nyecwosis of the testicles

the man was hwospitalized with life-threatenying nyecwosis on his testicles. they were black in cwowwor and cwompwetewy bwoated due two bacteria that pwoduce gases during the wotting pwocess.

the surgicwl pwocess cwonsisted in the remwovwl of pus and nyecwotic tissue. dwoctwors twied two save his bawws by placing them in his thighs lmao.

nyecwosis like this can be caused by diabetes in addition two other things such as snyake bites.

alswo blame the retard @Repost_Killing_Bot fwor giving mwe the owoify award and making mwe talk like this

Reported by:
Skater breaks both legs


Steroids induced junkie

CHILD WARNING Dude mag dumped while chatting with friends in a shop (aftermath included)

Paraty, RJ, Brazil - Jun 26, 2024

Hooded criminals got out of a car and shot at least 18 times. Crime happened in the Patitiba neighborhood.

A 32-year-old man was shot dead and a 15-year-old teenager was shot this Wednesday morning (26) in Paraty (RJ) .

The crime took place on Rua Dr Derli Elena, in the Patitiba neighborhood, on the sidewalk of an electronics store, around 11am. Images from security cameras provided by the Civil Police show the moment when two hooded criminals get out of a car and start shooting.

The victims were at the door of the store when the shooting began. In the video, it is possible to see that the teenager lies on the sidewalk, while the man runs into the establishment.

At a certain point, one of the bandits searches for the man and pushes him onto the sidewalk. The criminals then shoot at least 18 times at the victims.

The man was rescued and taken to Hugo Miranda Municipal Hospital, but he did not survive his injuries and died in the unit.

The teenager was also taken to the same hospital. According to the Civil Police, he is hospitalized in serious condition .

The case was registered at the Paraty police station and is being investigated. Until the publication of this report, no suspect had been arrested.

"The Military Police are, together with the Civil Police, to provide a quick response to society in elucidating this crime", informed Lieutenant Colonel Alves, commander of the 2nd Independent Company of the Military Police.


>I'm from Nairobi, Kenya, and as a member of WPD I felt like I had to educate y'all on this one.


>So recently there has been an uproar of youth in Nairobi, Kenya who hit the streets to protest against against an oppressive finance bill that was likely to be passed in parliament.


>However, in the midst of the chaos, there has been a long list of injustices committed against the citizens who had come out in large numbers to protest. Kenyan police have fired tear gas to disperse protesters in the capital, Nairobi, who have turned up to express their anger against the government and mourn people killed in earlier protests. Human rights groups say at least 23 people have died in the violence and clashes surrounding the protests. Another 300 people have been treated and discharged from hospital.

>The government has said it needs the money to meet its obligations of repaying foreign debts while also executing its ambitious development plans driven by infrastructure development. (this is total BS, no development ever happens here, just stealing of public funds and grabbing of public land)

>The angry protesters had mobilized on social media platforms like X and TikTok prior to the protests. The members of parliament were responsible for voting the bill into law, so this resulted in the government buildings such as the Kenyan parliament being set ablaze.

>This has all happened in the past week.

>As a Kenyan living in Kenya at the moment, I can confirm that the number of casualties reported is clearly false. Many more people were shot dead by the police, who have been in the higher government's payroll pretty much since the riots began.

>It's worth mentioning that the person responsible for all of this is this vile, power hungry tyrant president named William Ruto, who came into power about 2 years ago. It's still unclear to me how he was able to though, since he has a long wrap sheet of crimes against humanity, corruption and many others. He's even suspected to be responsible for the killing of his lawyer who represented him in International Court a few years back, who died 2 weeks after his inauguration. Watch this video

>dude is so fckn ugly he makes me work twice as hard so I can leave this god forsaken country lol.

>him in international criminal court for crimes against humanity/ mass murder

>I guess the reason I decided to post this effortpost is to spread the message. Some of y'all might have seen it in international news if you watch it, but this is posted from a firsthand source. Shit is fucked up over here.

>TL;DR: Some regular run-of-the-mill East-african genocide BS, hakuna matata.

will be answering questions in the comments

CHILD WARNING Three infants sent flying ten meters away by speeding dude, thanks to the dumbass dad. [Lesnoy, Russia. 07.26.2015]

In Lesny, a young driver ran over a man with a stroller

The accident happened yesterday in a small closed town in the Sverdlovsk region. A 20-year-old young man driving a Volkswagen car hit a man who was carrying a stroller with two two-year-old children across the road and was holding the hand of a three-year-old child. From the impact, the children flew out of the stroller ten meters. All of them were taken to intensive care with severe injuries. The man in the accident was not injured.

The man who hit the children in Lesny, exceeded the speed limit

The video recorder in the car shows that the pedestrian himself rushed in front of the foreign car.

  • The car owner, instead of slowing down, began to accelerate, - reported in the OGIBDDD in the Sverdlovsk region. - And after the accident, when everyone rushed to the injured children, he began to inspect the damage on the car.

The exact causes of the accident will be established by investigators. The case was taken under special control by the regional traffic police department.

