


a big 🖕 to to the so-called reporter, "Talia Jane," who felt it was necessary to not only blur it, but slap her stupid @ on the video as a watermark. thankfully with the power of love and friendship, the uncensored version has found its way onto the internet


That version is actually cropped and this is the uncropped one.

And this is the live Facebook chat during his suicide.

Ronnie Mcnutt's Facebook account:

Ronnie Mcnutt's Twitter account:


18+ 🇺🇦Transcarpathian deputy exploded several grenades during a session meeting, - National Police According to the police, during a session meeting in the building of the Keretskovsky village council of the Mukachevo region, one of the deputies detonated grenades. As a result of the explosion, he himself died, another 26 people were injured, 6 of them in serious condition.

RUS CRIMINAL The most military-criminal channel on Telegram🚨


Description: One Mid-Missouri woman says her 21-year-old son is dead after inhaling a compressed air duster can.

Jerrad “J.B.” Bassett died in a hospital just north of St. Louis this past June.

His mother, who lives in Howard County, says the autopsy report came back and the cause of death was a chemical found in air duster cans. She says her son died within hours of being taken to the emergency room.

The effects of “huffing” can be severe. The Inhalant Abuse Prevention Coalition says inhaled chemicals are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream and travel to the brain and other organs. It says effects on the body happen in just minutes. Those can include dizziness, headaches, pain, spasms, loss of control, hallucinations and more.


CHILD WARNING (Child warning) Two Japanese Girls Jump From A Tall Building On Live (its a well known video - but this version has finally subtitles)

Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Two 16yo Japanese highschool girls, one of them allegedly pregnant, have livestreamed their suicide on 12th of April 2023.

The suicide is said to be related to love affairs where the girls have failed to win the heart of their "senpai" who is a famous Japanese cosplay livestreamer.

Autopsy efforts are on the way to find out the father of the child which died with the 16yo young mother.

The girls (the first girl is 16, she has a Twitter account that is still up, where she posted her final goodbye)

The cosplay livestreamer (

Apparently besides being a cosplay livestreamer he was also a host at a host bar, where he met the girl(s)

Following the suicides, he posted this on Twitter:

My girlfriend committed suicide.

She jumped off a rooftop holding hands with her friend.

She was a listener. We exchanged dm's everyday and I fell in love with her. After a while we started dating and getting to know each other better.

She was dying in her room until she found me on social media. She saw me on video, got inspired, and decided to live again. I was everything to her.

I had been making her feel insecure because I was a host in my activities.

We would sometimes argue, and every time we argued, I would see a side of her that I didn't like.

I told her that I would distance myself from her.

She called me the day before yesterday and said, "I will die if you are gone. I've already come to Tokyo to die. I decided to meet with her in person the next day and convince her that I really needed some time away.

She desperately denied it. I tried to convince her in tears that it was a busy time for her with her birthday festival coming up and that she had a lot of anxiety and it was mentally difficult for her. Gradually she calmed down and agreed. When we parted, she said, "I want to be with you.

She said, "I want to have sex with you.

I refused.

When I learned that she had jumped, I called the police and told them that I wanted to turn myself in. Later, a detective came and told me that I was innocent.

I broke down in tears.

I broke down in tears. I felt really stupid for not being able to stop her from committing suicide right in front of me.

If only I had been able to give her a hug at that time, maybe she would still be alive.

I thought about dying too. However, I just cried and cried and cried again when I remembered her.

To be honest, I wish I could die soon and go to be with her. I don't think she will forgive me. Even so, I want to see her again and give her a hug.

Every time I think of her face, I want to die.

I don't know if I will be able to live, but I will carry this unforgivable sin on my shoulders, and I will spend the rest of my life atoning for the sins I think I have committed.

I am very sorry to the bereaved families, the people involved, and everyone who has supported me, for betraying your expectations.

THX to @kkdvivivi for the background info


date: 26/28 April 2023 to 30 April 2023, 12:10 Moscow :marseyputin: Time

name: Artyom (perhaps Artyom Kyznetsov or Artyom Prukhin)

Teen tells his dad he's depressed, and his idiot dad gives him a loaded gun.

