
On 23rd of October 2015 - ironically, a 70th anniversary of the United Nations - a new video emerged, showing women being tortured for witchcraft. The one you've seen in thumbnail was slightly edited, and so far I couldn't find a full version. The exact location wasn't given, just that it's a New Guinea Highlands (so a long chain of mountain ranges) and Enga province.

The video shows at least four women who have been stripped, tied up, burned and beaten. They are prodded and threatened with machetes while being questioned by a group of men. The Guardian has obtained an edited version of the video but has chosen not to publish it.

The Guardian was told by two PNG sources the women were accused of sorcery after a young man fell ill in a village in Enga province in August.

Social media posts said the women were accused of “invisibly” taking the man's heart, and then putting it back after they were tortured. In their attackers' eyes this would also prove their guilt as sorcerers.

I actually lack the Marsey retard emoji to describe the story to you, but let's try :marseybrainlet:

According to the man who accused these women of sorcery, they invisibly took away his hurt, cut it to pieces, and then put back in his body. The man claims that he died, and people were already mourning and preparing the funeral. Then one of the witches came to the family's household. Family asked her to return man's heart. She denied that she took it, and the family 'was dealing with her till daylight' when the man was still lying dead. However, she returned his heart, saying: 'Son, I accidentally took your heart, but I was sent to do it. But now I have returned your heart, you may go home'. The man claimed that he came back to life thanks to the relatives and because he had no sin.

You can check the video below, here the policeman lets the guy talk about how he died but now is alive. Torture for alleged witchcraft is a common problem in Papua, and also proving it is hard, because the evidence is invisible :marseyretard2:

[...] said he was aware of many people sharing the video on their smartphones, including high school students, and said it wasn't out of horror but rather approval for the actions being taken against the four accused women.

“There's no logic going on in the matter … To try to talk logically, even to students, doesn't really get you very far. They say, we have evidence and you ask what kind of evidence and they say it's invisible evidence you can't see it,” he said.

An additional problem with the sorcery-related violence is their diversity. Beliefs related to witchcraft (or black magic, locally: sanguma) vary among the provinces, are logically contradicting, change over time and spread into the new communities, mixing with the pre-existing beliefs. The victims of the 'witch hunts' can be both male and female, including kids; usually they're women, though. They way of 'punishing' the witches also vary geographically:

Often associated with PNG's remote highlands, sorcery killings are allegedly occurring in lowland provinces too.

Milne Bay Police provincial commander, Peter Barkie, told the Guardian SARV occurred regularly, was widely known about, but rarely went unreported.

“The belief here about sorcery is so intense that they kill anyone they suspect is practicing it, but the practice here is different from that in Southern Highlands where women are beaten and tortured before being burnt alive.”

He said men, women and even children were accused. “They just slaughter them, no torture, no burning.

“But what is frightening about the practice here is that the first-born child of the person accused is also killed because they believe it is passed from the parent to the first-born child.”

Here's a basic map:

The police started an investigation into the case that surfaced in October 2015, and promised to arrest everyone involved in the crime (a rare occurrence). I didn't find any update on the man whose 'heart was eaten' or on the villagers from his community.

⠀A FEW COMMENTS AT THE END :marseytears:

Sorcery-related violence is still an ongoing problem, of which both the politics and the activists are well aware. In, ironically, mostly Christian country. There were recent legal changes, too. In January 2022, Papua New Guinea abolished death penalty - again, as the first time was in 1970. In 2013, PNG's Parliament reintroduced the death penalty for murder and repealed the controversial 1971 Sorcery Act. It allowed murderers to use the allegation of witchcraft as a legitimate defense. Motivation for this was a murder of a mother of a little girl, who was back then an infant, and fell into the abusers' hands herself a few years later. Justice is a nickname given to the girl.

Justice's ordeal began long before the mob arrived. In 2013, when she was just an infant, her mother was accused of being a witch in PNG's second largest city of Mount Hagen following the unexplained death of a local child. She was stripped naked, attacked with machetes and finally burned alive on a pile of tires. Hundreds watched the grisly scene unfold right opposite the church where Kissam's father was formerly pastor.

Then, the baby was under care of her uncle, in a village around 100 miles away from Mount Hagen. However, the gossips about Justice's mother reached the village, and she was treated as a pariah. Her behavior was odd: 'even months after her rescue, Justice seemed uncomfortable unless regularly scolded, and would act out in order to feel that familiar rebuke'. When the girl's cousin - Nancy - fell ill, the girl's brothers went after Justice. After seeing the angry mob, Justice's uncle was afraid about his own children's lives, so he let the girl out from the hut. CHILD WARNING to the description below.

They tied up Justice and began their torture. Believing the girl had stolen her cousin's heart and devoured it, they would bellow “give Nancy back her heart.” All the time Nancy lay nearby groaning, Justice recalls. When they hurt Justice, Nancy would momentarily recover; when they stopped, her condition seemed to worsen. Even today, Justice is angrier with her cousin and former friend, whom she accuses of faking her ailment to get attention, than her torturers. “She said that I took her heart, but she's a liar,” Justice says bitterly.

