
I don’t know what the fucks going on, but I will say one thing, if I don’t think a post is interesting, I won’t click on it. I never read names, I don’t give a shit about likes or whatever, although I do want I hat and have zero idea how to get one, I don’t even know what they do, but I saw people posting about hats, and for some irrational reason, I want one… anyway, although I do have a Reddit account, I didn’t come here from there, I made it to access this kind of material. I started long before that, what I can say though, is that with all the bans, mods and bullshit on Reddit I eventually found a sub along the lines of like muffins and murder or some shit. I don’t come here to look at muffins, the occasional is alright, but on that sub, it got to a point where people were pissing themselves in anger because the muffins posted didn’t fit with the gore, or the recipes were bogus, or they just didn’t want to associate someone being fucking torn apart while still alive with their favorite banana nut muffins… I feel the same here, I have an orange tabby, and I love her to death, but I don’t really want to see other peoples fur babies in between posts of people being fucking murdered.

At this point it’s getting fucking ridiculous, are people here really watching a man have his intestines pulled out in one video, and following it up with cat pics?

Like I understand we are all fucked up, but that shit is just beyond.

And no, I am not going to censor cat posts or whatever, because the moment I do, someone will post a video of a kitten frolicking across some vases full of flowers, and shotgun them self in the face sending it scurrying all cute and stuff running so fast it’s legs slide on the table and it can’t move, all while little bits of brain and the like rain down turning it’s soft gray fur blood red. Or someone will post a video of a hoarder who died in their home, and the aftermath video will have someone’s face eaten off with a lone cat still nibbling the ear or some shit

I don’t know what the answer is, and I don’t know about you all, but when I come here, it’s for one reason, to watchpeopledie, if I wanted some other bullshit I would go somewhere else

Also, this is a repost of my comment, I was too lazy to read through all the comments on the original post, and honestly didn’t care, I just realized, that maybe someone will show me how to finally get a hat, and what that actually does!!!

ZLANCET liberates Buk-SAM


Syrian rebels kill a couple of people.

not sure what the context is

10/29/2020 Double Fatal Crash of Cessna 310R N101G Henderson, Nevada

Accident Investigation at 1:15



Published March 2020

collage of short videos

Dose include music 🎶


Published January 2020

Looking for a video?

I’m looking for the video of the niger ambush on us troops, I think it’s called “Tongo Tongo Ambush” there was a propaganda video released a few years back I think but I can’t seem to find the full video with audio, any help? (Also this is my first post here, sorry if I’m doing it wrong)


Airport worker sucked into aircraft engine

looks fake ?



"Sniping a member of the Apostasy Guard and his immediate death in Ramadi"

a quick gang execution

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