I only know that he will remember that for the rest of his life, of that I am sure.


fat girl falls out window and cracks head open

im suprised she didnt bounce


silly man tries suicide and something much better happens :marseyjam: ₊ʚ ᗢ₊✧ ゚.

Commits suicide on livestream because his wife left him

There not so mouch information about this video :marseygunshotsuicide: (Say if repost)

Chaotic moment of arson and suicide happened at same time.

I like how the cameraman reaction when he sees someone jump off the building and landed near the fire truck, dude was flabbergasted.

as usual feel free to report in case this is a repost, but add the link to the previous video.


(Thanks to for finding this video)

Alright lets get the elephant out of the room, why did he commit suicide?

So Gleb Vyacheslavovich Korablev was a Russian University student in Moscow

He attended a lot of plays as seen here

But however he suffered from a heart disease and due to this he went through a lot of pain so he decided to take the easy way out by killing himself.

Everything that happened in the stream explained by Gleb's close friend Nikita

So i was able to find this video under the comments of this post

And i just wanted to share it with yall

There are still a few people looking for the full livestream so good luck to yall but this is everything about the 1444 video i have found so far:

(The aftermath)

(Gleb's possessions)

(Some photos of Gleb holding his saiga 12)

[A rough translation of this message brought to us by]

"my heart has outlived its life. there is already lack of blood for breathing and walking. the final stage will begin in a week, i'm becoming almost fully disabled and i will suffocate in agony but not till the end. and only after 4 days they'll let me die. do i have the future?"

(Some photos of him talking about his heart disease)

(A photo of Gleb's couch pre-suicide)

(A photo of the 1444 video on youtube)

(A video of Gleb's grave)

(An alleged video of the beginning of the stream)

(A video showing the 1444 video on youtube)

(Gleb singing a little :marseysing:)

(Gleb as a kid)

If any of you have found more stuff on the 1444 video please comment about it. But yeah thats it, over and out.

Also rest in peace Gleb Korablev, i may not have known you but you seem like a really nice guy, may you and your beautiful hair rest in peace. :marseycry:


I saw it available for download as a mega link on a 4plebs thread. It was most likely just downloaded from the channel itself.


-> GUNSHOT AT 6:01 <-

-> MOM WALKS IN AT 7:05 <-

-> POLICE ENTER AT 16:00 <-


The note he pushed under the door said something along the lines of 'I am dead, do not let the kids see my body. Goodbye.' and the note he held up read 'BYE /R9K/ 3/14/18'

Shuaib Aslam was a resident of Stockton, California, USA. He killed himself on March 14, 2018 at around 3 pm. He was 18 years old at the time. He had owned two shotguns however he chose the KSG-12 to shoot himself. He was in a discord call at the time with 4 friends and he lived with his Mom (49 years old in 2018), Dad (56), Sister (17) and baby sister (6).

he had many accounts, here's a list with the links:








here is the original link to the livestream in which he killed himself:

a tribute post made by his family after his death:

subreddit about him:

he also had a Google+ account but he didn't post anything

fun facts:

you might have seen that he had a MyAnimeList account, he was a very big weeaboo and liked to talk about anime with his friends on /r9k/ (his go-to 4Chan board) and Discord.

on Discord he went under the name "Deadbot" with this profile picture:

he was also a NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) which means he didn't want to go to school and didn't want to work (one of the reasons why he killed himself)

some pictures of Shuaiby Aslam without his mask posted to FaceBook:

he also considered himself an incel and praised Elliot Rodger, even going as far as to say "he died for our sins", and quoting his manifesto in chat with other people:

he was also known for wanting to shoot up his school and for his homicidal thoughts:

and he even wrote a fan-fiction about shooting up his school and killing his classmates:

more pictures of his KSG shotgun:



OCTOBER 31, 1999 -- MARCH 14, 2018

Credit to: @shootergirl for the info.


Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Two 16yo Japanese highschool girls, one of them allegedly pregnant, have livestreamed their suicide on 12th of April 2023.

The suicide is said to be related to love affairs where the girls have failed to win the heart of their "senpai" who is a famous Japanese livestreamer.

Autopsy efforts are on the way to find out the father of the child which died with the 16yo young mother.

The Japanese livestreamer is apparently this person:

Name: ピャスカル



He posted the following message on his Twitter profile:


彼女の友達と手を繋いで屋上から飛び降り ました。

彼女はリスナーでした。 毎日dmのやり取り をしているうちに好きになっていました。 暫くして付き合うようになり、お互いの事 を深く知ることになりました。

彼女は私をSNSで見つけるまで、自室で死 のうとしていた事。 私を動画で見て元気を 貰い、 再び生きることを決めた事。 私が彼 女にとって全てであった事。

私は活動の中でホストのような色恋営業を していた為、彼女をずっと不安にさせてし まっていました。

口論になることもあり、 その度に彼女の嫌 な一面が見えてしまい、一度距離を置こう


一昨日の電話で 「あなたが居なくなるくら いなら死ぬ。今もう東京に死にに来た。」と 言われ、翌日直接会って本当に少しだけ距 離を置く時間がほしいと説得する事にしま した。

彼女は必死に否定していました。 私は嫌が る彼女に「今は生誕祭も控えてて忙しい時 期で、不安になることも沢山あって精神的 に辛い」と泣きながら説得しました。 だんだんと彼女は落ち着きを取り戻し、 納 得してくれました。 別れ際に彼女は 「ぎゅ 一したい」 と言いました。

一したい」 と言いました。


飛び降りた事を知った私は警察の方に「自 首したい」 と電話をし、警察の方が家に来 て状況を説明しました。 後から刑事の方が来て、 私に罪は無いと言


私は泣き崩れました。 目の前で自殺寸前の 彼女を引き止めてあげられなかった自分が 本当に愚かだと感じました。

あの時少しでもハグしてあげられていた ら、もしかしたら彼女はまだこの世にいた かもしれません。

私も死のうと思いました。 しかし彼女の事 を思い出しては泣いて、 また死のうとして 泣いてを繰り返すだけでした。

正直、 早く私も死んで彼女のもとへ行きた いです。 許してもらえるとは思いません。 それでも、もう一度会って抱きしめてあげ たいです。

彼女の顔を思い出す度に死にたくて仕方が ないです。

この先も生きていけるか分かりませんが、 私はこの償い切れない罪を背負って、一生 を賭けて自分自身の思う罪を償います。

ご遺族の方々、関係者の方々、 今まで応援 してくださった皆様、 期待を裏切る事にな り大変申し訳ございませんでした。


My girlfriend committed suicide.

She jumped off a rooftop holding hands with her friend.

She was a listener. We exchanged dm's everyday and I fell in love with her. After a while we started dating and getting to know each other better.

She was dying in her room until she found me on social media. She saw me on video, got inspired, and decided to live again. I was everything to her.

I had been making her feel insecure because I was a host in my activities.

We would sometimes argue, and every time we argued, I would see a side of her that I didn't like.

I told her that I would distance myself from her.

She called me the day before yesterday and said, "I will die if you are gone. I've already come to Tokyo to die. I decided to meet with her in person the next day and convince her that I really needed some time away.

She desperately denied it. I tried to convince her in tears that it was a busy time for her with her birthday festival coming up and that she had a lot of anxiety and it was mentally difficult for her. Gradually she calmed down and agreed. When we parted, she said, "I want to be with you.

She said, "I want to have sex with you.

I refused.

When I learned that she had jumped, I called the police and told them that I wanted to turn myself in. Later, a detective came and told me that I was innocent.

I broke down in tears.

I broke down in tears. I felt really stupid for not being able to stop her from committing suicide right in front of me.

If only I had been able to give her a hug at that time, maybe she would still be alive.

I thought about dying too. However, I just cried and cried and cried again when I remembered her.