Justice was tortured until 5 a.m. the next morning. Afterward, her captors kept her bound for five more days while they observed Nancy's condition. Were she to worsen or die, then Justice's fate would be sealed. But during that time word spread about what was happening and reached Kissam, who was sitting at her desk in her Port Morseby office.

Ruth J. Kissam is a director of operations in Papua New Guinea Tribal Foundation, an NGO based in Port Moresby that 'provides education, health care and humanitarian assistance in Papua New Guinea's remotest communities'. Currently, she is a legal caretaker of Justice. The girl survived, here's how she looks today - to end this post with something positive! :marseyembrace:

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST (Child Warning) The Jonestown Massacre Revisited - WPD EXCLUSIVE + Video of Jim Jones working his bullshit + full audio "death tape" - 3 videos

Jim Jones the bullshit artist

Don't drink the kool-aid - full death tape recording

On November 18, 1978, Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones leads hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at their agricultural commune in a remote part of the South American nation of Guyana. Many of Jones' followers willingly ingested a poison-laced punch while others were forced to do so at gunpoint. The final death toll at Jonestown that day was 909; a third of those who perished were children.

Jim Jones was a charismatic churchman who established the Peoples Temple, a Christian sect, in Indianapolis in the 1950s. He preached against racism, and his integrated congregation attracted many African Americans. In 1965, he moved the group to Northern California, settling in Ukiah and after 1971 in San Francisco. In the 1970s, his church was accused by the media of financial fraud, physical abuse of its members and mistreatment of children. In response to the mounting criticism, the increasingly paranoid Jones invited his congregation to move with him to Guyana, where he promised they would build a socialist utopia. Three years earlier, a small group of his followers had traveled to the tiny nation to set up what would become Jonestown on a tract of jungle.

Jonestown did not turn out to be the paradise their leader had promised. Temple members worked long days in the fields and were subjected to harsh punishments if they questioned Jones' authority. Their passports were confiscated, their letters home censored and members were encouraged to inform on one another and forced to attend lengthy, late-night meetings. Jones, by then in declining mental health and addicted to drugs, was convinced the U.S. government and others were out to destroy him. He required Temple members to participate in mock suicide drills in the middle of the night.

In 1978, a group of former Temple members and concerned relatives of current members convinced U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, a Democrat of California, to travel to Jonestown and investigate the settlement. On November 17, 1978, Ryan arrived in Jonestown with a group of journalists and other observers. At first the visit went well, but the next day, as Ryan's delegation was about to leave, several Jonestown residents approached the group and asked them for passage out of Guyana. Jones became distressed at the defection of his followers, and one of Jones' lieutenants attacked Ryan with a knife. The congressman escaped from the incident unharmed, but Jones then ordered Ryan and his companions ambushed and killed at the airstrip as they attempted to leave. The congressman and four others were murdered as they boarded their charter planes.

Back in Jonestown, Jones commanded everyone to gather in the main pavilion and commit what he termed a “revolutionary act.” The youngest members of the Peoples Temple were the first to die, as parents and nurses used syringes to drop a potent mix of cyanide, sedatives and powdered fruit juice into children's throats. Adults then lined up to drink the poison-laced concoction while armed guards surrounded the pavilion.

When Guyanese officials arrived at the Jonestown compound the next day, they found it carpeted with hundreds of bodies. Many people had perished with their arms around each other. A few residents managed to escape into the jungle as the suicides took place, while at least several dozen more Peoples Temple members, including several of Jones' sons, survived because they were in another part of Guyana at the time.

Music credits

The Spaces Between by Scott Buckley |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

To The Crows by Arthur Vyncke |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Demons Call by BatchBug | promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


EFFORTPOST ShootaShellz Death and Backstory

There is already a picture of Cedron Doles AKA Shoota Shellz death scene on this website, but I thought I would elaborate on why this happened and the backstory behind it all. Because for every action there is always a reaction which could be infinitely times worse.

Shoota Shellz Death Picture

This is Doles seen sprung out on the ground with his head obviously not fully there. This is one of the grizzlier scenes that has come out of Chicago, and we just so happen to have a picture of it as well. The backstory behind this picture is just as gruesome as the picture itself. It's to be noted that witnesses and the scene itself have said that 3 individuals hopped out of a white car and shot at him while he was trying to get into his car at 9:32 pm. After they hit him up a couple times he eventfully fell to the ground where the same 3 people ran up on him and began taking turns firing shots into his face and chest area. He was pronounced dead just 8 minutes later. Doles was a rapper from Chicago that obviously went by ShootShellz. He was raised in Windy City AKA Chicago and was apart of the BlackMobb set. Mobb is comprised of many maniac Black P Stones. Mobb was beefing with NLMB which is a gang not to far from where Mobb's territory is. That's honestly the main reason so many people die in Chicago because gang sets beef with other gangs less than 3-4 blocks away. Its said that this "hit" was because of many reasons but the main one being dissing a lot of dead members in NLMB and ABK. Cedron made a song titled "Death of 150"(150 is another name for NLMB) on April 5th, 2017, he died July 10th, 2017 (96 Days apart).

