
Trying to block the road. What could go wrong?

[Police-BodyCam] Man Used Small Child He Kidnapped As Human Shield

A 27-year-old Palm Coast resident faces charges of kidnapping and using a minor as a human shield after he abducted a small child while armed with a gun and led deputies on a chase which ended in a standoff at a fast food restaurant’s parking lot. The child was not hurt and was quickly reunited with his mother. He was arrested and charged with kidnapping, using a minor as a shield, resisting with violence, child neglect, fleeing and eluding and reckless driving.


Videos sources

Hey guys I've been wondering where can I find more videos :evilgrin:

I already use 3 sites (seegore; deadhouse; kaotic) but that's not enough :die:

Some of videos are repeating and/or have bad quality :frown:

As you know I'm trying to make a compilation so if you can give me links to sites with:

  1. Street fights

  2. Medical videos

  3. Brutal accidents

I would be really thankful :shmoopy:

We have Updated hosts!

After the fiasco two days ago The devs decided, "Fuck our Old Host and lets move to a New Host!"

So now we have a new host overlord that hopefully wont fuck us in the ass this time, Continue posting gore as usual and shit, We aren't going anywhere yall, Peace

Hilarious Roof-Top Police Persecution In Brazil :marseydicklet:


Why Can't Women Get Along

Nitrogen drum explosion leaves 18 injured

Chemical experiment gone wrong :marseymushroomcloud:

More info here:


HAPPY Spook-Tober WPD!


Hello WPD!!! I hope you're all doing well! :#marseyfluffy: It's October (Spook-Tober) First and you know what that means!



What do I have planned this month for community stuff?

Well this month since it's SPOOKY:marseyohno: I have decided to write.... A HORROR STORY! But... not just any horror story. A WPD THEMED ONE!

"Huh how you do that?"

Glad you asked! Anyone who LIKES this post will be entered. Yeah that's it simple as that. Like and you'll get entered!----More details: It'll be a horror story due by Oct 31st, the exact type of horror isn't clear yet but I plan to make it scary or at least funny and scary! You will have 2 weeks:marseydarkmarsey2: to like the post and I will spend 1-1.5 weeks writing and maybe coming up with art for it!
Now some might be skeptical like, "why are you doing this?". I won't lie. I love doing community events since we always need more user engagement<3 But I do have another reason for doing this... My goal is to buy EVERY SINGLE :#marseymati:HAT IN THE SHOP! Crazy? Yes, funny? Also yes... But that leads me onto my next section-

I need your help guys!

Yes, I need YOUR guys help! I promised daddy snek that I would make 50 hats a month till 250 for that sweet sweet badge! But... I run out of ideas fast lmao. So here's part 2 TO THIS MONTHS USER ACTIVITY! Ever wanted a hat in the shop but it wasn't there? Well no need to fear my sweet babies<3. Papa CDM will make you that hat if you ask! FREE OF CHARGE!!!! You get your hat in the shop(as well as a name mention in it) and I just get the part saying I made the hat! it's a win win! The only extra thing I get is 50 coins whenever someone buys it (rdrama only not here) so if you need those coins over there just ask!!! So please if you need or want a hat just comment as many ideas as you can down below!

Lastly... What videos should you guys post this month? Well obviously SPOOKY, GOREY, AMAZING ONES:marseyfacepeel:

Yep WPD I want you guys to post the GORIEST, SPOOKIEST, MOST BATSHIT DOWNRIGHT HORRIBLE GORE VIDEOS! Because it's spook-tober! People in costumes getting killed or killing? OFC! People wearing clowmasks and robbing banks? :doot: HELL YEAH! ANYTHING GOES IN SPOOKY MONTH BABY!:!doot:

Final Notes For WPD:#marseylove:

I just want to thank everyone for these last couple months <3 They've definitely made me so happy and seeing all the chill and nice people here warms my heart! I'd like to thank the people in chat for always being there and having a nice chill time with laughs and games. The new members and the old, even the ones that no longer show up I'll never forget you love you all<3. I'd like to thank the discord (YEAH WE HAVE A FUCKING DISCORD! DM FOR DETAILS) for being equally amazing. And ofc I'd love to thank the WPD mod staff for helping keep the site up and nice every day. And Can we have a big thank you to @McCoxmaul for updating and helping with chat! As always WPD Drink Water :#marseyspit:, stay safe, and be nice, We've seen what happens when you piss off the wrong people :#marseywink::#marseyblowkiss: have a great day and month everyone, with great love CDM-


Snowflakes on here

I can't believe this is a gore site where mostly incels who think they're hardcore and cold come to watch people die and suffer yet can't finish an online argument without going to the block button. Like lmao pathetic. I've had 3 ppl block me in the last 2 days. What a bunch of little bitches.

Corpse Dragged Into Van in India

"This happened during the earlier months of 2020 when Covid just hit and people were dying left and right, the hospital morgues were overflowing with bodies. Nobody wanted to touch and deal with the dead because of corona spreading. These bodies were unclaimed and were kept in the morgue but then new batches of dead bodies kept coming everyday and they had to move them out of the morgues. Few of the unclaimed bodies were kept in a garage type place (no ventilation and no AC), just opposite to the cremation ground, (so that their family members would come and sign and claim the body and go straight ahead to the electric burner). Hence, the authorities where waiting for their families to come. But nobody came. Eventually, the corpse got rotten within a day because it was peak summer and India is a hot and humid country. The neighbors started complaining about the smell and the fact that it's so insanitary. The people who are dragging the corpse are professionals, I mean.. they work with dead bodies., they're dragging them with hooks because it's all slippery and also they died due to covid. Few weeks later a huge cremation house was opened in an isolated location where only corona victims were burnt. The whole situation was really terrible. Things were extremely bad that time.. everybody were scared specially because all were half informed about the whole corona thing."

Information by "Geek-Avocado". I can't confirm if it's 100% true.

Project Zomboid

Anyone up to play coop?


Hey guys and gals :marseywink:

As some of you know I'm working on mixtapes, compilations or call it whatever you want :marseysmugretard:

I have some experience with editing (I'm still not good at all) and I've been wondering what editing software should I use :mersya:

Also if you can give me links to sites with sound effects and visual effects I would be grateful :marseydisintegrate:

Thank you


My little project

Hey guys :marseycapychad3:

So I really want to make my own compilation of videos :marseywink:

What are your thoughts and suggestions?

What should the videos be about?

Lots of love


Thank you

Thank you all for supporting me with upvotes :marseyembrace:

I have never thought that I would get even remotely close to 2000 coins (and true score).

But here I am month after I joined and I hope I'll be here for a long time.

Thank you all once again :chadthankskingcapy::chadthanksqueencapy:

"Bad"ass hitman


What Happened to WPD

We were fucked by our old host because we host gore on a gore site lmao, so we had to migrate to a different host so hopefully everything runs smooth sailing from this point and that our current host doesn't fuck us in the ass again.

Thank You Mods and Dev team

Hand stuck in meat grinder

Climbing a tree through rope (Gone wrong)


Being a frequent visitor of this site, seeing my coworkers do shit like this just makes me cringe.

I used to get asked to do shit like this, I just laugh and walk away.

The only thing separating him from being crushed by the cab of this loader is a 2 inch bolt and a thin metal bar. It will happen one day and I promise to take pictures for y’all.

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