Columbine edit with master of puppets playing

Another one


Movie: Nefarious

This movie is very intriguing in terms of what causes a person to kill.

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in demonic subjugation, obsession, or influence?

Let's debate about it in the comments :)


Teenager Fell From Escalator

Joint Special Forces Syrian rebels destroy an SAA camera with a homemade sniper rifle

Targeting a thermal camera of the Assad gang with a DShK sniper in the 46th regiment axis in the countryside of Aleppo

Joint Special Forces group of the Sultan Suleiman Shah and Al-Hamza divisions

I drew marsy/marsey? Again.

I personally absolutely hate mosquitoes.

Mini truck driver runs over a woman


Damon Anthony Alexander Hills is facing up to nine years in prison after he allegedly forced his way into a parked truck before driving the vehicle toward the Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai.

I drew marsy #i forgot how to draw

I got inspiration to draw marsy from @theantichrist_

Well i mean mine doesnt exactly look like marsy but hes cute tho (i have no idea what gender marsy is)

US Supreme Court unanimously chooses not to ban abortion pill - mifepristone

Some anti-abortion groups called the use of the drug mifepristone murder - because "It works by blocking a hormone called progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue." And some activists call a 1 day old fertilized egg a 'person.'

Some anti-choice activists also think the same thing about the IUD, because it prevents a fertilized egg (ovum) from attaching itself to the uterine wall.

And, sadly, there are groups trying to ban ALL contraception. All. Insane. The world already got too dang many people.

Anti-abortion activists pushed this case to the Supreme Court by pushing their lie that mifepristone is not safe.

That is such a lie that this case should have been laughed out of lower courts.

The FACT is, mifepristone is far safer than penicillin, safer than aspirin, and safer than even continuing a pregnancy to term.


The US Supreme Court has unanimously rejected an effort to restrict access to the abortion pill mifepristone.

The decision, which came two years after the court rescinded the nationwide guarantee to an abortion, was welcomed by pro-choice activists.

The justices decided the plaintiffs, a group of anti-abortion doctors and activists, did not have a legal right to sue.

But they left the door open to other attempts to limit the availability of the drug.

Mifepristone is one of two drugs used in a medication abortion, now the most common method of terminating pregnancies in the US.

The plaintiffs, known as the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, had argued that approval for the drug from US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should be withdrawn.

But during arguments on the case in March, several of the court's nine justices sounded sceptical that any of the plaintiffs had suffered harm from the availability of mifepristone - which is necessary to have the legal standing to sue.

"The plaintiffs have sincere legal, moral, ideological objections to elective abortion and to FDA's relaxed regulation," wrote Justice Brett Kavanaugh for the court, "but they failed to demonstrate" any actual injury.

"A plaintiff's desire to make a drug less available for others does not establish standing to sue," he also wrote.

The top court overturned Roe v Wade, effectively rescinding a federal right to abortion, in June 2022. Since then, 21 states have moved to restrict abortion earlier in pregnancy than the standard it had set. Seventeen of those have barred the procedure at six weeks or earlier.

Thursday's ruling has no bearing on these laws - medication abortion remains illegal in states that prohibit abortion. But abortion pills have acted as an effective workaround to the bans, with thousands of pills flowing into restrictive states through the mail.

Pro-choice activists were encouraged that access to abortion pills had been preserved, but warned the Supreme Court's decision was a qualified victory.

At least three states - Missouri, Kansas and Idaho - have also opposed the FDA's approval of the drug in court. The Supreme Court's decision on Thursday does not rule out these future challenges.

"This ruling is not a β€˜win' for abortion, it just maintains the status quo," said Nancy Northup, president of the pro-choice Center for Reproductive Rights in a statement.

"The attacks on abortion pills will not stop here - the anti-abortion movement sees how critical abortion pills are in this post-Roe world."

In a statement, President Joe Biden echoed those comments, saying the ruling "does not change the fact that the fight for reproductive freedom continues".

"The stakes could not be higher for women across America," he said.

Anti-abortion groups criticised the decision. But these groups, too, indicated the fight would continue.

"It is a sad day for all who value women's health and unborn children's lives," said Katie Daniel, state policy director for Susan B Anthony Pro-Life America. "But the fight to stop dangerous mail-order abortion drugs is not over."

Abortion is expected to be a leading issue at the ballot box this autumn.

Since Roe v Wade was overturned, it has posed a problem for some Republicans, caught between a base that opposes the abortion, and a general electorate that broadly supports access to the procedure.


What is the abortion pill mifepristone and is it safe?

Abortion pills are now the most common method of ending a pregnancy in the US, accounting for nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the country.

They have also become the new frontier in the US battle over abortion access.

Much of the fight is focused on mifepristone, one half of the two-pill regimen that makes up the safest and most effective mode of medication abortion.

In June, the Supreme Court blocked an effort to restrict access to the drug.

