
Rough sketch while watching gore (art) :marseyblowkiss: :marseyshy:

What's your favourite song? :3


Just curious

I've been on WPD for a little while now and i've noticed two types of people.

People who come to watch people die, gore, etc and still feel something. Like “damn, that was fucked up how that guy got his face carved off” or “wow a child died in this, that's fucked up”


People who get pleasure. like talking about how a who got her throat slit have some beautiful tits and it's a shame that she's dead now.

Where do you fall into this category? Can you explain why you fall into that category?

(i like sociology so it's fun to see other perspectives)

Eating soap

how do i create my marseys?

and why haven't i still get the 1k win badge? i won 1k times and still nothing is happening

Don't give up :awesomerainbowlove::awesomerainbowlove::awesomerainbowlove:

There is so much hope in this world and you can fulfill all your duties on this earth by not quiting.

Your not a waste of anything you fought hard just to reach the egg so you can't give up now, there are other ways to escape this world besides death or harming yourself. Try something new I promise it will get better. When you get old, do you want all those scars on your wrinkly body? Your grandchildren coming up to you saying "What happened?" And you being in guilt of your youth and all the fun you missed by your behavior? You probably don't. :luvlove::luvlove::luvlove:

So keep on going with your journey and live your life the way it was meant to be lived. love u, stranger.

Russian female motorcyclist vs White Car vs Wheel Death Wobble @ 110mph


So theres that easter tradition that takes place in kerkyra island of Greece where residents throw red painted flower pots of their balconies .

These chicks had the brilliant Idea to pass right where the flower pot cracking was taking place.


For me I made my first account on August 2023 but I forgot the password after months of inactivity then made another account but I didn't know how to use it and I was busy for a while and I was watching with a different account each day then I made this account when it was the 24is thong and here I am

High-Speed Chase Between Suspect on 4-Wheeler and Georgia Police Ends in Crash


1 # EvolutionaryRoots

Human beings have evolved as social creatures, relying on cooperation and mutual support for survival. Throughout history, individuals who formed strong social bonds were more likely to thrive and pass on their genes, leading to the development of empathy as a fundamental trait. This evolutionary perspective suggests that caring for others is deeply ingrained in our biology, serving as an adaptive advantage.

2: # EmotionalInterconnectedness

Empathy is not just a cognitive process but also an emotional one. When we witness someone experiencing joy, pain, or sorrow, mirror neurons in our brains fire, allowing us to emotionally resonate with their experiences. This emotional interconnectedness forms the basis of compassion and drives us to alleviate the suffering of others, even at our own expense.

3: # ReciprocalBenefit

Caring for others often results in reciprocal benefits. By supporting those around us, we cultivate trust and goodwill within our social circles, creating a network of support that we can rely on in times of need. Furthermore, acts of kindness and compassion can elicit positive responses from others, reinforcing prosocial behavior and strengthening social bonds.

4: # SocialNorms

Society plays a significant role in shaping our attitudes towards empathy and caring. From an early age, we are taught the value of kindness, compassion, and cooperation through socialization processes. These social norms not only guide our behavior but also influence our perceptions of morality, encouraging us to prioritize the well-being of others.

5: # EmpathicDistress

Humans are sensitive to the suffering of others, often experiencing empathic distress when we witness someone in pain or distress. This discomfort motivates us to alleviate the suffering of others, as it allows us to alleviate our own distress. Thus, caring for others is not only a compassionate act but also a means of self-soothing and emotional regulation.

6: # SenseofBelonging

Caring for others fosters a sense of belonging and connection within communities. When we support and uplift those around us, we strengthen the social fabric and create a sense of unity and solidarity. This sense of belonging fulfills our innate need for social connection and enhances our overall well-being.

7: # HumanityandMorality

Ultimately, empathy and caring are central to our humanity and morality. They reflect our capacity to recognize the intrinsic worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. By embracing empathy, we acknowledge our shared humanity and strive towards a more compassionate and just society.