Dissing the Dead

Cedron's "Death of 150" was a huge song for the Mobb set because no one from that set really was known anywhere but Chicago so they had no legal money coming in. The song is a great song actually and I would recommend a listen if you are a fan of rap music or Chicago drill for that matter. Cedron dissed many deceased members of 150/NLMB in Death of 150, he put a huge target on his back from dissing and people really wanted him gone. Here is some of the people dissed in the song.

Jamal Harris AKA Roc

Roc was killed February 19th 2012, his gang would go by RocBlock in his honor.

B.I.P Jamal Harris 🕊️

Jakoby Herron AKA Kobe

Kobe was killed Augest 10th, 2013, Its said he just got done shooting dice with fellow members of NLMB when he suddenly wanted to go home. fellow members asked if he wanted a ride and he said he'd rather walk. This would be the last time anyone but Herron's enemies would see him alive. It happened so close to where he was just shooting dice that his fellow gang members rushed to the scene on foot fully armed to the teeth.

B.I.P Jakoby Herron 🕊️

Fazon Robinson AKA G Fazo

G Fazo was seen playing dice when something went left and he lost his life. NLMB and many other people from Chicago and at this point the world call Air Force 1's, G Fazo's in his honor.

Here is G Fazo's closet and why the infamous shoe is named after him.

B.I.P Fazon Robinson 🕊️

Deveous Johnson AKA Vito

A man named Trinity Walton drove up and shot Vito on April 27th, 2009

B.I.P Deveous Johnson 🕊️

Cortez Bailey AKA C-Moe

C-Moe was a loved member of NLMB who was shot and killed on June 26th 2013. The main suspect in this case was Shootashellz.

B.I.P Cortez Bailey 🕊️

Rayford Brown AKA Pistol-P/Peewee

Pistol-P/Peewee was shot and killed July 3, 2013. He was apart of NLMB and got his name for all the alleged "work" he put in for 150. The name Peewee comes from his squeaky voice.

B.I.P Rayford Brown 🕊️

Dillon Harris AKA GBE Capo

GBE Capo was gunned down and the perpetrators ran over and murdered a toddler in the attempt to escape.

Here is Capo's last moments alive. In the video you can see a man saying “stay woke folk” while clapping his hands at an attempt to keep GBE Capo from passing out and inevitably dying but it was all for nothing as he would pass anyway.

B.I.P GBE Capo 🕊️


Don't gang bang.

I understand that standards for different places are much lower and shitty but if anyone reading this is in a point of their life where they feel the need to enact some type of revenge use this as a guide to deter your mind away from that. Shootashellz was a respected guy in his hood and has done many interviews. He has stated himself that he has no right to promote peace because of the things he was doing but was still trying to guide the youth to something different.

Here is the interview done with Zach TV (R.I.P Zach TV 🕊️) its 22 minuets and 55 seconds long but its worth the watch if your interested.

B.I.P ShootaShellz 🕊️

Original Shootashellz WPD post

Stay safe and keep living I'm counting on you.


The Robb Elementary school shooting was a mass shooting that happened in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24th, 2022. On that day, 18-year-old student Salvador Rolando Ramos, entered the elementary section of the school with a Daniel Defense DDM4 v7 and shot 21 people dead, of which 19 were small children within the ages of 5 and 10, and injured another 17 people. This shooting caused a lot of outrage within the community because of the response that the Uvalde PD had to the shooting, since they waited more than 1 hour and 14 minutes outside the classroom in which the gunman was killing people and waited for further orders without trying to eliminate the threat, while also blocking all parents outside the school from entering and getting their children away from danger. You might be asking, why were the police officers so incompetent in this situation? Well, the police chief who arrived to the crime scene thought that the event WASN'T an active shooter situation, but an hostage situation, which it wasn't, as the gunman was still seeking other victims while the police officers waited. Unfortunately, this incompetence indirectly caused the death of many of the victims inside of the classroom. The shooter's motive isn't very clear, but not only did this absolute shitbag kill little kids, but he also previously livestreamed the murder of kittens on various livestreaming sites and had many social media accounts such as Instagram and TikTok. He was also known to bully other students in the school and was described by his ex-girlfriend as extremely misogynistic, and she has said the only reason why she kept dating him was that she was afraid he would kill her if she left him. He was killed at around 12:50 PM by an unnamed BORTAC officer, who also suffered injuries from the shooting, as a bullet grazed his head.

if you want to have more info on this case, check out this amazing post by Skop:

video from one of the victims showing dried up blood on their clothes:

pictures from the police bodycams of children who survived the shooting:

video recorded by one of the students and posted to TikTok while the school was on lockdown:

the brave officer who shot that waste of oxygen:

bullet wound on the officer's head and hat:

bullet holes left in a door of one of the classrooms:

backpacks stained with blood in one of the classrooms:

blood stained classroom after the bodies were removed:

shoes of the victims:

bullet casing of one of the 5.56 rounds:

picture of the AR-15 used by the shooter:

blood stained hallways connecting the classrooms that the shooter was in:

body bags of the victims:


I've accidentally found a video showing the bodies, likely left for the identification, claiming it's from this event. So it's a good opportunity to make you a post in this quite unpopular disaster flair. You've already had tl;dr in the form of the above news video. However, the mentioned death toll was later changed, and adding the missing persons (more likely the missing bodies), the mudslide could claim 409 victims. There is barely any gore in this post, actually, but I hope you will like it.