But the court left the door open to future challenges, meaning it may be in legal limbo again.

Here is a look at mifepristone, what it does and where it is used.

What is mifepristone?

Mifepristone is the first of the two-pill regimen recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to end a pregnancy.

It works by blocking a hormone called progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue. The second drug, misoprostol, empties the uterus. US studies say the two-step medication regime is effective 95% of the time.

The US first approved mifepristone for the medical termination of pregnancy through seven weeks gestation in September 2000. In 2016, its approved use was extended to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Misoprostol has been available by prescription for decades as a treatment for stomach ulcers and to manage postpartum haemorrhaging. Its non-pregnancy related uses are likely why it has not attracted the same controversy as mifepristone.

Meanwhile, mifepristone is also used to treat women who have suffered miscarriages and Cushing syndrome, a hormone-related condition.

According to the FDA, over 3.7 million women used mifepristone in the US between 2000 and 2018.

Is mifepristone safe?

For over 20 years of use, the FDA, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (ACOG) and other mainstream medical organisations have maintained that both mifepristone and misoprostol are safe for use.

US studies say the two-step medication regime is about 95% effective in ending pregnancy and requires further medical follow-up less than 1% of the time.

Increasingly, anti-abortion campaigners have said that abortion medication, which they call "chemical abortion", is risky and ineffective. However, their claims are not supported by leading medical organisations, such as the World Health Organization and the American Medical Association.

According to the FDA, there are five deaths per million users of mifepristone. In comparison, a 2001 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found there were about 20 deaths per million users of penicillin, due to an allergic reaction to the commonly prescribed antibiotic.

Who challenged access?

An umbrella group of anti-abortion doctors and activists known as the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine filed a lawsuit in November 2022, claiming mifepristone was unsafe and that the FDA erred by fast-tracking its approval process, and that it did not adequately consider the safety risks.

The FDA said the process was not rushed, and that it took four years and reviewed many studies with tens of thousands of participants before approving the abortion pill. The FDA did use a part of US drug regulations that was designed to help "fast-track" approval processes, but it said it only used that provision to add further restrictions for safety reasons, such as requiring women to be assessed for the risk of ectopic pregnancies.

The case eventually made its way to the Supreme Court, which heard arguments in March 2024.

Three months later, in June, the justices ruled unanimously that the plaintiffs did not have a legal right to sue - known as standing - because they did not prove mifepristone's availability had caused them harm.

"A plaintiff's desire to make a drug less available for others does not establish standing to sue," wrote Justice Brett Kavanaugh for the court.

Where is it available?

Mifepristone and misoprostol are widely available in states where abortion is legal.

The drugs' availability was expanded in April 2021, when the FDA said it would lift the in-person dispensing requirement for mifepristone for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic. In December of last year, the FDA permanently lifted that requirement, meaning the medication was allowed to be sent by mail.

The decision was applauded by pro-choice advocates. And to some, abortion pills delivered by mail were seen as a workaround for the abortion bans that swept the country after the reversal of Roe v Wade last June.

Access was further expanded in 2022 by another FDA change, which allowed retail pharmacies to dispense out the drug. Previously, only health-care providers were permitted to give out the drug.

guy flung around by vaccum cord in an elevator :lol:

the cord got caught in the door and wrapped around his ankle and when the elevator went up a floor it took him with it, literally


i had to repost the art becausw i forgot to add a couple of things to it . :meow:

Why is the Ronnie mcnutt video not allowed?
Guy gets injured playing with the crane in the sea

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes: Spiderman wannabe gets injured playing with crane in the sea.

Russian Thought He Could Fly



Counselor Shot In Both Legs In Mexico

Two videos were released of the shooting attack suffered by Councilor Gustavo Tenorio Ortega, of the Tulancingo City Council.

In a recording from Independencia Street in the center of Tulancingo, it is shown when two hitmen aboard a motorcycle arrive outside the councilor's office, one gets out and shoots at least four times.

In another video you can see inside the law firm β€œTenorio y Asociados”, when the councilor arrives and opens the curtain of his office, while the hitmen pass by, and they shoot Gustavo Tenorio, you can see that he receives a bullet hit in the Leg.

The attack occurred at approximately 07:30 in the morning on Monday, June 10.

After shooting several times, the hitmen fled in an unknown direction. The councilor survived the attack but was injured in both legs and in the pelvic region. In total he suffered four injuries.

Petosen sheriffi ampuu haulikolla kesken pÀivÀÀ

LΓΆysin youtubest

Med School

Starting Med School this month on the 27th! 8 month program for Medical Billing then ill go on to do Medical Coding.

Just super excited so I wanted to announce it!

Love y'all <3

Buss that fell off a bridge onto railway tracks.

4 people died. I sadly couldnt find any pictures of the people. Anyway this accident happened way back in 2018, in finland kuopio. I posted this because i havent seen anyone post about this.

'Shy little deer'

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