CHILD WARNING Tik tok challenge, end's up getting ran over

CHILD WARNING Drifting joyride with 2-year old ends in a heart-wrenching way. [Ankara, Turkey. 06.01.2023]

In Ankara's Kahramankazan district, cell phone footage of the accident in which Furkan Çağrı Özer (13) was killed and the 17-year-old driver and 2 children were injured in a car that hit an electricity pole emerged.

On June 1, in an accident on Ahi Evran Street in Kayı Neighborhood, a car with the license plate 06 FG 3650 driven by A.A. hit a concrete power pole on the roadside.

Furkan Çağrı Özer lost his life in the accident, driver A.A., M.S. (15) and the driver's 2-year-old sister A.A. were injured. While the injured were discharged after their treatment at the hospital, the body of 8th grade student Furkan Çağrı Özer was buried in Kahramankazan.

After the incident, cell phone footage of the moment of the accident emerged. The footage showed A.A. and his friend swerving left and right and then hitting a pole.


On August 28, 2022, a gunman "Ethan Miller" Shot and killed two people and injured two others at a Safeway supermarket in Bend, Oregon. He then committed suicide when police entered the building.


Born October 31, 2001, Miller lived in the nearby Fox Hollow apartment building with his mother and his younger brother. Miller attended and graduated at Mountain View High School, according to a former classmate of Mountain View High, Miller would often get into trouble at school and 'Picked on" other students. Miller would describe his high school experiences much differently, saying that he had "No Good Memories About That School" in one of his writings, however giving no reason or story as to why.

At some point Miller's mental health started to decline and he started to become infatuated by the Columbine shooting, he purchased several firearm's and began to write a journal titled "The Downward Spiral of Ethan Miller" over the course of a month. In the journal he blames society for "creating him" and claims that he wanted to murder people due to isolation, loneliness, feuds with his family and frustrations at being unable to find a girlfriend.

Miller planned to attacking his former high school, Mountain View High School on September 8 2022. However he did not go through with this as he "couldn't wait long enough for the high school to reopen" He would also write posts on Wattpad talking about his thoughts and emotions.

(Miller's Wattpad account)

During this time he would also upload videos of him shooting guns, edits and photos on YouTube and Instagram.


On August 28, 2022, Miller would post a journal on Wattpad titled "Goodbye"

He then presumably loads and equips his weapons. A Radical Firearms RF-15 rifle and a Stevens Model 320 shotgun. At some point Miller Puts two molotov cocktails and a sawed-off shotgun in the trunk of his 1997 Ford F-250.

The Shooting

At 7:03 pm Miller then leaves his apartment and walks outside to his truck, for some unknown reason Miller fires three times into his truck and then walks away.

  • (Map of the shooters movement)

at 7:04 pm Miller began to fire into the Costco parking lot as he was walking to the forum shopping center. Once he had reached the parking lot of the Forum shopping center at 7:06 pm he fires into the Big Lots store adjacent to Safeway. After this he can be seen on CCTV walking right by the big lots store heading towards the Safeway supermarket.

At 7:07 pm he reaches the Safeway and fires through the front doors and enters the building.

As he enters the building in he discards his empty magazine and inserts a new one. After reloading his weapon he spots and fires at Glenn Bennett fatally wounding him.

He then begins to aimlessly roam around the store moving through aisles and shooting at random objects, he then reloads his weapon another time and fiddles around with his equipment for a brief moment. Miller then encounters another person and walks toward them as they stumble away, Miller throws something to his left and presumably talks to the man for a moment, he then quickly raises his rifle and fires off to the right missing the man as he plays dead.

Miller then begins to walk down the frozen meat section wildly firing at the displays and freezers, however up ahead of him is Donald Surrett Jr who was hiding behind a produce cart with a knife. Once Miller approaches the produce cart Surrett jumps and stabs him with the knife and attempts to disarm Miller causing Miller to drop his shotgun. Unfortunately Miller manages to overpower Surrett and kills him, he then drops his rifle and picks his shotgun back up and shoots Surrett with it.

He then begins to walk down the fruit section and racks his shotgun, however immediately after doing so Miller hears police enter the store and quickly ducks down and lays on the fruit display, putting the barrel of the shotgun in his mouth. At 7:08 he then pulls the trigger killing himself, police then rush to the gunshot only to find Miller dead and the body of Surrett nearby.


The shooting lasted 5 minutes and killed 1 and injured 2, Bennett would later die in hospital raising the total to 2 killed and 2 injured.

After the shooting the families of Bennett and Surrett would both start a gofundme. Bennett would raise 58,651$ and Surrett would raise 128,984$ for a total of 187,635$ together.

The gofundme for Bennett is still available if you would like to donate



meme compilation

aint mine, found ts in 2022 😭🙏


Uploaded to TheYNC on January 11, 2008, but occured before 2006.

The clip is a part of a documentary or a news report. The man in the video says, that the shooter was a "Milošević supporter".

Do you have any backstory to this video? Have you obtained version in better quality, without watermark or any longer? Feel free to share it, I'll pay you in coins!




Second angle


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