Cheers to the Mods.

Put all of your support for










And for some OG's





And a few more all in the comments below

Anyone else tired of all the 9/11 posts?

This is kind of a rant since i've seen quite a lot of posts about 9/11 on here today, or at least more than i can bear. I'm here to watch gore and that's it. That's all this site should be. Whatever stupid shit happened in America is literally none of my concern and as i already explained, one post is enough. I'm fucking sick and tired of gay retards on this site posting political garbage and sob-stories all the time instead of just watching gore. And i say political because this isn't even a real tragedy. How can Americans be so dumb as to think this shit was real??? Did you even watch the footage? the towers collapse from the bottom, which should not be the case if the collission happened at the top of the building. It's this and many other confirmed facts about this shitshow. Like the fact that there were no identifying documents ever found on the scene. Or the fact that a few weeks back they were doing "tests" around the Twin Towers with the same planes that ended up "crashing".

But that's it, this pissed me off, had to say something about it.

Repost Videos / Complainers Rant!

Hey guys, there are many videos on this website and some people may title them differently than others. Or they may flair them differently. Some People who frequently post videos , such as myself, attempt to see if the video is already posted. So there are times that we cannot find it, so we post and then get told that it is a repost. In those instances, please just comment and tell me and I will take it down. There is absolutely no need to report the video.

Also, I find myself wondering why the ones who complain on this site are the ones who contribute nothin at all. No posts. We take the time to find videos, download, create post and label it, upload and then post. All for you guys to be entertained(including you cowardly complainers)! So for the complainers, if you dont like the way we title a video or some bullshit like that, kindly go lay down in any pirranha infested bodies of water of your choosing, after you just ate a dog bowl full of “OP gives no fuck about u not liking our post” shit. Sprinkle that with some “u dont like it then post ur own shit” seasoning! Thanks! Carry On!

Stand united in remembrance of the lives lost on September 11, 2001.


Give Me Downvotes

Do it :#marseyagree:

AverageGoreEnjoyer exposed

He shidded his bed 💀💀💀




Silly accident

Made me laugh so i thought i'd share

All came out with no significant injuries

Crazy Lady With A Gun


hello! september 9th was my birthday (yesterday lol)

and something happened that i wasnt expecting holy shit

i have tomato plants i grow every year

well i went outside and boom. these tomatoes stems were gone.

nothing but a stick. something had ate it overnight and i was like "darnnit"

there was also a weird smell coming from it (foreshadowing lol)

i wasn't upset because i had two, this one had no tomatoes on it so i wasnt heartbroken

well the next day, i look at the one with tomatoes growing on it and theres a HUGE weird lookin green thing on it

i realized it was a plump caterpillar! it was green with white stripes on it, and had weird spikes on its back

well i looked it up, its called a tomato hornworm

its not good

heres whats happening to the worm:

these spikes are parasitic wasp cocoons

a female wasp stuck her thingy into this caterpillar and laid eggs

these larva hatched to eat the insides of the caterpillar

and eventually chew its way threw the caterpillars skin and create a lil tunnel

continue to feed on its organs as the poor thing is living

but paralyzed, unable to move, eat, exept move its head.

eventually the wasps will break free and kill the hornworm in the process

after learning this, i checked the other plant that was eaten already and

there was a dead caterpillar that was infested with parasites, except there was ANOTHERspecies of wasps, paper wasps, eating its rotten body

it was almost decapitated; it was literally held together by a piece of skin.

what should i do with the living one? end its sufferings? or let the wasps take their course? heck, the wasps dont sting/bite and are good for our environment

idk man

thank god it was paralyzed before it got to my tomatoes tho

Not Much Gore For A Phoenix Mass Shooting

Need An Elephant Gun





Penis Mod

Happy Saturday!

I Love My Motorcycle.....But


A Cat Goes To School


I always wondered if many women watch this shit?

I mean every dude loves combat footage because as boys we all played soldier with our nerf guns and played violent video games, being more predisposed to violence probably makes us more curious about watching people die.

Ladies, can you explain why you watch this horrible stuff? Just good ol’ morbid curiosity? Its hard for me to guess with you being the more loving, gentler half of the human race. Where did your curiosity originate?

Mods: do you know the male to female ratio for here?

Pay me Taxes


Eclipse From Airplane

Is He Scared Of Needles!? 💉 / Crazy Man Jumps Out Of Ambulance

He's probably on serious drugs or something...


[No Death] Naked Man On Drugs Gets His Ass Kicked By Bunch Of People :marseylaugh:

They were probably trying to detain him until cops arrive or something. Pretty hilarious, thought I'd share it with you guys!


join me for a cup of coffee

tell me about your day so far. I'm chilling with a fancy cup of joe, hell even post your own coffee

Most Controversial WPD Comments!

Hey friends and foes!

I thought we could have a jolly ol' time seeing and sharing our most controversial and favorite comments on WPD!

Just copy links to your comments, and we can all laugh at you one more time!

(in your user profile, you can sort your own comments by "controversial". Each comment has a button "copy link". need more help? make sure screen plugged in.)

I'll start with some of my, please throw in some of yours, and when we're all finished, maybe we'll have some new content posted,..

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