
Hey everyone, it's me! TrueSpyCrap!

(Commonly known as TransSpyCrab by my friends & partners within the community).

I've been wanting to share my story for a while now, and I think it's finally time. For the longest time, I've struggled with my identity, unsure of who I really am. But thanks to an unexpected journey, I've come to accept myself fully. Surprisingly, WPD has been the catalyst to this discovery!

It all started innocently enough. I stumbled upon this website; WPD. "What an odd place to discover yourself", you may be thinking. But hear me out. Yes, this place may seem violent and mean, however, this isn't just a gore site. This is a place where users share their personal stories and experiences, be it through the /social tab, or via the chat room. As I scrolled through the site and interacted with various users, I found myself drawn to the stories of transgender individuals in particular. Their beauty, courage and authenticity resonated with me in a way I couldn't quite explain.

At first, I was just curious. I read their comments, watched videos (unrelated to trans violence, and rather, trans empowerment), and engaged in discussions with members of the transgender community - which is very substantial on this site (really, I think more than half the users on this site are trans. It's an amazing place). But the more I immersed myself in their world, the more I began to question my own identity.

I've always felt like something was missing, like I didn't quite fit into the mold society had assigned me. But it wasn't until I started connecting with transgender individuals on WPD that I realized why. Deep down, I knew I wasn't living as my true self.

It was a gradual process, full of moments of self-reflection and introspection. I started to experiment with my appearance, trying out different styles and expressions. And with each step, I felt a little bit closer to who I was meant to be. Let me tell you, fellow users, skirts are COMFORTABLE. Pair that with some stockings or some long socks, and a cute A cup bra (I hope to grow some day) then I genuinely feel so.. Perfect. I'm sure you'd all agree, hehe :3

But the turning point came when I finally admitted it to myself: "I'm not a man. I'm a woman!". It was both terrifying and liberating to speak those words out loud, but it was also undeniably true. The first place I stated it to another person was within the WPD chat. I expected nothing but slurs from some users, however, their support was like no other, and I've even formed a polyamerous non-gender conforming relationship with some WPD users in chat. Since then, I've never been happier.

From that moment on, I knew I had to embrace my identity fully. I began my journey of transitioning, seeking out support from friends, family, and the transgender community. It hasn't been easy, but every step forward feels like a victory.

There have been challenges along the way, of course. Society isn't always accepting of those who dare to be different. But I refuse to let fear hold me back from living authentically.

So here I am, on the other side of self-discovery, embracing my true identity as a woman. And while the journey isn't over yet, I'm excited to see where it takes me. I'm now taking estrogens, I'm booked in for both top & bottom surgery, and I've even bought myself a pair of these transgender themed Marsey socks to celebrate!!!

To anyone out there struggling with their own identity, know that you're not alone. It's okay to question who you are, and it's okay to be different. Embrace your truth, whatever that may be, and never be afraid to live authentically.

Until next time!

Much love xoxoxo

Reported by:
Hello WPD. It's been a minute. It's also been two years.

That's right, this miserable shithole is now two years old.

Happy birthday!

Your gift is my return to the helm, now with less patience for you than ever before. Watching janny chatter about the proliferation of wannabe shooters and child predators has been infuriating and I intend to put a stop to it. Leave now or there will be consequences, this is your only warning. This is neither hyperbolic nor a bit and it won't end well for you; the ability to provide this very unhappy ending was a prerequisite of my return.

Two years ago today, WPD did not exist. The world was a better place for its absence.

One year ago, WPD did exist. It existed for one year despite tech companies' best efforts to the contrary. It only had 269,000 users. The world was worse off than it was prior, but things were going to get much worse.

Today, WPD still exists. WPD has existed for two years. WPD is one busy day off of having 2,000,000 users. Things have never been worse.


At this rate, WPD will have around 20,000,000 users in 2025, 200,000,000 in 2026, 2,000,000,000 in 2027, and by 2028 it will have considerably more users than there are people on Earth. It must be stopped, and I look forward to doing my level best to make it stop in the coming year.

Some other miscellaneous and less insane statistics, written by the beloved @G-tix:

  • 33.000 videos have been uploaded a year ago. About 155k videos have been uploaded now. That's an increase of 470%!

  • We went from 485k comments to over 2.4 million comments.

