
pictures from japan


Indore:A yoga event in Indore witnessed heart-rending scenes on Friday when a retired soldier collapsed on stage, clutching the Indian flag, while delivering an enthusiastic performance on a patriotic song. Assuming that the fall was part of the act, the audience continued to clap for over a minute before one of the organisers realised that something had gone horribly wrong.

The retired soldier, Balwinder Singh Chhabra, had suffered a heart attack and he died on the spot.

A video shows Chhabra dancing to the song 'Maa Tujhe Salaam' at a free yoga camp organised by a group called the Aastha Yoga Kranti Abhiyan at Agrasen Dham in the city's Futi Kothi area. In the four-minute clip, the soldier can be seen dancing to the song, waving the Tricolour on occasion and even getting off the stage and encouraging the audience to clap along.

Around 3 minutes into the performance, he is seen swaying on the stage and then collapsing, still holding on to the Tricolour. One of the organisers picks up the flag and continues to wave it as the soldier lies on the stage and the audience continues clapping, waiting for him to get up. This goes on for over a minute before the person waving the flag realises something is wrong, walks up to Chhabra and checks on him.

An organiser, RK Jain, said the retired soldier had undergone a bypass surgery in 2008.


Yuka takaoka: the real life yandere and the epitome of pretty privilege.

Who is she?

Yuka Takaoka (高岡由佳) is a Japanese woman born on January 28th, 1998 (making her 26 years old as of now) and a former host at a hostess club (it's a type of night club found primarily in Japan which employs primarily female staff and caters to men seeking drinks and attentive conversation, basically a sfw strip club.) Not much is known about Yuka Takaoka's early life, besides that she was born an only child and, after dropping out of university to pursue a career in hosting, in where she met her (formal) boyfriend In October 2018, by the name of Yuka Takaoka or Phoenix luna (his host name, as he is also working in the host club industry.)

the crime:

On May 23, 2019, Takaoka was looking at Luna's cell phone whilst he was in the bathroom, and came across photos of Luna with other women at the nightclub, which she interpreted to be photos of Luna being intimate with other women. That night, Takaoka waited until approximately 3:50 AM to ensure Luna was fully asleep, and thrusted a kitchen knife into Luna's abdomen. Luna then quickly pushed Takaoka away, and ran towards the elevator before falling unconscious.

She then took a bloodied Luna to the lobby of their residence. In a now-infamous photo, Takaoka is shown sitting on the floor of the residence lobby next to Luna's nude, unconscious body and ignoring officers arriving at the scene, with her legs covered in Luna's blood while smoking a cigarette.

Takaoka said:

“Since I loved him so much, I just couldn't help it.”

“After killing him, I, too, wanted to die.”

The arrest:

Takaoka was tried for the attempted murder of Luna in December 2019. She was found guilty on December 3, 2019, with Takaoka sobbing as the verdict was read. The prosecution sought a prison term of five years. On December 5, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison, with the judge calling Takaoka's crime "selfish" and that she had a "strong intent to kill." Luna stated that he did not hold a grudge against Takaoka, stating, "If possible, I want people to be able to lead a normal life rather than paying for their sins." Before the trial, Luna had settled a lawsuit out-of-court against Takaoka for ¥5,000,000 (about US$39,271), some people (simps) said that she should get out of jail and was too "pretty" for any of this.


Takaoka was released from prison at an unknown date and as of 2023 is livestreaming games and posting cosplay photos.




CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The Murder of Gabriel Fernandez


Gabriel Daniel Fernandez was born on February 20, 2005 to Arnold Contreras and Pearl Fernandez.

After the birth, Gabriel was placed in the care of his grandfather Michael Lemos Carranza and his partner David Martinez.

He lived with them for four years until his grandfather took him in in 2009 because he was against Michael and David's same-sex relationship.

But in 2012, Gabriel's place of residence changed again: his mother Pearl Fernandez and her then-boyfriend Isauro Aguirre took custody of Gabriel, despite the whole family discussing it.

>Abuse, Torture & Murder:

It had only been eight months since he had been home, but a lot had happened during that time. Gabriel Fernandez was abused and tortured by his mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre.