Reportedly, it was the first disaster when the animals were included in the emergency efforts. At least that was claimed on Twitter of the Animal Protection Society of Bogota. So I included you a few cute animals as a bonus!

⠀HOW THE EVENTS UNFOLDED? :marseyquestion:

If you want to compare 'before' and 'after', go to the Google Street View. There is mostly June 2019 and March-May 2014 views available. Here a few pre-flood views from the city center:

From the scientific point of view, 'how did it happen?' was a subject of a few studies. Human rights activists were also pointing out another factors, and claimed that it was a 'foretold' disaster. But let's start from the beginning. At night from 31st of March and 1st of April 2017, a heavy rainfalls in Mocoa, southern Colombia, resulted in an avalanche of mud and water. This town is located in the Andes, and is characterized by tropical-mountain weather with high-intensity rainfall.

Heavy rainfall starting around 11 PM on 31st of March caused overflows in a few rivers, from which the three main are Rio Mocoa, Rio Sangoyaco and Rio Mulata. The landslides and river erosion provided a lots of debris for the river floods. A few separate ones resulted in a debris flow downstream in the Taruca ravine, northwest of Mocoa. The debris and floods were flowing at speeds of 56-64 km/h (or 34-40 mil/h). It, quoting, 'rushed resident buildings, streets, bridges, and other infrastructures. Massive debris and mud piled up in the city, with tree limbs, rocks, fencing, and vehicles in a disorderly mix'. As it were still pre-dawn hours, most of the residents were sleeping.

Here, more detailed map.

This one shows river overflowing effects:

Remote sensing images of pre-disaster and post-disaster. (a) Pre-disaster image (April 15, 2015). (b) Post-disaster image (April 10, 2017). (c) Overflowing rivers: ① the Rio Mocoa River, ② the Rio Mulato River, ③ the Rio Sangoyaco River, ④ the Quebrada Taruca River (two branches downstream: north-south, west-east), ⑤ the Quebrada San Antonio River, and ⑥ the Quebrada Taruquita River


The video in the thumbnail (attachment) was shared on 2nd of April. I was trying to look for a content from the 1st of April. I've found an RT article with quite a lot of content from the 1st of April. Credits for the quotes go to them!

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told reporters on Saturday that the area had experienced 130 mm (5 inches) rain overnight, when the average monthly rainfall in Putumayo region is 400 mm.

The Colombian Red Cross are currently unable to accept aid donations until a suitable staging area has been established and proper means of distribution organized.

Governor Sorrel Aroca told local media that 17 neighborhoods had been damaged by the flooding, with two bridges closed and electricity supply disruptions expected to continue, hampering emergency response efforts.

Posted in the early afternoon on the 1st of April.

A video from Instagram, hour not given.

Below, a Twitter video, if it shows my local time, then the original one was posted past 9 AM.

Their Ministry of Defence posted these photos on 1st of April.

Debris has been strewn across the city of 350,000 residents.

Photos from Facebook, and again, if it shows my time then these are from around 9 AM.

Photo from around 10 AM.

The Colombian military are on scene to assist with evacuations and relief efforts and a state of national emergency has been declared.

More rescue efforts from 1st of April, posted in the afternoon.

'Ejercito' means 'army'.


⠀ANIMAL BONUS... :marseywholesome:

Protección Animal Bogotá posted this on twitter:

Por primera vez los animales son incluidos en un plan de emergencias frente a un desastre, celebramos este gran logro.

"For the first time, animals are included in an emergency plan in the face of a disaster, we celebrate this great achievement."

This video was posted with a Spanish description, something like 'The others who survived', on 3rd of April.

Rescued dog:

Rebuilding a shelter for the sick animals (photos by Corazón Animal Putumayo):

Music warning:

⠀VIDEO SECTION :marseygasp:

Here, video claimed to be showing the bodies, likely left for the identification. I don't know the time or where it was exactly and couldn't find it in another source.

A few news coverages. The Guardian:


Associated Press raw footage of clean-up.

An avalanche of water from three overflowing rivers swept through a small city in Colombia while people slept, destroying homes and killing at least 154 unsuspecting residents in their sleep, authorities say. (April 1)

The cleanup efforts in southern Colombia continued on Sunday, after surging rivers sent an avalanche of floodwaters, mud and debris through a small city, killing at least 200 people and leaving many more injured and homeless. (April 2)

AFP News Agency:

Families and friends of the more than 270 victims of the devastating mudslides in the Colombian town of Mocoa take part in an emotive mass burial for their loved ones, as survivors and rescuers keep up a bleak search for victims in the muck and debris.


The death toll was updated all the time, at least partially by the army.

According to the Single Victims Registry, the catastrophic event caused 332 deaths, 398 injuries, 77 people missing and 7794 families affected (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017; Cruz Roja Colombiana, 2018). In terms of infrastructure, the damage toll was 11 kilometers of destroyed roads, 1462 damaged houses, and the city's water supply system and power station were completely devastated.

