
Happened on June 21. 2024 in Voronezh, Russia

19 years old woman identified as Valeria Shurkova was walking down Ordzhonikidze Street in Voronezh.

Suddenly a tree fell onto her. She was taken to a hospital in critical condition, but she died on June 27.

According to the office of mayor of Voronezh, the tree was located on a ground belonging to building Ordzhonikidze 8.

Because of this, the responsibility for the incident should be taken by company Center Plus, administrator of the building.

Likely the people responsible for cutting down trees that may cause danger will be held responsible. They'll be facing up to 6 years in prison.

According to the uncle of Valeria:

The boss of Center Plus tried to avoid conversation, but eventually we managed to talk.

They claimed it was not their fault.

Family of Valeria described her to Vesti Voronezh:

She was interested in drawing and anime and dreamed of becoming a cartoonist.

She was studying in Voronezh to become a psychologist, but her family lives in Orel.

She had a 15 years old brother and 12 years old sister. Her stepfather is in Ukraine, while her mother is taking care of the children.

Aftermath photos:

Valeria Shurkova:



Vesti Voronezh

necrosis of the testicles

the man was hospitalized with life-threatening necrosis on his testicles. they were black in color and completely bloated due to bacteria that produce gases during the rotting process.

the surgical process consisted in the removal of pus and necrotic tissue. doctors tried to save his balls by placing them in his thighs lmao.

necrosis like this can be caused by diabetes in addition to other things such as snake bites.

2 gang members interrogated + a third dude killed by rivals



Unimportant Edit:

A jerk just copypasting this post and upload it to other gore site

Fuck you copypaster:marseyfuckyou:

Interrogation With Extended Version Of The Video::marseybeheaded:

(I'm unable to get the higher quality cuz the original tweet got terminated, i'm sorry):marseydisintegrate:






I Also Find The Higher Quality Of The Decapitation::marsey20p:

So what's the backstory?:marseythonkgenocide:

Who is the Victim?

José Rodolfo Belluci Botello, 19 years old, originally from Iguala, Guerrero, where it is said that he began his criminal career at the age of 15, when he was a high school student, was 'lifted up', tortured and dismembered by an armed group in the city from Cuernavaca, Morelos, the video of said confession and execution being broadcast.:marseyjalisco:



“Belluci”, due to his surname of Argentine origin, is related to multiple criminal acts in this city, from vehicle theft, assaults and armed robberies, residential robberies and others.:marseyrobber:

It is recalled that in July 2016, he escaped from an armed confrontation in the “Tamarindos” neighborhood, where it is said he had “his feeders.” That night, armed men allegedly arrived to execute him when he was in the company of several individuals drinking intoxicating drinks. However, at the time of the attack by the armed men, they repelled the attack and a prolonged shootout ensued that caused panic among the neighborhood.:marseyaaatremble:


From this shooting, Belluci was injured; However, he managed to recover from his injuries and it is believed that he continued his criminal career, since in statements from victims of different crimes, his physical descriptions corresponded to those of José Rodolfo.:marseyinjured:

He even participated in at least two other shootings, in which they clashed with rival groups and in which two of his accomplices lost their lives, while he managed to escape and it is presumed that that is why he emigrated to the state of Morelos, where he He joined a criminal group in which, in addition to the crimes already mentioned, he participated in extortion and other crimes typical of organized crime.:###marseynice:

Picture of him after surviving the attack::marseyinjured:

About The Video::marseytypinglaugh:

It was afternoon, Monday, when a video was circulated in various digital media in which the interrogation of an armed group of an individual bathed in blood was observed, who confessed his participation in several crimes such as car theft, assaults, extortions and others. Likewise, he gave the names of his bosses and accomplices, as well as the gang's mode of operation.:marseybatteredpat:

In two more videos, you can see the moment in which the victim, later identified as José Rodolfo Belluci, is beheaded and dismembered by the armed group, which at the same time warns that this is how all extortionists will remain.:marseyhead:

It is worth mentioning that last Friday night, the 8th of this year, at the Paso Expres on Vicente Guerrero Avenue, in the “Las Maravillas” neighborhood of the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, a human body was found, without the head or legs. extremities.:marseybeheaded:

And a few hours later, early Saturday morning, a human head was found along with some genitals in the “Bella Vista” neighborhood of the same city, a few blocks from the Attorney General's Office of the State of Morelos.:marseybeheadedhead:


Along with these remains, some cardboard with the following messages was found:

"Mr. Commissioner, given that your team has not worked and on the contrary all they do is receive money from all criminal groups, here we give you the clue of one of the groups that are extorting and stealing cars in the city.":marseysteergenocide::!marseyrobber:

“The name of the head of this organization is Martin García Arroyo, alias El Pillo Alexis Daniel alias the boy and this garbage Beyusi, his main collaborators who plan the robberies and extortions are Oscar Muñoz Sierra, alias El Negro and Payan Rivas Saldivar alias El Rayan , who handle all vehicle theft and extortion from the prison, are also responsible for the death of businessman Carlos Erick Luna Tagle, as well as many others.”:marseypop2:

“For not making the payment for the apartment Misael Domínguez Ariza alias El Miza, you continue your Dog like this they are going to end up a bunch of filth just like their fucking bosses Los Fobias, shit greetings Juanito we are already close Fucking Colombians let's grab and pay the apartment to Frank alias the XL is how they are going to end up fucking.”:marseyflagcolombia:

Finally the message says: “The commander with the Fenix code receives money from them and connects the commanders, a message to the vehicle recovery groups, here I have your fucking data and everyone who receives the fair will soon hear from us assholes Daniel “Hernández Manzilla and fucking Magaña.” He finishes the message.:marseyreading:

The human remains were lifted and sent to the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO) of that entity, as unknown.:marseyvaxmaxx:

Later, the relatives of the popular Belluci attended, who despite his young age had a long criminal record that led him to lose his life in this way.:###wolfvictory:

Mayengg03 tiktok beheading:

On June 4, 2019 , the video was distributed by user Mayengg03. In the video, a video of a girl dancing to the song Dick by starboy3 appears for 3 seconds, and then a video of a beheading appears for 1 minute without any mosaic.:###parrotwitnessprotection:

TikTok Beheading::marseybacktotiktok:

The girl in the video is a Filipino named Onga and is different from the person in the second video. She is 17 years old and she was 13 or 14 years old when she filmed the video.:marseyflagphillipines::!marseynominers:


The video remained on TikTok for two years, avoiding the AI security system, and the video spread so rapidly that several social media users warned them not to watch the video.:marseyredflag2:

She originally posted the video on a site called Likee:marseydownvote:

She said she saw the video around the end of 2022 and that her mother was also contacted after the video was circulated around the school. Because of this, the girl suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety , and even had nightmares about her. She even contacted the family of the man seen in the beheading video.:marseyveryworried:

TikTok later deleted the video and released an apology.



The end:marseymariachi:

These Mexican Are Brutal.

:#marseyflagmexicopat: 2019

Enjoy My Posts!:marseydance::marseybeheading:

@hercule-poirot @G-tix



edit i made no gore i think



This is a video compilation of their actions, you can see migrants beaten in this compilation.

The description of the video says: "See how Support 28 works! This video contains footage of people who are loyal to us and support us, in this video you see the fight against subhumans: gypsies, drug addicts, etc.

Join in too! Help us clean up the streets. Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies and defend the White Nation from the subhumans. For race and nation. "

This video is a beating of a pedophile.

This video is laggy for some reason, even when i tried to share it on discord it was lagging , so heres an link i made for a smoother version:

The description of the video says: "We present to you a video from a recent operation where our young, inexperienced supporters took justice into their own hands and beat up a despicable pedophile.

The rock music used in the video is Kraujo - Diktatūra

We are proud to see youth taking the in the fight against subhumans. We are happy, even if these guys have a lot to learn, to see the fire in their eyes to protect the future of White children and make sure that these subhumans are punished. This is a clear message to all pedophiles: you will be dealt with. For race and nation."

This video is a beating of Antifa

The description of the video says: "Looks like Antifa got a taste of reality! Your beating was just the beginning. We will be back, stronger and fiercer than ever. Asta La Vista Antifa! For the race and the nation!"

The rock music used in the video is White Power - Gustapen

This video is the most famous out of all of these, this is a beating video of a pedophile, he is a tiktoker going by the name "hotukasofficial2".

The description of the video says: "Another creature unworthy of the human name was laid to rest in the forest. His "resting position" on the ground was diversified by not one or two kicks to the stomach and face. This bastard is half-negro, he has defiled more than one minor. The kicked pedophile is known in the internet space as "Hotukas". Everyone in Klaipėda knows about it, but no one has taken action. We are everywhere so that these bastards don't sleep remembering us. Everyone will get a proper response. We thank the volunteers who wanted to contribute to the movement and completed the task assigned to them. For race and nation."



CHILD WARNING NY cop kills 13-year-old who ran then pointed a replica gun


Video shows NY officer fatally shooting 13-year-old on ground. Police say he pointed a replica gun

NEW YORK (AP) — Video released late Saturday shows an officer in upstate New York fatally shooting a 13-year-old boy who had been tackled to the ground after he ran from police and pointed a replica handgun at them.

The teen was killed a little after 10 p.m. Friday in Utica after officers in the city about 240 miles (400 kilometers) northwest of Manhattan stopped two youths in connection with an armed robbery investigation, police said.

The youths, both 13, matched the descriptions of the robbery suspects and were in the same area at around the same time the day after, police said. One was also walking in the road, a violation of state traffic law.