This included beatings that usually caused broken bones, being forced to eat cat litter and feces, his own vomit or expired food, being burned with cigarettes and other things, being shot at his small body with an air rifle, being sprayed with pepper spray, being tied up in a closet to sleep, and having his teeth knocked out with a baseball bat.

Gabriel's siblings said that his mother and her boyfriend laughed and were very happy about it. The motivation behind Gabriel's abuse of Isauro Aguirre was because he thought Gabriel was gay.

On May 22, 2013, Pearl Fernandez called emergency services to report that her child had stopped breathing. Gabriel was beaten again severely when he forgot to put his toys away. This time, unfortunately, it ended fatally for the little boy.

The rescue workers arrived to a disturbing scene. Gabriel was lying naked on the ground with several injuries. Before the rescue workers wanted to take him away, Isauro Aguirre told them that Gabriel Fernandez was gay.

Paramedics took the boy to the hospital, where the doctors declared him brain dead. Two days later, Gabriel Fernandez died at the age of eight. The autopsy found blunt force trauma with neglect and malnutrition.

>Trial and Conviction:

A day after Pearl Fernandez called emergency services, she and Isauro Aguirre were arrested. Pearl was charged with child endangerment and Isauro with attempted murder.

But when Gabriel died, both were also charged with murder with special circumstances of torture. Prosecutors sought the death penalty for both.

On February 15, 2018, Pearl Fernandez took a deal to avoid the death penalty. She was found guilty and received a life sentence without supervised parole.

In court, she said: "I want to say that I am sorry for what happened. I wish Gabriel were alive. Every day I wish I had made better choices. I am sorry for my children and I want them to know that I love them."

>[Pearl Fernandez]:

[Pearl Sinthia was born to Sandra and Robert in 1983. Her father spent most of her childhood in prison and her mother often beat her. When Pearl was nine, she began using methamphetamine and alcohol.

She dropped out of school and suffered sexual abuse from both her uncle and other men. Pearl was hospitalized several times for suicidal thoughts.

She had four children with Arnold Contreras, including Gabriel. When Gabriel was born, she left the him alone hospital just three days after her birth. In 2012, Pearl regained custody.

She claimed that her roommate Isauro Aguirre was abusing her, but Elizabeth Carranza testified that Pearl Fernandez was abusing and manipulating Isauro Aguirre. Pearl was also accused of threatening Arnold Contreras with a knife.

After Gabriel's death, Pearl Fernandez took opioid drugs such as oxycodone and Norco. Pearl Fernandez was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, developmental disorders, and personality disorders.

In a cognitive test in 2011, she had the language comprehension of a second-grader.]

Isauro Aguirre pleaded not guilty to all charges. Jury selection for the case began in September 2017. Jurors were not questioned and it was reported that the trial could last up to six weeks.

At the trial, they were also told that the victim suffered "horrific internal and external injuries."

The jury consisted of 7 women and 5 men. Earlier in the trial, jurors heard accounts of the severe torture Gabriel Fernández endured in the months leading up to his death sentence.

Prosecutor John Khatami called Aguirre "pure evil" and argued that he should be given the death penalty "even if it doesn't match what he did to Gabriel."

Attorney John Alan argued that Aguirre had been a "nice" and "loving" person when he worked at headquarters and had no criminal record prior to meeting Pearl Fernandez.

The jury began deliberating on November 14, 2017, and continued until the next afternoon. In the end, the jury found the accused, Isauro Aguirre, guilty of murder and torture. He was sentenced to death.

>Social Workers & Signs:

There were four social workers responsible for Gabriel Fernandez and they have now been accused of neglecting Gabriel. Apparently they also forged and made documents disappear.

Gabriel's class teacher, Jennifer Garcia, was the first to contact the child protection hotline in 2012 and 2013 because he asked her questions about whippings. The case was referred to social worker Stephanie Rodriguez.

Then his class teacher noticed further signs of abuse when Gabriel came to school with a thick lip and bald head. Jennifer Garcia called the child protection hotline several times, but was repeatedly pushed away and ignored.

There was never a medical examination and no one spoke to Gabriel personally, only to Pearl Fernandez. It was enough evidence to remove Gabriel from his mother's care and place him in a children's home.