  • We've given over 10 million upvotes in the past year. We almost gave 2 million downvotes.

  • We have about 61k active, registered users per week.

These are just registered users, of course. If we go by logged out, total traffic, things get much more horrifying: Last week alone, WPD served 893,000 unique users who viewed a total of 5,710,000 pages. This does not track plays of videos directly from the thread list. We have no means of doing that.

But don't listen to me, listen to Cloudflare:

Yeah, even though we keep adding servers, load time is in the shitter and getting worse. This is becoming ever more costly to host. I hope to resolve that soon with your help.

Some highlights from the past year here:

Anyway that's all, please enjoy the confetti, the celebratory new logo, and the X8 COIN MODIFIER for the next 3 days. You read that correctly: each vote that you receive on any thread or comment, up or down, will give you +8 coins. for the duration of WPD's birthday weekend ✨

:#marseyballoon3:Happy birthday you degenerate freaks :marseycupc#ake:

I love you.

xoxo Clitpeeler 💋

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The suicide of 12 year old Katelyn Nicole Davis (ITZ Dolly) | full write up :marseysaki:


This one's personal.

I remeber when this happened. It's on a personal level for me because Katelyn and I were born the same year, 2004, and I was going through some of the same issues she had around the same time. Struggling with mental illness, abuse, self harm and being hospitalized were issues I had to deal with, and at such a young age. This story absolutely breaks my heart on so many levels. So let's talk about Katelyn.

Katelyn Nichole Davis was born on February 20th, 2004 in Rome, Georgia. Around the time of her suicide, she was living in a trailer with her mom, Tammy, her step-dad Anthony and her 2 younger half siblings.


She was known as "ITZ Dolly" on a platform called where she recorded multiple hours of live streams of her everyday life where she would sing, take care of her younger siblings, do her makeup, talking to the chat and answering questions they had. During these streams she would sometimes break down and cry and share how her mom was selling drugs and doing pills, and how her step-dad tried to have sex with her. People also often asked her if her siblings were her kids because they were always on her streams.

Katelyn talking about how her step-dad tried to rape her

She says after she denied his advances, he called her a "worthless whore" and that she should hang herself. "He hated my guts but then he still tried to get in my pants" He told her to hang herself because she wasn't worth it.

Katie used vlogging to cope with her mental illness and poor home life. She shares how her home is practically unlivable, a piece of her wall is gone, she has no door and there is a hole in her floor leading outside. She wrote in "Diary of a Broken Doll" that one time a bird flew into her room through the hole, and how its extremely cold during the winter. She was worried about getting sick from the leaky pipe completely soaking her floor because "cold + wet = sickness". Her shoes would often break and fall apart from the floor being wet so she only had one good pair of shoes.


Another thing she wrote was that her bed wasnt even a bed, it's an old rusty mattress on the wet floor.

Sometimes she would have Hundreds of people watching her streams, so they were all seeing this. They were all witnessing her living conditions and hearing all of these terrible things from Katie, so you think they would be worried enough to take action right? Most of her viewers were much older than her and they would ask her creepy things like if she lives alone. She once said "I'm not doing that! Im not taking my shirt off." And "yes I'm wearing stuff under my pajamas." Like who in their right mind is saying these things to someone who is so young. And it's not like theh didnt know, Katie has said countless times that she is 13. She has reminded viewers this over and over again so they are well aware she's a child even though they are saying these weird things. During all this she just keeps asking herself "why are all these people trying to get with me?"

"Im Thirteen" (she dosent seem super uncomfortable in this case, but in others she is)

Although, she did enjoy being complemented like in the video above because she was "used to being insulted" (being called pretty and told she is nice)

One time during a stream joking around with her little brother someone said "perv and proud" to which she replied "What? You're being a perv?? Thats my little brother! He's 4! Im 13!" Then she blocked and reported the person and began expressing how that is not okay. She also said the person was trying to get her and her little brother to touch inappropriately.

She was also a victim of catfishing, a girl named Alexa was pretending to be a boy named Ben and tricked Katie for months which affected her greatly.

She did end up dating a boy named Luke who was 19. Luke is a weirdo, in a stream talking about Katie after her death someone asks him how old he is to which he replies that he doesn't give out his age. Dude is clearly an adult you ain't fooling nobody

Katie talking about Luke


Katie talking about how she gets bullied and how Anthony told her he would go buy the rope for her to hang herself


People would call her Ugly, an Emo freak, a monster, and one boy called her a lonely demon girl in front of the whole class while passing out papers.

