Culture Inheritance man beheads daughter in rage over lifestyle

AIPUR, India – A father in northwestern India remained unrepentant Tuesday after beheading his daughter with a ceremonial sword in a rage over her relationships with men on Father's Day of 2012.

The father surrendered at a police station, carrying the head in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other, police said.

Residents of Dungarji village expressed shock as they performed the last rites for the 20-year-old woman.

Police said the father, marble miner Oghad Singh, accused his daughter of bringing dishonor to the family and making it hard to find husbands for her two unmarried sisters.

Women wailing in grief lined the dusty road of the village in Rajasthan state as a procession carried Manju Kanwar's remains to her funeral pyre. As in many north and west Indian villages, the women, including her mother and four sisters, were not allowed to attend the funeral.

A coroner stitched Kanwar's head onto her body for the funeral. About 100 men, many of them relatives wearing ceremonial Rajput warrior clan turbans, surrounded her muslin-wrapped body, and her brother lit the funeral pyre.

Villagers condemned the father's actions as extreme. They said the father, his shirt soaked in blood, had carried his daughter's head through the village, describing what he'd done to neighbors.

"He told me that he took the sword out, and when the daughter was all alone in the house he beheaded her with a single stroke and the head fell on the ground," said Narayan Singh, a distant relative.

He said he persuaded Singh to surrender, and took him by motorcycle to a police station 5 kilometers (2 miles) away. Police charged Singh, 46, with murder.

"It was a ghastly sight," officer Ranjit Singh said, describing the father sitting in the station's waiting room holding the head in one hand and the sword in the other. "Oghad admitted immediately that he killed his daughter because she had earned a bad name for the family."

Police described Kanwar's recent life as difficult and unorthodox for the traditional community of about 1,000 just outside the Rajasthani tourist town of Udaipur.

She left her husband from an arranged marriage two years ago and moved back home to live with her parents. She recently began seeing several men which "disgusted" her father, deputy police superintendent Umesh Ojha said.

"Oghad said he was fed up with the lifestyle of his daughter," Ojha said.

When Manju eloped with one man two weeks ago, her father forced her to return on Sunday and killed her.

Rapidly modernizing India faces increasing social clashes as youths resist traditions like arranged marriage or limits on women venturing outside their parents' or husbands' homes.


So theres that easter tradition that takes place in kerkyra island of Greece where residents throw red painted flower pots of their balconies .

These chicks had the brilliant Idea to pass right where the flower pot cracking was taking place.



does anyone have some links to gore telegrams?

Russian female motorcyclist vs White Car vs Wheel Death Wobble @ 110mph

Yoo Yo Yo WPD, News for the german :marseybarbarian: WPD users! :marseyflaggermany:

Hello :marseywave: guys!

For the not german :marseyauthrightill: community who clicked on the post, that post right :marseyyes: here is to ask my german :marseyauthrightill: friends, who would :marseywood: like to join an only german :marseybarbarian: PinGroup.

Hey hey hey Jungs und Mädchen, ich überlege zur Zeit sehr stark eine Pin-Group aufzumachen, wo nur deutschsprachige rein kommen sollen, weil momentan ultra viele neue User auftauchen, die sich als deutsche herausstellen obwohl man das garnicht dachte!

Da wir ein Volk sind was gerne zusammenhält fände ich und einige andere WPD User, die ich gefragt habe, es sehr cool, solch eine Gruppe zu erstellen. Ich möchte nur, dass sich ferngehalten wird von jeglicher deutschen Geschichte, insbesondere den 2 Weltkrieg, weil uns dass einfach nur in ein sehr sehr schlechtes Licht zieht.

Aber sonst wäre in dieser Gruppe alles erlaubt, insbesondere alltagsgespärche oder Gespräche über Unfälle, serienmörder etc.

Ich will einfach, dass wir eine freundliche und bekannte Gruppe werden und uns gegenseitig unterstützen und kennenlernen.

Wer wäre alles dabei und würde der Gruppe joinen?

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Voraussichtlich stelle ich dir Gruppe heute gegen 0 Uhr online, soweit ich bis dahin 10k coins :marseymimic: bekommen habe und die Gruppe eröffnen kann.

Habt einen schönen Abend alle UND KOMMENTIERT EURE MEINUNG DAZU! :marseyheart:





:marseythumbsup: :marseywave2:

Culture Inheritance Pune man beheaded 45-year-old wife and paraded through the street, Oct 2015


for me; i don't really care cuz i would be more likely dead.


Most gore videos


Is this video up, or is it lost media?

Man castrated by wife for cheating


Unwatermarked video:

Another angle (Thanks to Jandice for this video and the unwatermarked video):

Text written in the video:

“The window is open, the blows are for what, the guy was stopped??? Frankly, this story breaks my heart, where is the refusal to comply?

He breaks his car and points a gun at him while he's talking quietly at the stop, so it's normal for him to move on.

But “BFMenteur”(BFM is a right-wing TV channel that only talks crap, which is why it's called “BFMenteur”, a famous nickname in France and pun with “BFM” and “menteur” meaning liar.)will never show this video.


June 27, 2023, Nanterre, Paris- A French police officer is being investigated for homicide over the fatal shooting a 17-year-old boy, "Nahel Merzouk" who have Algerian roots, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre after he failed to comply with an order to stop his car, the local prosecutor's office said.

The officer fired at the boy, who subsequently died from his wounds, the Nanterre prosecutor's office said. A video shared on social media shows two police officers beside the car, a Mercedes AMG, one of whom shoots as the driver pulls away.

Sporadic clashes broke out between youths and police on Tuesday evening as anger over the death of the teenager grew in the local community. Some groups set alight barricades and garbage bins, smashed up a bus stop and threw firecrackers toward police, who responded with tear gas and dispersion grenades. Nine people were arrested.

After a record 13 deaths from police shootings in France during traffic stops last year, this was the second fatal incident in such circumstances in 2023.

One passenger was taken into police custody but later released. Police were unable to contact another passenger, the prospector's office said. The driver was “known to the judicial services for having refused to comply with a traffic stop” on a previous occasion, it said.

Video of the anger of the ambulance driver who drove Nahel to hospital:

Some of riots videos after the death of Nahel Merzouk:

Don't give up :awesomerainbowlove::awesomerainbowlove::awesomerainbowlove:

There is so much hope in this world and you can fulfill all your duties on this earth by not quiting.

Your not a waste of anything you fought hard just to reach the egg so you can't give up now, there are other ways to escape this world besides death or harming yourself. Try something new I promise it will get better. When you get old, do you want all those scars on your wrinkly body? Your grandchildren coming up to you saying "What happened?" And you being in guilt of your youth and all the fun you missed by your behavior? You probably don't. :luvlove::luvlove::luvlove:

So keep on going with your journey and live your life the way it was meant to be lived. love u, stranger.


@Redditusedtobegood 😂😂🤣🤣 cute twink :troll2:

2 gay Russians draggin " Miss New Booty " for a good time 😬

Culture Inheritance Puri Odisha Husband Suspect Wife fiddling, Reaches Police with wife s head, August 2019


how do i create my marseys?

and why haven't i still get the 1k win badge? i won 1k times and still nothing is happening

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