The damage to structures caused by the 2017 Mocoa debris flows. The shading indicates the 2006 hazard map that formed the basis for land use planning.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has faced criticism for the relief effort. He told the reporters that it is natural for those affected by the disaster to blame the government, though. According to him, that's because of climate change, caused by the richer countries. He defended his gov's response to the Mocoa landslide, claiming rescue agencies were brought together just hours after the disaster. The president also claimed that the rescue operations had no precedents:

He said new systems had been put in place following deadly floods in 2010 attributed to the La Niña climatic phenomenon.

"We have a system, which we have been elaborating and creating after the phenomena of La Niña, which was the worst natural disaster at the beginning of my government, and the system is working," Mr Santos said.

"We put in place a central command where all the institutions that are involved started to work 12 hours after the disaster. This is something we have never seen before either here or in any other countries around the region."

Mr Santos said the tragedy was a demonstration that climate change "has terrible effects".

[...] "The intensity of the rain - it rained in two hours what would usually rain in one month. That intensity produced the avalanche that is a direct product of climate change."

However, it was later brought up that the government actions could prevent some harm. It is indeed a gov's fault to allow urban development in places which are not suitable for it.

Government agencies, land use experts, and environmental organizations had said for years that Mocoa could face dangerous flooding. Many who lived in the most vulnerable areas were aware of the warnings, even if they didn't heed them. And yet the city continued to spread into the floodplains west of downtown.

“Unfortunately, in Colombia we don't have a good assessment of risk, or good land use policies to prohibit people from settling in areas like these,” said Marcela Quintero, a researcher with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, one of the organizations that raised the alarm about deforestation in the area.

Mocoa was vulnerable because of its location, amid a confluence of rivers in the wet subtropical Amazon region of southern Colombia. The danger had grown worse as trees were cut for cattle ranching and other agriculture, removing protection against flooding and landslides. Then came an influx of new residents, many fleeing violence from the government's long fight with guerrilla forces.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

A lot of photos come from Twitter or Facebook. Content from the 1st of April.

EFFORTPOST My aftermath from oilfield explosion

I'm posting my Admittance + progress pics from 3 months I spent in the JMS burn center in Augusta, Ga after I was severely burned in a natural gas explosion. It happened June 6th 2007 while I was working on a workover rig like this.

We were bleeding natural gas pressure off the casing kinda like this except no crude oil.

We were bleeding the natural gas off into the air so we could put our blow out preventer on when another hand noticed I still had my tennis shoes on & told me to get my boots on. I was walking back to the truck where my boots were and something ( later thought to be the intake on the crew truck ) ignited the fumes and caused a flash fire to engulf the who job site. After being burned by the initial flash I was hit by the source pipe that had a 40' flame coming off it like a torch similar to this

It hit me in the back for around 2-3 seconds before I got out of it. I was on fire and never even though to “stop drop and roll” until the same guy that told me to change into my boots got to me and rolled me himself. It was a 35 min nightmare waiting for the ambulance after that & the pain was so bad along w/ thinking my face was severely disfigured I repeatedly asked my boss at the time to kill me with a sledge hammer that was close by. I just wanted it to stop and didn't care to wake back up. I was 70% burns 30% third degree and 40% second degree. I remember hearing the ambulance say that when he radioed it in also saying 3rd degree to back, arms, ears, & face, second degree to chest, stomach, and legs. I begged the medic to put me out & eventually passed out from the morphine. I was air lifted to JMS burn center in Augusta from McComb hospital in McComb Mississippi in critical condition. They let my mom on the leer jet in McComb because they weren't for sure I'd be alive by time she could drive the 9 hours to Georgia. The leer jet got us there in 45 min. I had over 100 IVs hooked to me before the flight mostly for saline drips before being loaded on the jet. I was told that after your burned that bad it's like taking a turkey out of the oven where it's still cooking for a while until it's able to cool down so the crazy number of IVs was to keep me hydrated and cool me from the inside out. They took the first pictures once I was intubated w/ a vent, placed in a medically induced coma, given a paralytic, & remained stable for two days.

The pics above they had placed pig skin & cadaver skin on some of my worst wounds to help prevent infection while they tried to get rid of pneumonia in both of my lungs. They were severely burned also from gasping or breathing in suddenly when the natural gas first ignited. I also had a feeding tube, catheter, BMS, two artery lines, a trachea vent, & several IV lines inserted in the first two days. From what I was told they would take me to a whirl pool every day and scrub the dead skin off of my wounds to promote healing of the 2nd degree burns and to keep all open wounds clean. After a week or so I started having skin graft surgeries pretty often.

The pics below show some of the “donor sites” & the cheese grater like tool they used to remove healthy skin for grafts.