Katelyn's dad


When Katie talks about her dad, she describes him as wanting nothing to do with her, and even saying she doesn't have a dad. When she tried to see him he was uninterested, even though he only lived 2 miles away from her he still did not come see her. And when she was in the hospital after trying to commit suicide with pills, her never visited her or cared to see how she was doing. In one stream, she said the last time she saw her dad was in the store and when she tried to hug him, he walked away from her.

Katelyn's mom

Let's talk about Tammy for a moment, a neglectful, abusive, drug addict of a mother. Katie talks about her mom in a stream and explains how she mostly deals drugs, but she used to eat pills but now she crushes them up and snorts them right in front of her

Katelyn talking about how her mom sells and does drugs, and how she leaves Katie with her 2 younger siblings for hours at a time

Katelyn says if she asked her mom where she was going, she would just say she was going up the road but then would not come back home for a while.

In one stream, just the day before she committed suicide, the two have a heated argument.

Tammy is yelling at Katie to come out here, when Katie says she's getting dressed her mother continues to yell at her saying she doesn't care, and "get out here before I beat your ass" Katie has her phone hidden behind the curtain before she goes out. Tammy is complaining about the kids making a mess or whatever, Katie says that it is not her fault that they won't listen to her, and that she keeps leaving her to take care of them. Tammy said she told her to whip the children if they don't listen, which Katie replied that she can't because when she does they still don't listen. Lots of things were said back and forth, Tammy kept saying she was gonna whip her ass and that she needs to go back to the hospital. Katie brings up everything How Tammy did not get rid of Anthony as soon as the abuse happened, how shes snorting pills, bringing guys home and kissing up on them, how she's expected to do so many things and the pressure is just getting too much for her. You can hear the pain in her voice as Tammy continuously brushes her off and just won't listen "she didn't take her pill today" and "its none of your business what I do." She makes excuses for just about everything Katelyn says "I'm just trying to make money" when she brings up the selling drugs and "is he here now? No he's not still here" to the Anthony thing even though Katie's whole point was that she didn't make him leave immediately.

I can only imaging the frustration Katie was feeling during this, she had nobody except the people watching her streams. And if this was the way her mother was treating these issues then she must've felt extremely invalidated. She had no support other than her viewer's.

December 30th, 2016

The following video is the last stream Katie made before the one where she died

On the evening of December 30th 2016, Katelyn started a live stream on, it starts off with her walking outside, looking at thd camera with a blank stare as she walks toward the tree in her backyard. She has her hair and makeup done. She puts down the phone and spends about 15 minutes tying the rope to the tree.

Once she's done, at 16:56 she picks up her phone again and apologizes, saying she's sorry she's not pretty enough, she's sorry to the people who watched her streams, and she's sorry she wasn't strong enough. She cries and repeatedly apologizes over and over again. She puts the phone back down and steps up, putting the rope around her neck and continues to apologize. She says sorry to Luke, Sorry to Ben, to God, to everyone as she continues to cry. You can hear her breathing very heavily as the reality began to sit in. The first time she says goodbye, the rope begins to choke her a bit. she's scared, hesitant. She apologizes again, says bye, and kicks away whatever she was standing on. The sun is setting, as it gets darker and darker you can eventually only see a silhouette of her swaying. Before it gets too dark, you can see her clenching her fists and shaking as she spins for a bit (2 common effects while hanging) although there isn't too much flailing like you see in other videos.

Around the 30 minute point, Katie's phone begins to ring and go off multiple times. Towards the end of the video, you can hear her mother calling out to her from the house. Then the stream ends.

Circulation of the video brought media outrage. Why did it take so long for the video to be removed? Why can't the police force sites to take it down? All of these missing the point completely. They were more worried about how she died rather than what caused her to take her own life. Investigations were done on the family but nothing came of it. Other parts of the media were supportive and worried about youth depression and suicide.