In conclusion, the human capacity for empathy and caring is multifaceted, rooted in our evolutionary history, emotional interconnectedness, and social dynamics. Understanding these factors can provide insight into the significance of compassion and cooperation in human society, even for those with a curious, albeit twisted, perspective.


Robbers Get Hit With Some Instant Karma


What Are The Gore Website That Are Still Active?

WatchPeopledie (Most popular gore site)

Bestgore (Shutdown)

Kaotic (Most active)

Liveleak (Shutdown but mostly archived via wayback machine)

Documenting Reality (Outdated)

YNC (Pay wall)

Runthegauntlet (Mostly gross shit)

Goregrish (Old school gore forms layout hard to navigate)

Rotten (Outdated)

Shockgore (Shutdown)

Crazyshit (Mostly Porn)

Seegore (Outdated)

Itemfix (Mostly Accidents a shitty replacement for liveleak)

HorribleVideos (Most active)

Heavy-R (Mostly Porn)

leakedreality (Shutdown)

Imgur (Mostly for third party inks)

Deepgoretub (Most active)

BestGoreFun (New version of bestgore)

Goreflix (Outdated and mostly porn)

Deadhouse (Ads Spamming)

Horriblevideos (Most active)

Now, Why Is It Bad To Watch People Die?

Watching people die can have psychological consequences. Some individuals may become desensitized, while others may experience distress or even post-traumatic stress disorder. The trauma of watching someone die can be quite debilitating for one's mental health. Most people are familiar with Elisabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler's five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These effects can be compounded when you're the one watching someone die.

Interestingly, our fascination with death and the act of watching it has been around for a long time. Humans have sadistic urges, masochistic urges, and voyeuristic urges. However, it's only in the past few decades that spectatorship of death has grown widespread. Technology plays a significant role in this phenomenon. Let's explore further:

Faces of Death: About forty years ago, the cult classic film “Faces of Death” brought to light our collective desire to see what J.G. Ballard called “the horrors of the real.” This 105-minute compilation of killings and autopsies was purportedly the first movie to depict real people dying on screen. Although most of the deaths were later revealed to be fake, it became the first viral video.

Digital Cameras and Dial-Up Internet: In the 1990s, the ubiquity of digital cameras and dial-up internet gave rise to the first “shock sites”., a digital house of real-life horrors, attracted thousands of visitors daily who sought out the most gruesome content in existence.

Cellphones and Proliferation of Shock Sites: By the mid-aughts, anyone with a cellphone could take and share photos and videos of anything, anywhere, at any time. The number of video-focused shock sites proliferated, making death something whose sights and sounds could be freely consumed by millions of people.

In summary, while our fascination with death and the act of watching it is not new, the widespread availability of technology has amplified our exposure to such content.

Why Is It Good To Watch People Die?

Morbid Curiosity and Sadistic Urges:

Humans have always had a mix of emotions, including sadistic, masochistic, and voyeuristic urges1.

These urges can lead people to seek out extreme content, including videos of death.

The curiosity about mortality and the macabre has been present throughout history.

Technology and Spectatorship:

Advances in technology have made it easier to access and share content related to death.

In the past, films like “Faces of Death” (a compilation of killings and autopsies) sparked interest in real-life horrors.

Shock sites like gained popularity in the early days of the internet, allowing people to view gruesome content.

The ubiquity of digital cameras and the internet further fueled the proliferation of such content.

Emotional Impact and Empathy:

Watching death videos can evoke strong emotions, including empathy for the victims.

Some argue that exposure to violence can lead to positive outcomes, such as advocating against injustice2.

However, it's essential to recognize that repeated exposure to violent or traumatic content can be harmful.

Psychological Effects:

Watching people die can have psychological consequences.

Some individuals may become desensitized, while others may experience distress or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Seeking professional help or therapy is crucial if someone feels comforted by violence or death3.


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