They took as many of these as they could from my legs, glutes, & thighs before running out. I do have one sport on my chest that cadaver skin was placed & my body accepted it as a graft although that's not super common they were fine with it healing that way. To get the rest of the skin for grafts they took biopsies from inside of each of my thighs and sent them to Massachusetts where they were placed in a hyperbaric chamber and grown into several 2x2 inch squares & then sent back to Georgia to be grafted on. I went thru a total of 13-14 skin graft surgeries all together & spent 6 weeks in a medically induced coma. 3 months total in the hospital & 8 months of outpatient physical and occupational therapy before going back to work. I was told I'd be in therapy for at least 2 years a long with more surgeries to remove bands / scar tissue that healed in a way that restricted range of motion. I ended up getting into work hardening therapy 5 days a week 5 hours a day & let my OTP stretch my arms and hands daily & just dealt with the pain as long as I could. As a result I got my full range of motion back in 6 months & avoided going thru any more miserable surgeries. My back, left hand, arms, & ears were burned the worst.

They were telling my family that they wanted to cut my ears off because they weren't healing & only making it harder for my body to fight off the pneumonia in my lungs.

My mom kept pushing them to give it one more day and luckily they scabbed over one night so I got to keep them. My left hand was so bad it had tendons showing and had to be completely covered with grafts along with my back. My sides & arms had spots that could've been considered 4th degree where muscle tissue was exposed and those spots are the most noticeable today. The craziest part of the whole experience for me was waking up with a trachea and not knowing that I wasn't supposed to try to breathe on my own. I thought I was suffocating so I ripped it out of my throat. This little nurse climbed on top of me and pinned my hands down while they put it back in & sedated me. I woke up handcuffed w/ rags taped inside my hands after that and the nurse told my dad “he's gonna get out of that eventually” and I did that same day, but I realized after a while I wasn't dying cause the amount of time that went by. The only other traumatic event in the hospital was a nurse removing my bandages and putting a dry towel on my back then forgetting about it for 12 hours. The nurse that found it started crying so I knew getting it off was gonna suck. Two of them gave me fentanyl & used saline to peel it off as gently as they could, but it was rough. The pics below are from Sept. 25 2007 so 6/6/07-9/25/07. About 3.5 months. It's what they can do to fix our bodies & crazier how fast we can heal after.

It was a wild experience. I would rather be held under water than burned even close to that bad again, but the time in the hospital wasn't terrible at all. The coma dreams were crazy af almost like a constant psychedelic trip. The only thing I've ever been able to find that even resembles the vibe from those dreams was a video I watched being curious about wtf burning man was and the night time footage of the art there was super similar those dreams. I healed up after a total of 11 and a half months off & went back to work doing the same thing. I ended up working my way up and being a tool pusher for the past 11 years until may of this year. Some things I wanted to put out there. I was in a coma for 6 weeks, but I still knew my family was there and I even remembered hearing my girlfriend at the times voice a bunch. I found out when I woke up that she had flew in for a few days early in my stay. I wasn't aware of everything going on and had no idea how much time went by, but even in those dreams I knew when someone was there to see me. Also if you ever have a family member on a ventilator make sure whoever is there when they wake up tells them that the vent is breathing for them & that they're ok. No one told me and I legit thought I was suffocating to the point of ripping my trach out & a lot of people do that when they wake up on a vent. Also make sure they're told not to try and pee on their own, I kept trying & ended up making my catheter leak. I told the nurse and she took that as meaning I needed a bigger catheter so just trying to pee turned into a huge mistake 😩. People tend to talk to you like your a baby when you can't move or breath on your own and it's annoying af don't do that lol. If you got family or close friends in the hospital go see them! There were so many patients including small children in that burn center that nobody would show up to see and it wasn't helping them at all. If you read all this your a trooper! Here's some updated pics of how my scars look now.

( won't let me post them here rn so will try in comments)

Here's some bonus pics of random injury aftermath I've had at work and in bike crashes thru out life as a burn survivor lol

Above- thumb crushed by light plant at work. Broke in two places & split in several. Reconstructive surgery to suture bone back together and repair partially devolved thumb.

Above- pinky smashed by an iron clamp at work. Just babied it and kept it clean. Ended up losing a couple cm off the tip.

Above flipped my cbr street bike doing a wheelie at 60mph in march of 2021. Terrible road rash, severely dislocated my shoulder, tore meniscus in my right knee, did something to my ankle that made it blow up like a balloon, & some other minor injuries. I put my shoulder back on my own while I waited 50 minutes on an ambulance to drive 9 miles to the wreck site. They left me on a gurney in the ER for 7-8 hours bleeding because of Covid patients putting them at capacity. Finally called a ride got some chick to help me clean myself up & just had to thug thru it.

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CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST (CHILD WARNING)The tragedy of Bianca Devins- Did she deserve to die the way she did? [Effort Post]

The deep tragedy of Bianca Devins- Did she deserve it? Click to see all photos

Almost nothing is more prevalent these days than the use of social media. It is rare to find a person without at least one account, be it Discord, Snapchat, Facebook, Tik Tok, or Instagram. We share our lives, our stories, what we're doing at any given moment. If you ever want to know what someone is up to, check their socials, you'll almost always find an answer. In the case of Bianca Devins, finding out what she was up to was not something anyone could have expected. At 6:40am, July 14, 2019, 21-year-old Brandon Andrew Clark posted a photo to his Instagram account (yesjuliett– the account has since been removed by Instagram). The photo was a of a girl in a car, her neck was cut, and she was covered in blood. The look on her face told you it wasn't a joke; this was very real. Moments later, the same account posted to their story, a video driving down a dark road. It was captioned, “Here comes Hell. It's redemption, right?” Looking at the user's bio, it simply read: “10/06/1007 – 7/14/19. Just know that I feel no pain now.” The image was shared on Discord and 4chan, this time with the caption, “Sorry fuckers, you're gonna have to find somebody else to orbit”

More images appeared, one captioned, “I'm sorry Bianca.”

