Aftermath of suicide of a love couple

Man beheads his 17 year old wife! (Volume warning)

Dude gets a Big Splinter

Tree stuck in Shoulder From Parasailing incident.

Im sorry the best i can do right now is the name of him and more pictures.

Im trying to find the video.

Ivan Krasouski

He was trying to hold someone to the ground and got lifted up and he had to drop into some trees







The Waco Siege is still a pretty controversial topic, the comment section might turn into a shitshow, but some generally agreed on facts is that on April 19th, 1993, during an FBI siege the Mount Carmel Center went up in flames, taking 76 Branch Davidians with it. Of these 76, 20 were children.

sources: (go to victims pages) (audio related stuff)

all the images have a number associated with them, I'll put some numbers and info about some pictures I found noteworthy

8 - Body of David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians, unlike the other victims who died of mainly carbon monoxide poisoning, and being crushed by rubble, David Koresh was likely shot by his "right hand man" Steve Schneider, probably as a mercy killing since many other people were likely killed for the same reason.

31 - Body of Aisha Summers, and her unborn child.

34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 45, 47 - All of these victims' cause of death were labelled as gunshot wounds, likely either mercy killings or suicides

49 - Body of Wayne Martin, who made a call to 911 on the first day of the siege in an attempt to get the ATF to call off their raid due to there being women and children in the building, on the waco (on the wacosurvivors website if you go down to FBI Negotiation Tapes and Tape 1 Side A you can hear this 911 call)

51A - Really fucked up, the skull of a kid, with some star of david necklace next to it

64-68B - Bodies of Star and Cyrus Howell. Cyrus was David Koresh's oldest son (not including one he had when he was younger, whose life he was not part of), also fucked up because the bodies were in such close proximity to eachother, this might just be my emotions taking over here but it seems like they would've been terrified and trying to hold on to eachother in the fire (Cyrus was 8 at the time, and Star was 6)

76-80 - These were the Branch Davidians killed in the initial shootout on the first day of the Siege, which is why their corpses are in much better shape. Peter Gent was on top of a water tower during the shootout, and was shot and killed even though he was unarmed.


A 41-year-old man was killed in a vehicular accident along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway, near the University of the West Indies intersection.

Two female occupants who were in the vehicle also sustained minor injuries and were treated while at the scene by medical personnel.

According to a police report, about 9 am, Andy Alleyne was driving a black Jaguar along the eastbound lane when he attempted to avoid two crossing pedestrians. Alleyne reportedly lost control of the vehicle, which overturned. One of Alleyne’s arms was severed during the crash and he was pinned behind the steering wheel, where he died.

Drunk woman kills her kids in crash

I swear it's always the drunks that survive this shit

Eyes cut out.
Shot in the head.
Woman shot in the head at bus station (aftermath)

Tags: aftermath, gunshot, head, shot, shooting, bus, stop,

Last Chance

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This Monday morning (26) a case shocked the population of São Domingos. A man of approximately 50 years, initially identified as "CICERO MOTO TAXI" tried to take the life of his own wife, known as "CIENE". According to preliminary information, the case took place at the couple's residence at the beginning of the Consolação neighborhood. Cicero violently attacked his wife in the head area with a piece of wood. The woman fell to the ground and lost a lot of blood. Soon after, the man resorted to suicide. The woman was rescued and sent to President Dutra's aid, her health status is stable.


Not much is known other than the Russian was likely shot by a Ukrainian marksman.

9/10/22 Aftermath plane loses engine over Amazon rainforest para, brazil.....see comments for main crash video

go here for the the crash






Damage done by bull

Damage the man's face




Caption said two KIA but I only see one. Maybe there is another guy under the rubble on the left.

All Video Tanker Explosion In Boksburg, South Africa


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