Katie would've been 20 last month, its been 8 years since she committed suicide. Whenever I feel suicidal, I think of Katie. I think of how suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can and will get better, you just need to try to believe that they can. It breaks my heart to think about how she was so young, only 12. There's no reason a 12 year old should've been taking care of little kids for extended periods of time, there's no reason she should've been held up to such expectations. 12 year olds are meant to be playing outside, participating in sports, hanging out with friends etc. They failed Katie, she needed help and nobody gave it to her. No child deserves to be bullied or treated the way she was treated. She deserved a normal childhood. Rest in peace Katie.

If you or a friend are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, I highly recommend calling 988 or visiting the site. Find a trusted person to talk to, it gets better.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me.


Most of the sites I came across were completely useless, I had to base a lot off of Katelyn's streams alone.


More Info :

BALTIMORE - A woman was shot and killed in the middle of the day in the parking lot of an apartment complex Sunday afternoon in Nottingham.

Police say the woman was shot multiple times at the ReNew Apartment Complex in the 8500 block of Walther Boulevard.

Beautiful girl and such a evil world


This video includes pretty much all GoPro recorded kills from the Ukranian side. Enjoy!

The most death you've EVER seen in a single video. 13-minute nonstop ISIS mass execution compilation

The title don't lie, I believe this is the video with the most people filmed dying onscreen, ever.

Started off with the Camp Speicher massacre, and then the rest is whatever I had lying around. I only included videos with >5 executions at once (ISIS loves to kill people in groups of 5 so I thought that was a good cutoff)

Before asking for sources, consult my ISIS archive first. It has all the videos shown above, minus three Camp Speicher ones.

If you managed to get through the whole thing, congratulations! You're a certified Sick Fuck™! Now go back and count the number of people you see die :marseytroublemaker:


Porn star's boob explodes while she was in the shower..

Grandma gets fucking launched down escalator

Reported by:

All differences aside, we individually took the dive by registering to WPD and found a very dysfunctional home in return. It will be a pleasure to watch this community fluidly mutate into whatever its ultimate purpose or disservice may be. I can't wait to see what the next two years brings!

Happy bday and happy 2 milli WPD staff and community! I'm SO very proud of you!

Love you's :marseyretard2:

  • Lucci :heartbeat:


good day everyone.

i requested the grass award so i could take a break so i could focus on some personal work.

i could however not disappoint with my comeback. so here are some follow up pictures of me going out.

cookies anyone ?

for about 100pcs

12oz/350g flour

9.5oz/270g butter

6oz/175g white sugar

1.5 small spoonful of baking powder

a little bit of salt

3.5oz/100g chocolate chips black

1 egg

3g gingerbread/cookie spices

  • weigh the flour and put it in a bowl for mixing

  • weigh butter and place in pot to melt

  • weigh sugar and add to butter when it has melted

  • add baking powder to flour

  • mix half a teaspoon of salt with flour

  • ad cookie spices with flour and mix

  • let the butter cool and add the egg (so you don't bake the egg)

  • mix everything together in mixing bowl

  • add chocolate chips IF it has cooled down enough (otherwise chocolate will melt)

  • preheat oven to 400°f/200°c

  • roll balls no larger than €1 piece

  • set oven to 300°f / 170°c

  • bake for 15-17 minutes

  • cookies may come out a bit soft, but this is normal

i originally wanted to request the grass award a bit sooner because i wanted to take a break and possibly quit wpd. mainly because the voxtek drama was eating at me. link1 link2

like some user said. maybe i do really care to much about the users here. :marseylaptopsad:

has the site gone to shit without clitpeeler ? why ? the mods are doing their best to prevent all and any doxxing. you got 3 new awesome mods since clit left. none of them could replace him of course, but they are all unique in their own way. :marseysatisfied:

please have fun on here instead of moping around gore. some of you only seem to be on here to find misery.

and for the love of god, please give more upvotes to each other instead of being self centered.

in closing:

anyhow, follow me for more shitposts like these. i'm hardly here for the gore.

the usual natsuki posting will commence shortly.

CHILD WARNING Mentally ill man beats young girl with garden hoe

A male neighbor smashed a 6-year-old girl with a hoe and her head was shot! Mother collapsed: her brains were dug out

A 6-year-old girl in Hunan, China, was playing in the yard with her friends when a male neighbor hit her on the head with a hoe. As a result, the girl's skull was shattered and she fell into a coma. There was blood all over the floor. After being sent to the hospital, she is still recovering. The intensive care unit is undergoing rescue operations, and the male neighbor has been controlled by the police.