Clark continued to post on Discord,

“My fucking car

I fuck Bianca dumbass


Remember to subscribe to Pewdiepie

Also to the cute twink fuck Alex with the Chinese username

I hope it was worth it

She was gonna go home today”

“Her full names Bianca Michelle Devins of Utica NY btw”

“Should be a few articles within days

Have fun”

Some people didn't think it was real, after all, who shares something like that on social media? Others took it very seriously and contacted authorities. Police immediately began their search. They didn't have to look for long, as a short time later, a 911 call was received by Clark himself.

“My name is Brandon, the victim is Bianca Michelle Devins, I'm not going to stay on the phone for long, because I still need to do the suicide part of the murder-suicide.”

Police were able to determine that the caller was on Poe St in Utica, NY, and upon their arrival, they found a black SUV and a man lying on a tarp that was on the ground beside it. Brown hair could be seen sticking out from beneath it. Once officers approached, the man, Clark, began stabbing himself in the neck with a knife, while live streaming and still posting photos online. Authorities requested emergency medical care, and the Utica Fire Department arrived soon after.

Who was Bianca, and why did Clark kill her?

Bianca Michelle Devins was born on October 2, 2001. She had just graduated from High School and was set to attend Mohawk Valley Community College in the fall to begin her study of psychology. Bianca had struggled with mental illness for a while, having been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Social media became her refuge, where she could escape the isolation she felt, and developed a following as an E-girl.

It was on social media where she first met Clark. The two met on Instagram in April 2019, when he followed her account. They later met in person when he attended her high school graduation. He was charming and polite, according to Bianca's mother, Kim.

It was clear that Clark had romantic feelings toward Bianca, but she did not reciprocate. She wanted their relationship to remain platonic.

On the evening of July 13, the night before Bianca was killed, she and Clark attended the concert of Canadian singer, Nicole Dollanganger in New York City. It was there that she was set to meet another friend, Alex. Even though Clark was aware of the meeting, he wasn't thrilled when he glimpsed Bianca and Alex kiss.

On the way home after the show, Clark confronted Bianca about the kiss. Again, she had to remind him that they were just friends. It was a long drive home, and Bianca fell asleep in the back seat. Taking this as his opportunity, Clark parked and setup a camera on the dash of his SUV. He woke Bianca up, holding a large knife at his side. Authorities who later watched the video report that it showed Clark “Saw

Bianca's throat.”

The police investigation uncovered evidence of a planned attack, including online searches for methods of killing someone. Searches included “how to find the carotid artery,” “how to incapacitate or kill someone,” and general searches for choking and hanging. Bianca's murder has sparked outrage, not only against her killer, but also the social media giants who allowed her images to be shared and kept up for days. Despite Instagram blacklisting the hashtag #yesjuliet, and adding the images to a “digital fingerprint database,” copies of the image continued to be shared, and in some cases, users who reported the images were told that they “did not violate community standards.”

According to Kim, the images could still be found on Facebook as late as September. According to Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, whose research focuses on digital forensics and image analysis, Instagram and other companies had the tools to stop the spread of the images online, and that their failure to do so bordered criminal.

Hopeful social media influencers took advantage of Bianca's murder. Their actions varied from changing their profile picture to be one of hers, to promising her “death” pics for follows. Illegitimate fundraising sites popped up, seeking donations, only to take the money and run.

In the aftermath, the media used Bianca's case to push the narrative of the dangers of meeting people online. Kim has criticized this idea. Meeting Clark online wasn't the issue. It wasn't Bianca's social media influence that drove him to kill, it was much deeper than that. While in jail, he wrote a letter to a friend, in which he “bragged” about his actions and explained, “he couldn't handle the thought of her walking out of his life.”

On July 29, 2019, Clark pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. While in prison, he received another charge, promoting prison contraband, after corrections officers found a toothbrush in his cell that he had sharpened into a shiv.

On February 10, 2020, Clark changed his plea to guilty. Four days later, the video he had recorded of him killing Bianca, was announced to the public. The existence of the video damaged his claims of blacking out and forgetting the details of her death. Sentencing was scheduled to take place on April 7 but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, he made the decision to withdraw his guilty plea, claiming his attorney had failed him. His request was denied, due to his admission of guilt.

On March 16, 2021, Brandon Andrew Clark was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Since then, Kim and attorney, Anthony Brindisi called for increased monitoring of social media. In response, Instagram allowed users to block private messages from strangers. The social media giant promised to share the results of an audit, however as far as we are aware, results have yet to be shared. Brindisi has requested the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the case for full accountability.

On September 21, 2020, The Devins family along with Brindisi, introduced “Bianca's Law.” This legislation would require all social media platforms with more than $10 million in revenue and over 100,000 monthly users, to establish an office dedicated to identifying and removing violent content that violates the platforms moderation standards


I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and welcome you to follow me. Every day, I make a post. The time has come to sign myself off now.