All four social workers were charged with two counts, child abuse and falsification of evidence. All charges were dropped in 2020 because the judge felt that failing to perform their duties and removing Fernandez from the care of his tormentors did not constitute criminal liability for child abuse.

Before his death, Gabriel Fernandez disclosed his injuries and told about the abuse to his caregivers, family members and teachers, and many reported the abuse to social services, to no avail.

Once, when Gabriel was being beaten with a metal belt, he asked his homeroom teacher, Jennifer Garcia, if it was normal to bleed during punishment. Garcia called Stefanie Rodriguez, who said she knew about it.

After several such anomalies, Garcia called Stefanie Rodriguez again to report everything. When Gabriel missed thirteen days of school and then returned, he looked even worse than usual.

Jennifer Garcia repeatedly called Rodriguez, but her call went unanswered. Elizabeth Carranza, Gabriel's aunt, even called the police to report how Gabriel was doing.

However, no real attempts were made to help Gabriel Fernandez.

Thank you all for your support 🩷



horrible way to die lol







Revolver - a short multi-shot firearm (repeating, semi-automatic revolver designs are very rare), in which the function of a non-replaceable magazine (magazine) is performed by a rotating drum with several cartridge chambers. Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was a maximum of five chambers, then a six-round drum was introduced in most models. The first model of this weapon was constructed in 1831 and then patented on December 18, 1835 by Samuel Colt

silly comp 🐶✨

Like for part 2


Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, mostly known as El Mencho was born on July 17, 1966 in Aguililla, Michoacán Mexico. He is the leader of the CJNG also called the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. One of the most feared and powerful cartel in Mexico.


He was born in a poor family of 5 siblings and he stopped going to school when he was 14 years old. His family was in the avocado business, so he decided to help out his family by working in the fields. He soon realized that there was little money working in the avocado fields, and started guarding marihuana fields for local drug dealers. About 5 years later when he was 19 years old, he decided to immigrate to America with some of his family in the hopes of making it big in the criminal underworld. He moved to San Francisco and was arrested for the first time for trying to sell meth.

Mugshot of El Mencho in 1986.

3 years later El Mencho was arrested again for selling drugs.

Mugshot of El Mencho in 1989.

He was deported back to Mexico after this arrest, but he returned and was arrested once again in 1992 with his brother Abraham. They were setup by undercover agents while trying to do a drug deal, and both Abraham and El Mencho were arrested. His brother Abraham had a criminal record and to stop his brother from going to prison for life, El Mencho pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He was released 3 years later on parole and was deported back to Mexico. When he returned to Mexico he tried to live straight and even became a police officer in Jalisco, but he slowly started to return back to the cartel world. A few years later he stopped being a police officer and started working for the Milenio Cartel. He married a sister of one the Milenio Cartels leader, Rosalinda González Valencia to increase his position in the cartel. He worked for the Milenio cartel for years, but most of the leaders were either killed or arrested, which cleared the way for El Mencho to take control of the organization.


The CJNG cartel started around 2010 with El Mencho as their leader. Video of CJNG members showing their weapons and gears.

El Mencho and his CJNG cartel started taking over Guadalajara, Jalisco state first. Fighting the Los Zetas and the Knights Templars Cartel and attacking many law enforcement and goverment officials. Not only rival cartels, but also countless citizens, police officers, soldiers, journalists and even judges have lost their lives. Even tiktokers became their target for messing with them. Video of 5 times tiktokers messed with the CJNG cartel.

In 2015 the CJNG shot down an army helicopter killing 6 soldiers.

It is speculated that the reason why they shot the army helicopter was because they were following a CJNG helicopter where El Mencho himself was in.


CJNG is in to many criminal activities such as kidnapping, money laundering, extortion, but are making most of their money by selling cocaine and methamphetamie. According to the reports they have dozens maybe more then 100 laboratories in Mexico where they produce these drugs. They do business in Mexico, America, Africa and in Asia, but they don't kill people in other parts of the world like they do in Mexico. The CJNG is the second most powerful cartel in Mexico after the Sinaloa cartel, but are known as the most brutal cartel in Mexico. They kill their enemies in the most brutal ways and film it to spread fear in to everyone that dares to cross them.