According to Chinese media reports, the incident occurred at 10 a.m. on the 5th in Xiannvzhai Village, Louxing District, Loudi City, Hunan. Two girls were playing in the yard when a man with a hoe suddenly approached them and then turned towards them. A girl's head was smashed wildly, 4 or 5 times in total. The girl fell to the ground on the spot, her skull was shattered, her brains exploded, and there was blood all over the floor. The man then suddenly knelt down on the ground and his behavior was quite strange.

The mother of the victim girl said that the man who committed the attack was a neighbor and related to them, so when he approached her daughter, her daughter did not notice anything strange, but unexpectedly she was attacked by the man with a hoe. "That man had no grievances against us. Without any fuss, he used a hoe to dig out my daughter's head, and all the bones and brains in the skull were dug out."

The girl was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. The doctor diagnosed her with partial loss of her right frontal bone, fracture of her right occipitofrontal and parietal bones, pneumocephalus, contusion and bleeding of her right frontal lobe, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. She may die at any time. She is currently being treated in the intensive care unit. , and the man who committed the crime has been controlled by the police. It is understood that the man had a history of mental illness, and further investigation is still pending.


CHILD WARNING :lelolidk: Karma at its best.


CHILD WARNING Two kids die trying to stab cops

The attack came amid heightened tensions surrounding the Old City's Temple Mount, following clashes at the holy site.

Two teenage assailants stabbed a police officer, moderately injuring him, in a terror attack in Jerusalem's Old City on Thursday, officials said.

The assailants were shot by security forces at the scene. One of them was pronounced dead at the scene, the second was critically wounded and taken to the hospital, a police spokesperson said.

Fucking Hell: In Two Pieces but Still Alive

EFFORTPOST Mayhem, a satanistic band - all informations about the suicide and murder of Dead and Euronymous - Effortpost :marseythumbsup:

Basic information about Mayhem

Mayhem: A History of Controversy

Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band founded in 1984, known for its brutal and extreme reputation. The band was initially formed by Jørn Stubberud (Necrobutcher), Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous), and Kjetil Manheim (Manheim). However, it was Euronymous who ultimately made history, along with other notable members such as Per Yngve Ohlin (Dead) and Varg Vikernes.

Infamous Acts and Incidents

Mayhem gained notoriety for their involvement in various shocking and obscene acts. Perhaps most notably, the suicide of Per Yngve Ohlin, known as Dead, who was found dead by Euronymous in their shared apartment. Euronymous took photographs of Dead's corpse, which were later used as album covers. Additionally, there were rumors that Euronymous collected pieces of Dead's skull and distributed them as macabre souvenirs among the band members, although the veracity of these claims remains unclear.

Church Burning and Extreme Satanism

The band's extreme ideologies, including a hatred of God and a commitment to Satanism, culminated in the burning of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen, Norway, on June 6, 1992. Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, was later convicted of this arson, further solidifying Mayhem's reputation for extremism and controversy.

The Murder of Euronymous

One of the most infamous events in Mayhem's history was the murder of Euronymous by Varg Vikernes, who was once considered a friend and bandmate. Euronymous was fatally stabbed multiple times on August 10, 1993, marking a tragic end to his life and further cementing Mayhem's legacy of violence and turmoil.

Legacy and Continued Influence

Despite the controversies and tragedies surrounding the band, Mayhem's impact on the black metal genre and extreme music as a whole is undeniable. Their shocking acts and extreme ideologies have left a lasting impression on the metal community, continuing to fascinate and provoke discussion among fans and critics alike.

Their band image:

The band at its most famous time:


Euronymous: A Controversial Figure

Øystein Aarseth, better known as Euronymous, was a guitarist and founding member of the influential Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. He played a pivotal role in shaping the early Norwegian black metal scene and founded the record label Deathlike Silence Productions, which released albums by Mayhem and other notable black metal bands.

Embracing Extremism

Euronymous cultivated a persona of darkness and extremism, embracing controversial aspects of the black metal subculture. He promoted a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, which often manifested in the band's lyrics and actions. Euronymous's involvement in the church burnings in Norway in the early '90s further solidified his reputation as a controversial figure within the metal community.