(This is indeed a Portrait of me.)


In 2012, a video surfaced depicting the abuse of two detainees in a jail in Salta, north Argentina. It shows a skinny, handcuffed guy standing in a prison yard only in his underwear, while the weather appears to be cold and rainy (autumn). He has a plastic bag pulled over his head, and after a while, the guard twists it around, starting to choke the guy. He falls down and twitches around, panting when the bag is removed. Another guy in the background is kneeling only in shorts and is splashed with water repeatedly. It sparked an outrage in the media. A few years later, five police officers were sentenced to 10 to 12 years. The sixth one got 3 years for not reporting the incident. Reportedly, it was an outstanding sentence - not because of its length (the prosecution wanted 15 years at first), but 'for considering a torture to be torture'.

First, the video.

Now, map and the police station itself. Google Street View is from May 2014. Today, it looks the same, but uglier and the trees were cut down.

The incident happened in the 11th police station (Comisaría 11. in General Güemes, in Salta province (north Argentina). The exact date is unknown, although it ranges from September to November 2011. The video surfaced in July 2012, receiving wide media attention. Argentinian human rights activists claimed that torture, mistreatment and bad conditions are a 'persistent' problem in detention centers, police stations, children's boarding schools and psychiatric institutions. The Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) registered 155 cases of torture and ill-treatment between June and August 2011, of which nearly 6 out of 10 were not reported to the authorities. CESL also reported that a reform of the penitentiary system is needed, as well as the efficient job of torture prevention. Argentina passed legislation in 2012 to set up its own National Preventive Mechanism committee.

The young men in the video from Salta were not identified, at least publicly. It was first uploaded on the unprecized website, and the topic was picked up by the main Argentinian online newspapers, like Clarín and La Nación. After the publication of this video, six police officers were arrested. They were from División Drogas Peligrosas de General Güemes (literally the Dangerous Drugs Division of General Güemes). According to the local newspaper, El Tribuno de Salta, it wasn't the first time a similar case surfaced. The previous weekend of this news' publication, a 17 yo guy reported that he was detained without a valid reason and went through a sexual assault attempt.

The footage was taken by the police officer, Roberto Augusto Barrionuevo. The courtyard was considered a 'blind spot', from which nothing could be easily seen or heard. It wasn't visible from the outside of the police station or through the office windows. There was around 10 police officers per shift, so it was quite weird to think that half of them was 'missing' and that nobody knew about the torture 'blind spot', though. Four of the officers were Marcos Gordillo, Héctor Ramírez, Leonardo Serrano and Matías Cruz.

The video was uploaded to the internet by Barrionuevo, after an argument over money between Gordillo (the officer who was the most visible in the recording), and another named Arias, Barrionuevo's cousin. The uploading was a 'revenge'.

On 4th of April 2016, the six police officers involved were sentenced. The prosecution demanded 15 years. Five men received 10 to 12 years, and the sixth one - 3 years, for not reporting the incident. The sentence was given by three judges, Carolina Sanguedol, Mónica Mukdsi and Martín Pérez. This ruling was an exceptional one, not only because of the high sentences, but also because it took torture seriously - as it should. It should have encouraged the authorities to take action ASAP and not wait for the case to become public after some disagreement.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:


On 18th of February 2015 (Wednesday), a man was found dead in Bang Lamung district, in the Pattaya area (Thailand). Police was called around 10 PM. The body was seen in the compound of the Zire Wongamat Condominium on Na Klua 18 Road in Na Klua sub-district. The man lived in a room 3611 C 3 in the adjacent Sky Beach Condominium, on 36th floor.

Pattaya is located south-east from Bangkok. Next to the map is the same place you can see in the video thumbnail, but on Google Street View.

The victim was John David Knotts, a 49 yo man from Gateshead (Ireland). He lived in the apartment with his 47 yo Thai partner, Kanlaya James Napier. The couple has been meeting for two years, another source says for one year.

[...] the pair had been out celebrating the Chinese new year.

When they returned home from their night out the man reportedly became distressed after reading an email.

Thai media reports said that the email informed him that his property back in Ireland was being repossessed.

His girlfriend went to get a security guard and when they returned, they discovered the man standing on the balcony railing.

It is understood that the man was there for some time before he plunged to his death.

This is oversimplified. In the Thai news source, it was mentioned that the couple was drinking alcohol during the celebrations. And that the distressing email about the government seizing his property caused Knotts to be aggressive. He punched his partner, and that's why she reported him to the security guard. The woman reportedly had a swollen face. The security guard entered the room, hoping to discuss the problem after inviting the man downstairs. The man was standing on the balcony and smoking. However, the future deceased climbed the railing and jumped. Police found his girlfriend crying and with a swollen forehead (or face).

Photos from the scene:

Knotts wasn't living in Thailand but visiting it on regular, a few times per year (up to 5). Even though he was living on the benefits, every spare money were saved up for the trips to Thailand. According to his partner, he wanted to stay there one day and was, in general, a romantic guy.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride: (repetitive info, but has another photo)

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