To be honest, I wish I could die soon and go to be with her. I don't think she will forgive me. Even so, I want to see her again and give her a hug.

Every time I think of her face, I want to die.

I don't know if I will be able to live, but I will carry this unforgivable sin on my shoulders, and I will spend the rest of my life atoning for the sins I think I have committed.

I am very sorry to the bereaved families, the people involved, and everyone who has supported me, for betraying your expectations.

I had to compress the videos to be able to upload them here.

As far as I know, the videos are not available on any other Gore site, only on wpd (04/15/23).

I will not upload them to any other site.

The catbox files have already been deleted, otherwise I would have posted the links.

Edit: Videos are working fine here. Try Chrome.


Ive posted this in the past but i found more content now and context

Video of the Pole Being Removed From His Ass:

a French voice can be heard saying: “He hit the pole” and a second man can be heard: “Yeah, he's impaled on the pole.” A woman's voice then adds: “It's not a fake video is it?”

The CCTV footage that was filmed by the police officers was then shared on WhatsApp with other police officers before being released into the public sphere.

And there was also a second video that was filmed either by a medic or fireman at the Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP) that shows the bollard being extracted from the man's body.

It shows the critically injured man lying naked with a cardiac message machine in action on his chest and surrounded by three caregivers in green codes and a firefighter and a white vest as they remove the side of the pole from the man's body.

A man's voice can be heard saying “Oh misery! Oh, the cow! Oh, fuck! Ah! But what a horror! What a horror,” which is cleanup genuine sentiment as he then chuckles, before adding with a sneer: “It's good, saved, so!”

The AP-HP confirmed that the video had been shot in one of its facilities, apparently at the Beaujon hospital in Clichy.

They confirmed that the footage is genuine, although not something that happened recently as some Spanish media have been reporting.

French officials also ordered an enquiry to work out how images of the man ended up being shed by police and also how they were shot at the hospital.

The usual story presumably correct reported that the man had jumped on September 27 and was alive as firefighters, medics and police fought to save his life. He died after being removed from the pole one hour after he was delivered to the hospital.

Lawyer Tewfik Bouzenoune for the family of the man who died, aged 26, said it was a disgusting invasion of his privacy and demanded maximum punishments for the police officers and hospital officials responsible for releasing the two videos.

Edit: Holy shit i got a famous video!


better quality:

A man was found dead, suspected of having set himself on fire, in Barangay Pugaro, Manaoag, January 4, around 5:20 p.m.

The victim is a car mechanic and a resident of Barangay Botao, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.

Based on the PNP report, a parking boy/caretaker found a motorcycle parked in the parking area which prompted him to conduct a roving to find the owner of said motorcycle until he reached the grassy part of Virgins Well and there he discovered a burnt corpse.

During the investigation, a cellphone was recovered at the scene of the incident and it appears that the victim recorded a video of himself around 11:42 in the morning where he intentionally poured a gallon of gasoline on his body and then set himself on fire. until death.

The motive behind the incident is said to be a serious family problem.


CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The suicide of 12 year old Katelyn Nicole Davis (ITZ Dolly) | full write up :marseysaki:


This one's personal.

I remeber when this happened. It's on a personal level for me because Katelyn and I were born the same year, 2004, and I was going through some of the same issues she had around the same time. Struggling with mental illness, abuse, self harm and being hospitalized were issues I had to deal with, and at such a young age. This story absolutely breaks my heart on so many levels. So let's talk about Katelyn.

Katelyn Nichole Davis was born on February 20th, 2004 in Rome, Georgia. Around the time of her suicide, she was living in a trailer with her mom, Tammy, her step-dad Anthony and her 2 younger half siblings.


She was known as "ITZ Dolly" on a platform called where she recorded multiple hours of live streams of her everyday life where she would sing, take care of her younger siblings, do her makeup, talking to the chat and answering questions they had. During these streams she would sometimes break down and cry and share how her mom was selling drugs and doing pills, and how her step-dad tried to have sex with her. People also often asked her if her siblings were her kids because they were always on her streams.