The Fatal Altercation

During the violent altercation on the night of August 10, 1993, Varg Vikernes stabbed Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, multiple times. Reports indicate that Euronymous sustained a total of 23 stab wounds, primarily to his upper body. These wounds included stab wounds to his head (2), neck (5), and back (16), resulting in fatal injuries.

Details Revealed During Investigation

The precise details of the wounds and their locations were revealed during the subsequent investigation and trial, shedding light on the severity of the attack. The brutality of the stabbing contributed to the tragic and violent nature of Euronymous's death, further deepening the shock and sorrow felt by the metal community and fans of Mayhem.

Legacy and Impact

Despite his untimely death, Euronymous's impact on black metal and extreme music is undeniable, and he remains a controversial and enigmatic figure in the history of metal.

Picture of Euronymous (Øystein Aarseth)

when he started the band

Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin)

Per Yngve Ohlin: The Dark Legacy of Dead


Per Yngve Ohlin, also known as Dead, was the vocalist for the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. His presence brought a unique darkness to the band's performances, contributing to their extreme reputation within the genre.

Notorious Acts:

Dead was known for his intense stage presence and extreme performances, including self-mutilation with broken glass or knives. These acts of macabre added to Mayhem's notoriety and solidified their image as one of the most extreme bands in black metal.

Mental Health Struggles:

Over time, Dead's mental health deteriorated, leading to struggles with depression and suicidal ideation. His fascination with death and the afterlife influenced his lyrics and overall outlook on life.

Tragic End:

In April 1991, Dead tragically took his own life at the age of 22, leaving behind a haunting note that read, "Excuse all the blood."

Legacy and Influence:

Despite his untimely death, Dead's legacy lives on in Mayhem's music and the broader black metal genre. His influence on the band's sound and image is still felt today, making him an iconic figure in extreme metal history.

Euronymous and the Aftermath:

After Dead's death, Mayhem's guitarist Euronymous allegedly took photos of Dead's body and collected bone fragments from his skull. These actions further fueled the band's dark reputation and added to the mythology surrounding Dead's legacy.

The Album Cover Euronymous made from his suicide:

Pictures Of Dead:

Also pics when he was younger:

Picture of Euronymous and Dead togheter

Varg Vikernes

Varg Vikernes: Controversy Surrounding Mayhem, Church Burnings, and the Murder of Euronymous

Introduction: Varg Vikernes and his Involvement with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, is a controversial figure in the history of black metal music, primarily known for his involvement with the Norwegian band Mayhem. Born Kristian Vikernes, he joined Mayhem as a bassist in the late 1980s, becoming a central figure in the burgeoning Norwegian black metal scene.

Early Years with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes joined Mayhem during a tumultuous period in the band's history. Alongside guitarist Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, Vikernes contributed to Mayhem's notorious reputation for extreme and controversial behavior. Their music, characterized by aggressive instrumentation and dark, nihilistic themes, gained a cult following within the underground metal community.

Church Burnings and Extreme Ideologies

The early 1990s saw a wave of church burnings in Norway, attributed in part to individuals associated with the black metal scene, including Varg Vikernes. Vikernes, driven by a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, participated in the burning of several churches, including the infamous destruction of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen. These acts of arson shocked the nation and drew international attention to the Norwegian black metal scene.

Murder of Euronymous: Rift within Mayhem

Tensions between Varg Vikernes and Euronymous escalated, leading to a violent confrontation on August 10, 1993. Vikernes fatally stabbed Euronymous multiple times, resulting in his death. The murder sent shockwaves through the metal community and marked a significant turning point in the history of Mayhem and the black metal genre as a whole. Vikernes was subsequently arrested and charged with the murder of Euronymous, leading to his imprisonment and a prolonged legal battle.

Legal Proceedings and Imprisonment

Varg Vikernes was convicted of the murder of Euronymous and sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum sentence under Norwegian law at the time. During his imprisonment, Vikernes continued to maintain his extreme ideologies and garnered a following among far-right and nationalist circles. His incarceration further fueled his notoriety and solidified his status as a polarizing figure within the metal community.

Aftermath and Legacy

Following his release from prison in 2009, Varg Vikernes remained active in various endeavors, including music, writing, and online activism. Despite his controversial past, Vikernes continues to command a dedicated following among certain segments of the metal community, while also facing criticism and condemnation for his extremist views and actions.