4 videos of CJNG members killing their rivals in brutal ways.

Although his methods are brutal, El Mencho is still different from other cartel bosses, because he truly operates behind the shadows. He is never seen in public and there is no online video footage of him. He is sometimes called the ghost. There are only a few pictures and one voice recording where he calls a police officer and threatens him for disturbing his operations.

The CJNG cartel is so powerful that even the police are afraid of them. A lot of people blame the police for being corrupt, but the fact of the matter is that they don't have a choice. If they don't do as they are being told they die. Not only the ones that don't listen and get in their way, but most likely their families too, just to set an example to not get in their way. Also Mexican police officers are not allowed to carry firearms off duty. So there is no way to defend them selves.

Wanted Poster Of El Mencho.

El Mencho is the most wanted man in Mexico and one of the most wanted men in America. He is wanted for drug trafficking, organized crime involvement, and undocumented possession of firearms. In 2020 word started spreading around that El Mencho was suffering from kidney disease and that he had build a hospital for him self in Jalisco to treat it.

El Mencho's wife, Rosalinda González Valencia.

She was arrested on November 2021 on money laundering charges. She was also involved in the drug business and was chief of the CJNG's financial operations. She is still in prison and according to the reports her health is not in good condition.

Picture of El Mencho with his children.

In 2022 it was reported that El Mencho might have died in his private medical facility, but as of 2024 no official confirmation has been made of his death. CJNG cartel is still active and their assets are thought to be worth over $50 billion and El Mencho is a billionair. Thanks for reading👍 Hope you enjoyed it. I will end it with a documentary about the CJNG and El Mencho.

Workers fall from a window cleaning gondola after getting caught in a sandstorm - Iran (Description Included)

Two workers working in a construction site in Urumiye, Iran, fell victim to the storm on the elevator scaffolding they were on. Two workers lost their lives after falling from the scaffolding, which was blown left and right by the strong wind and storm. Following the accident, Bager Behrami, Head of West Azerbaijan Emergency Management Center, said, "Unfortunately, two construction workers working at height died due to strong winds at noon."

Stating that the first worker who fell died at the scene, Behrami said, "One of the workers died at the scene and the other died in the hospital where he was taken despite all the interventions of the medical teams."


Second Video:

The Unwatermarked Version:

Numerous sicarios for José Alfredo Hurtado Olascoaga aka "El Fresa," a leader for the Familia Michoacana in Mexico's Tierra Caliente region, find themselves surrounding a captured enemy.

El Fresa:marseyjelly::

The following video was reported on April 2, 2023. A twitter profile called Elblogdelosguachos dedicated to uploading several videos, confrontation between hitmen in a short description wrote the following in a tweet "The sicarios from fresa (FM) takes out the guts of surrendering opponents"

The Video Was Allegedly Recorded In Guerrero, Mexico:marseyflagmexico:

First Clip:marseyzombie::

In the short but brutal 22 second video, a man can be seen on some unknown forest area, the victim was lying on the ground in military clothing, his hands tied up and surrounded by several heavily armed men, one of whom stepped on the victim's feet so he did not move it while the executioner lifted the man's shirt and with a large knife plunged it into the man's stomach with one blow starting from a horizontal cut, the victim twists and tries to bend himself but the subject others hold his neck and his head so that he didn't and the other two subjects tried to kick him so that he was facing towards above, while another subject shouts "make him suffer"

Amidst the laughter of another subject, the executioner after cutting with his own hands began to remove the intestines or rather the intestines are spread across the ground in this way the video ends.

Second Clip:marseybeheading::

in a short 29 second clip that shows an unclear video of the victim covered in blood and his throat slit, and also the video is accompanied by music. The video doesn't look clear because the fucking stupid cameraman is recording, the victim can be seen having his intestines cut and being played with the others.

Many FM's sicarios can be seen in this clip, they all surround the victim who is on the ground, stomping on him several times and holding him on his video, In this way the video ends.

The identity of the victim is unknown because the tweet was only mentions that he is an opponent, so it could refer to a criminal gang

2023 - Mexico

Enjoy My Posts!:marseymariachi:

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