The body camera video released by police captures an officer saying he needs to pat them down to ensure they don't have any weapons in their possession. Immediately one of the two, identified by police as as Nyah Mway, runs away.

Authorities froze frames of the video where a running Nyah Mway appears to point the gun at the pursuing officers. Police also edited the video to insert a red circle around the weapon to show it to viewers.

The officers believed it was a handgun, police said, but it was later determined to be a replica of a Glock 17 Gen 5 handgun with a detachable magazine.

"During a ground struggle" with the teen, one of the officers fired a single shot that struck the boy in the chest, Utica Police Chief Mark Williams said.

The teen was given "immediate" first aid by the officers and taken to Wynn Hospital, where he died, the chief said.

The replica gun carried by the teen "is in all aspects a realistic appearing firearm with GLOCK markings, signatures, detachable magazine, and serial numbers," Lt. Michael Curley, a police spokesperson, said via email. "However ultimately it fires only pellets or BB's."

A bystander video posted to Facebook shows one of the officers chasing after Nyah Mway and tackling him to the ground. It also shows the officer punching the teen as two other officers arrive. A gunshot rings out as the teen is on the ground and the officers quickly stand up.

The officer who fired his gun was identified as Patrick Husnay, a six-year veteran of the agency. Husnay and Officers Bryce Patterson and Andrew Citriniti were placed on administrative leave with pay.

The police body camera video shows a chaotic scene.

Nyah Mway points the replica handgun at the officers while he runs from them. The officers scream "gun!" to each other as they run. Patterson then tackles and punches Nyah Mway, and as the two are wrestling on the ground, Husnay opens fire.

Officers initially thought Nyah Mway may have shot himself, and Patterson says, "I don't know if he shot me." It is not clear whether he is referring to Nyah Mway or his fellow officer. Patterson was not struck.

Bystanders scream at the police throughout the recordings, and at one point an officer yells back: "We're trying to save him right now!"


CHILD WARNING Parkland high school shooting :marseymagdump:

PARKLAND, FLORIDA, USA – FEBRUARY 14, 2018 The video shows the school shooting from the perspective of a student hiding in one of the classrooms. Finally, a policeman enters the room and the students are saved. Except for one. He was lying wounded in a pool of blood.

This school shooting was committed by 19-year-old former student Nikolas Cruz. He murdered 17 people and seriously injured another 17. He fired headlong at students and school staff. Unlike other school shootings, Cruz did not commit suicide but fled to nearby Coral Springs, where he contacted students on the phone who gave his location to police and was arrested.

The reason for his act was supposed to be hatred towards people. Before the act, he recorded several recordings on his mobile phone, where he describes personal feelings and enthusiasm for killing. These videos were played during his trial. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.


From source

A large rice cooker exploded and the repairman died.

At 2:00 p.m. on June 2, 2018, Lt. Col. Surin Sombut, Roiwan, Muang Nakhon Nayok Police Station. Receive reports of deaths from an accident of a steam boiler large explosion So rushed to investigate the scene. It was found at house number 47, Village No. 5, Don Yo Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nakhon Nayok Province. At the scene, the body of Mr. Suthep Pan-On, 51 years old, was found at House No. 36/2, Village No. 1, Nong Tao Subdistrict, A. Kao Leaw, Nakhon Sawan Province, lay dead at the scene The corpse lying undressed had deep wounds on the chest and serious wounds on his face. Ask Mr. Samran Netwichai, the owner of the Kanom Jeen factory. Said that the aforementioned Chinese dessert factory under maintenance which has a technician from a company that makes a boiling pot for Khanom Jeen Become a repair operator While repairing, he heard a loud explosion, so he went out to look and found that the team leader had died. Ask Mr. Suriyan Madee, 41 years old, a team of maintenance technicians. Indicates that the deceased is the chief mechanic. Has more than 30 years of work experience when the deceased happened to grind the stainless steel face to put a rubber gasket. After a while, a loud explosion was heard and found that Mr. Suthep deceased Officials assumed that Probably due to the explosion, the sharp Zhan Jia was thrown violently in the chest. until the cause of such death So the body was delivered hospital for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Aftermath pics


Steroids induced junkie


An unidentified lady has allegedly jumped from the Ekpan flyover in Uvwie local government area, Delta state to her death.

The sad incident which occurred Saturday afternoon in the oil-rich city became the first alleged case of suicide recorded on the flyover.

The state Police public relations officer, SP Bright Edafe confirmed the sad incident, saying before the police got there the corpse of the lady had been removed.

"We heard of the incident but before our men got there, they took the corpse of the woman away.", the police said.

While fighting accidentally cuts her arm.

Hopefully not a repost.

CHILD WARNING Tik tok challenge, end's up getting ran over


Life is fucked, a compilation :hanging: :bitchfight: :onfire: :scream: :badass:

if it´s a repost, delete it. the music matches perfectly

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