Conclusion: Varg Vikernes and the Legacy of Mayhem

Varg Vikernes's involvement with Mayhem, including his role in church burnings and the murder of Euronymous, has left an indelible mark on the history of black metal music. While his actions have sparked widespread debate and controversy, they have also contributed to the enduring mystique and allure of the Norwegian black metal scene. As a divisive figure, Varg Vikernes remains a subject of fascination and scrutiny, embodying the complexities and contradictions inherent in extreme music subcultures.

Pictures of Varg Vikernes

Picture of Varg and Euronymous when they were "friends"

Varg Vikernes at the time when he got arrested

Ending of the post

Mayhem and his Story is really crazy and facionating, but I love it.

For the metal lovers, here are all the Songs where Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin) has sung at the front.

His voice was or is unique and really perfect.

The titles were made by KI and I translated it by KI, but the rest I wrote myself in my language.

The titles give the post a really string KI vibe but I like it when something is orderly and clean, so I let it make the KI. The rest is self written and took me much time... But everything for a Effortpost hehe :marseyeffortpostnow:

I hope I could inform you.

If you want to learn more about the story, there is a movie about the band on Netflix.

It's called "Lords of Chaos."

I highly recommend it; it's the reason why I made this post.

I love you guys, HAVE A GREAT DAY!! :marseyheart: :marseyblowkiss:

We got Vargs twitter from @NadjaFromAntipaxos2 :marseyheart: BIG THXX :marseyheart:


CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST the effect of radiation on the human body

What is radiation?

Firstly, radiation is an energy that comes from a source and travels through the space at the light of speed, This energy has an electric field and a magnetic field associated with it, and has wave-like properties. You could also call radiation “electromagnetic waves”.

radiation can be released from nuclear bombs since they contain some of the most radioactive elements which are: unranium U-235, polonium, radium, beryllium and a small percentage of phosphorus can be radioactive (like phosphorus-32)

Uranium (U):

Uranium is one of the most important radioactive material, Uranium is found in small amounts in most rocks, and even in seawater but the average uranium contains (by weight) 99.28% U-238 which is not that reactive. it also contains about 0.72% U-235 which is extremely radioactive. since U-235 contains extremely high levels of radiation and it's commonly used in nuclear bombs etc. It was found originally by the German chemist Martin Klaproth in 1789.


Symptoms can be loss of white blood cells which increases the risk of infection, seizures sometimes and many types of cancer.

Uranium poisoning (getting exposed to its radiation) increases the risk of thyroid cancer since the thyroid gland absorbs the radioactive iodine and it also causes Inflammation, scarring, and possible cancer risk in the lungs. It also causes internal bleeding in the GI tract.

Uranium poisoning can also show some signs in the skin like these:

These are all radiation symptoms/signs and there are a LOT of victims. some of them are infants, if the mother is radiated the radiation can be transmitted to the unborn in the womb.

But there's a low chance that the mother might be able to give birth to the child and in that case the child will be abnormal and born with biologically different characteristics:

Most of these babies won't live a month due to the radiation in their bodies.

children from the Chernobyl incident:

Polonium (Po):

Polonium is one of the radioactive elements that's used in nuclear bombs which is very rare and it's found in uranium ores. it was discovered by the polish chemist Marie Sklodowska Curie in 1898. The most dangerous polonium is polonium-210


Polonium can cause radiation exposure (irradiation) of internal organs, which can result in serious medical symptoms or death and it also can cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia, lymphopenia, and sometimes diarrhea. For more info:

the victims: luckily there are barely any victims of polonium since how rare it is. but there is one fatality in Russia, of a man who had accidentally inhaled polonium-210 in an industrial process and On 1 November 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized after poisoning with polonium-210; he died from the poisoning on 23 November

A picture of litvineko after he was poisoned in the hospital


Phosphorus (P):

Although phosphorus is not radioactive but Phosphate rock contains small amounts of naturally-occurring radionuclides, mostly uranium and radium, but Phosphorus-32 is a radioactive isotope of phosphorus which in laboratories it's used to label DNA and proteins. Phosphorus was discovered by Hennig Brandt in Hamburg in Germany in 1669 When he evaporated urine and heated the residue until it was red hot. Glowing phosphorus vapour came off and he condensed it under water.

White Phosphorus is used in military purposes in grenades and artillery shells to produce illumination, to generate a smokescreen and as an incendiary

White phosphorus bombs:

Its major industrial uses are in the production of phosphoric acid, phosphates and other compounds.