Katelyn talking about how her step-dad tried to rape her

She says after she denied his advances, he called her a "worthless whore" and that she should hang herself. "He hated my guts but then he still tried to get in my pants" He told her to hang herself because she wasn't worth it.

Katie used vlogging to cope with her mental illness and poor home life. She shares how her home is practically unlivable, a piece of her wall is gone, she has no door and there is a hole in her floor leading outside. She wrote in "Diary of a Broken Doll" that one time a bird flew into her room through the hole, and how its extremely cold during the winter. She was worried about getting sick from the leaky pipe completely soaking her floor because "cold + wet = sickness". Her shoes would often break and fall apart from the floor being wet so she only had one good pair of shoes.


Another thing she wrote was that her bed wasnt even a bed, it's an old rusty mattress on the wet floor.

Sometimes she would have Hundreds of people watching her streams, so they were all seeing this. They were all witnessing her living conditions and hearing all of these terrible things from Katie, so you think they would be worried enough to take action right? Most of her viewers were much older than her and they would ask her creepy things like if she lives alone. She once said "I'm not doing that! Im not taking my shirt off." And "yes I'm wearing stuff under my pajamas." Like who in their right mind is saying these things to someone who is so young. And it's not like theh didnt know, Katie has said countless times that she is 13. She has reminded viewers this over and over again so they are well aware she's a child even though they are saying these weird things. During all this she just keeps asking herself "why are all these people trying to get with me?"

"Im Thirteen" (she dosent seem super uncomfortable in this case, but in others she is)

Although, she did enjoy being complemented like in the video above because she was "used to being insulted" (being called pretty and told she is nice)

One time during a stream joking around with her little brother someone said "perv and proud" to which she replied "What? You're being a perv?? Thats my little brother! He's 4! Im 13!" Then she blocked and reported the person and began expressing how that is not okay. She also said the person was trying to get her and her little brother to touch inappropriately.

She was also a victim of catfishing, a girl named Alexa was pretending to be a boy named Ben and tricked Katie for months which affected her greatly.

She did end up dating a boy named Luke who was 19. Luke is a weirdo, in a stream talking about Katie after her death someone asks him how old he is to which he replies that he doesn't give out his age. Dude is clearly an adult you ain't fooling nobody

Katie talking about Luke


Katie talking about how she gets bullied and how Anthony told her he would go buy the rope for her to hang herself


People would call her Ugly, an Emo freak, a monster, and one boy called her a lonely demon girl in front of the whole class while passing out papers.

Katelyn's dad


When Katie talks about her dad, she describes him as wanting nothing to do with her, and even saying she doesn't have a dad. When she tried to see him he was uninterested, even though he only lived 2 miles away from her he still did not come see her. And when she was in the hospital after trying to commit suicide with pills, her never visited her or cared to see how she was doing. In one stream, she said the last time she saw her dad was in the store and when she tried to hug him, he walked away from her.

Katelyn's mom

Let's talk about Tammy for a moment, a neglectful, abusive, drug addict of a mother. Katie talks about her mom in a stream and explains how she mostly deals drugs, but she used to eat pills but now she crushes them up and snorts them right in front of her

Katelyn talking about how her mom sells and does drugs, and how she leaves Katie with her 2 younger siblings for hours at a time

Katelyn says if she asked her mom where she was going, she would just say she was going up the road but then would not come back home for a while.

In one stream, just the day before she committed suicide, the two have a heated argument.

