, eat that piece of cake, laugh until your sides hurt, travel to new places. Try new things, because surely you will find something out there that makes you happy. I found mine, I believe you can find yours.

I truly hope you find comfort one day.

Oh and get a therapist, that also helps.

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Thank you so so much for taking the time to write this. I was honestly expecting cold/unempathetic replies on here. Thank you for giving me hope. To be honest, that made me feel a tiny bit better. I'm really glad things got better for you, it sounds like you deserve it :girlsalute: :valentine:

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When you hang yourself you go peepeepoopoo

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Make a topic about the easiest and most difficult methods to commit suicide

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I read earlier today in a post on this website about suicide that only ONE in 25 suicide attempts are successful.

That number was a little shocking - but if it's true, it might be because MOST women who try to kill themselves using pills - fail spectacularly. Or maybe they were not REALLY trying, and just wanted attention.

I DO know the method that is BY FAR the MOST successful - but I'm not going to tell you.

Which reminds me of the joke: "What did the sadist say to the masochist when the masochist said hurt me?


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I would like to know this method to see if it is as effective as you say

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That's why I'm not going to tell you.

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Opiate/opioid overdose to induce respiratory depression, or hooking up an IV bag of glucose to yourself and overdosing on that until you're comatose.

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Thank you for your help

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That doesn't mean to do it.

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which opioid is best suited for this use, how many long ones are enough to avoid making a mistake?

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