White phosphorus victims:

Although phosphorus are banned worldwide but there are A LOT of times when governments used phosphorus bombs and one of the recent ones was in 2009 when Israel was accused of using phosphorus against Palestine, Gaza.

  • Weapons: Mortar and artillery shells, grenades

  • Geneva Treaty of 1980: Prohibited for attacking civilians; no ban on use as smoke screen or for illumination.

  • Looks: Colorless to yellow transluscent wax-like substance.

  • When exposed to oxygen: It bursts into yellow flame, producing thick white smoke.

  • Phosphorus burns: They are mostly second- or third-degree; particles do not stop burning after contact with skin.

Before Israel's reported use of the weapon in Lebanon and Gaza. Russian and Bashar Al Assad's forces used it on Syrian civilians. Ex-Syrian rebel Rabih Sarraf was defending his hometown of Maarat Al Numan when Russian planes were bombing the area with white phosphorus around 8 years ago (2016)

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a NATO summit on Thursday that Russia had used white phosphorus against civilians in his country.

Zelenskyy said: "This morning, phosphorus bombs were used. Russian phosphorus bombs. Adults and children were killed"

The United States bombardment of Fallujah began in April 2003, one month after the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. In April 2003 United States forces fired on a group of demonstrators who were protesting against the US presence. US forces alleged they were fired at first, but Human Rights Watch, who visited the site of the protests, concluded that physical evidence did not corroborate US allegations and confirmed the residents' accusations that the US forces fired indiscriminately at the crowd with no provocation. 17 people were killed and 70 were wounded

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  • natsuki_ : OMG. mods please ban all these people for being transphobes :marseycry:
  • xwpdsniper-demolition : Boringggggggggg :marseypaintdry:
  • Haupti : how many rage bait :marseytrain: posts will there be? coin farming anime dipshit
  • sator : STOP! THE! HATE! Natsuki is a beautiful and wonderful trxns wxman! TERFS!
  • PlzDoNotTheFade : :!marseytrain:s shall die!
i'm a black transgender woman, please support my decision :marseybeanpensive:

trans-gendering to a black woman was a really hard choice for me. i figured that trans-gendering was the only option for me as i just felt black.

It's okay to be a black transgender person because everyone has the right to live authentically and be true to themselves without fear of discrimination or prejudice. Just like any other aspect of diversity, being black and transgender contributes to the rich tapestry of human experience and should be celebrated rather than stigmatized. It's essential to recognize and affirm the validity of all identities and experiences.

supporting transgender individuals is about creating a society where everyone can live authentically, safely, and with dignity, regardless of their gender identity. :marseybeanpensive:

please support transgender individuals for these reasons reasons:

  • Human Rights: Transgender people, like everyone else, deserve to live with dignity, respect, and equality. Supporting transgender rights is a matter of upholding basic human rights principles.

  • Mental Health: Transgender individuals often face discrimination, harassment, and violence, which can have severe negative impacts on their mental health. Supporting transgender people means promoting environments where they can feel safe, affirmed, and accepted.

  • Social Justice: Transgender individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities, face systemic injustices such as poverty, homelessness, and lack of access to healthcare. Supporting transgender rights is part of advocating for social justice and equity for all.

  • Visibility and Representation: Supporting transgender individuals means acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of human experiences. Visibility and representation in media, politics, and society help combat stereotypes and increase understanding and acceptance.

  • Healthcare Access: Transgender individuals often face barriers to accessing healthcare, including discrimination from healthcare providers and lack of insurance coverage for transition-related care. Supporting transgender rights means advocating for healthcare policies and practices that are inclusive and affirming.

  • Community Support: Many transgender individuals face rejection from their families and communities. Providing support and acceptance can make a significant difference in their well-being and sense of belonging.

  • Legal Protections: Transgender people face disproportionate rates of violence and discrimination in various aspects of life, including employment, housing, and education. Supporting transgender rights means advocating for legal protections against discrimination and violence.

please support a trans black person today


Machine gunner fails miserably at controlling recoil and shoots his teamates

potentially killing some (Due to the high caliber of the gun) :marseydead:

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wake up babe new 9/11 angle just dropped :marseyxoxo:

idk if "other" is the right hole correct me

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