Tammy is yelling at Katie to come out here, when Katie says she's getting dressed her mother continues to yell at her saying she doesn't care, and "get out here before I beat your ass" Katie has her phone hidden behind the curtain before she goes out. Tammy is complaining about the kids making a mess or whatever, Katie says that it is not her fault that they won't listen to her, and that she keeps leaving her to take care of them. Tammy said she told her to whip the children if they don't listen, which Katie replied that she can't because when she does they still don't listen. Lots of things were said back and forth, Tammy kept saying she was gonna whip her ass and that she needs to go back to the hospital. Katie brings up everything How Tammy did not get rid of Anthony as soon as the abuse happened, how shes snorting pills, bringing guys home and kissing up on them, how she's expected to do so many things and the pressure is just getting too much for her. You can hear the pain in her voice as Tammy continuously brushes her off and just won't listen "she didn't take her pill today" and "its none of your business what I do." She makes excuses for just about everything Katelyn says "I'm just trying to make money" when she brings up the selling drugs and "is he here now? No he's not still here" to the Anthony thing even though Katie's whole point was that she didn't make him leave immediately.

I can only imaging the frustration Katie was feeling during this, she had nobody except the people watching her streams. And if this was the way her mother was treating these issues then she must've felt extremely invalidated. She had no support other than her viewer's.

December 30th, 2016

The following video is the last stream Katie made before the one where she died

On the evening of December 30th 2016, Katelyn started a live stream on, it starts off with her walking outside, looking at thd camera with a blank stare as she walks toward the tree in her backyard. She has her hair and makeup done. She puts down the phone and spends about 15 minutes tying the rope to the tree.

Once she's done, at 16:56 she picks up her phone again and apologizes, saying she's sorry she's not pretty enough, she's sorry to the people who watched her streams, and she's sorry she wasn't strong enough. She cries and repeatedly apologizes over and over again. She puts the phone back down and steps up, putting the rope around her neck and continues to apologize. She says sorry to Luke, Sorry to Ben, to God, to everyone as she continues to cry. You can hear her breathing very heavily as the reality began to sit in. The first time she says goodbye, the rope begins to choke her a bit. she's scared, hesitant. She apologizes again, says bye, and kicks away whatever she was standing on. The sun is setting, as it gets darker and darker you can eventually only see a silhouette of her swaying. Before it gets too dark, you can see her clenching her fists and shaking as she spins for a bit (2 common effects while hanging) although there isn't too much flailing like you see in other videos.

Around the 30 minute point, Katie's phone begins to ring and go off multiple times. Towards the end of the video, you can hear her mother calling out to her from the house. Then the stream ends.

Circulation of the video brought media outrage. Why did it take so long for the video to be removed? Why can't the police force sites to take it down? All of these missing the point completely. They were more worried about how she died rather than what caused her to take her own life. Investigations were done on the family but nothing came of it. Other parts of the media were supportive and worried about youth depression and suicide.


Katie would've been 20 last month, its been 8 years since she committed suicide. Whenever I feel suicidal, I think of Katie. I think of how suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can and will get better, you just need to try to believe that they can. It breaks my heart to think about how she was so young, only 12. There's no reason a 12 year old should've been taking care of little kids for extended periods of time, there's no reason she should've been held up to such expectations. 12 year olds are meant to be playing outside, participating in sports, hanging out with friends etc. They failed Katie, she needed help and nobody gave it to her. No child deserves to be bullied or treated the way she was treated. She deserved a normal childhood. Rest in peace Katie.

If you or a friend are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, I highly recommend calling 988 or visiting the site. Find a trusted person to talk to, it gets better.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me.


Most of the sites I came across were completely useless, I had to base a lot off of Katelyn's streams alone.

father gives son gun after learning hes depressed



He set his twitter profile to have his suicide date lmao

rip :soyjakfront:

btw u guys should follow me


somewhere in china

Just a couple hanging themselves

A news was reported that a young couple committed suicide by hanging themselves at a Tangalle hotel yesterday (23rd). The police say that the way this young couple committed suicide was recorded on a nearby CCTV camera.

Also, it has been revealed that the death of the young couple was a suicide from the post-mortem investigations conducted in this incident. It is stated that the dead young man is 22 years old and the girl is 17 years old.

It is said that there was a love relationship between this young couple and they had stayed in the hotel room the night before. It is reported that a letter written before death was found in the room.

It had been mentioned in the letter that this suicide was done by the consent of the two as their marriage was hindered due to the lack of birth certificate of the deceased young man.

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