☆ introduction ( please tell me if this isn't allowed :p ) :banana:

hiii ! my name is milly and i'm pretty new to this app, really just here to see gore and stuff.

✧.* i'm 20 years old and pretty cringe 😬 i use emoticons and like werid stuff

weird stuff being hazbin hotel, ponys, mental disorders , ww2, and 1790's guillotine (✿◠‿◠)

I mostly just made this post because i'm bored but ask anything !!


Fun👻🤡🕷️ begins at:

  Timestamp 5:44

I mean i'm sorry but it's a bit funny

Like " u wanna die ? Let me help" :haha: :haha:

needing to be updated

So guys, I kind of disappeared for a while because I had some problems here and there and I ended up disappearing, but I back.


just another beautiful day in Berlin :marseyflaggermany:

most normal activity in Berlin


Creepy woman just stands there

I don't know if it's real or fake


Everyone reacts differently to life-or-death scenarios.

Insane lightning strikes in Guatemala

I made a drawing of marsey :marseywave2:

I really didn't know if marsey is male or female.

I added a bow 'Cause I thought he looked cute with a


If you wan't more like this go to or for more images enjoy :)


it's social because nothing else fits :P

it is in polish + i don't romanticize sh or nothing like that, someone who made those notes was weird!

88-year-old Montana man teaches his grandson to rob banks - they're both going to prison for 2 years

Steven Whitecloud was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2008 for bank robbery. But he didn't let that stop him from teaching his grandson to rob banks.

The two of them robbed 2 banks in 4 days in 2023 - but the cops saw jr. bankrobber jumping into the getaway car, and 88 year old gramps led the cops on a high speed chase.

They didn't get away.

Both are going to prison for 2 years - but thats probably a death sentence for gramps - because grandpa has stage 5 lung cancer in remission, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, arthritis and scoliosis. He requires the use of supplemental oxygen and has limited mobility.

An 88-year-old man will head to prison for robbing two Montana banks.

Steven Whitecloud, 88, was sentenced to two years in prison and three years supervised release for the robberies, a federal judge in Montana ruled this week. He previously pleaded guilty to his roles in the heists.

Co-defendant Patrick Justice, 26, was previously sentenced to two years in prison for his role.

On August 24, 2023, Justice entered a Billings U.S. Bank and gave the teller a note demanding money. He got the funds and fled the area in a Ford Taurus.

Four days later, Justice went into a Billings Wells Fargo Bank demanding money. He also told the teller he was “strapped,” which the worker took to mean the suspect had a gun, prosecutors said.

Justice got the money and fled in a Taurus. Responding officers spotted the green Taurus and tried to pull it over. But it sped away.

After a chase, officers got the vehicle to stop and found Justice and Whitecloud inside.

Whitecloud told officers he suggested the two rob banks, as he had done in the past, as a way to make money.

Whitecloud was convicted in 2008 of bank robbery, prosecutors said. He said he told Justice how to rob a bank and acted as the getaway driver.

In addition to the prison sentence, the federal judge ordered Whitecloud to pay $3,092 in restitution.

ABC News:

BILLINGS, Mont. -- An 88-year-old Montana man has been sentenced to two years in a federal prison medical facility for being the getaway driver in two bank robberies in Billings last summer, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Montana said.

The man was sentenced Thursday after pleading guilty in February to two counts of bank robbery. He was ordered to pay nearly $3,100 in restitution and will be on supervised release for three years after he finishes his prison sentence.

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Watters ordered him to report to the U.S. Marshals Service, after which he would be sent to a Bureau of Prisons medical facility.

The man and his co-defendant were arrested after the second robbery in August 2023 in a car matching the description of the car involved in the first bank robbery just four days earlier, prosecutors said. The defendant told investigators he suggested he and the co-defendant rob banks to get money, as he had done in the past. The defendant pleaded guilty to bank robbery in 2008, when he was 72.


Turkey. The building was already damaged because of the earthquake.

I got bit by a squirrel lmfao :marseychipmunk: :supersquirrel:

Dosent look like much, but it was bleeding a lot when it happened


My friend and I started our morning with Dunkin Donuts, specifically I got a larched caramel iced coffee with cold foam and she got a strawberry coolata with whipped cream. We walk over to the park to enjoy our drinks when suddenly what I thought was a piece of tree bark fell from the tree above us which hit my friend. Startled, she got up and jumped away. Apon me looking down at what had fell, it was a squirrel who was scrambling around on the floor, he had some sort of injury from the fall and he was bleeding from his nose a little bit.

As stupid as it sounds, I picked him up. He squirmed a little bit but I was able to get him to relax a little bit by holding him close to my chest securely so he wasn't scratching me. My house was right down the street, I had a similar experience with another squirrel who kept coming to my porch for food. He was a baby and idk where his mom was. I was eventually able to get him to trust me where I was able to pick him up and he would crawl on me and try to go into my shirt sleeves. I got unsalted almonds from the store and made him a little shoebox bed with some little hand towels where he would sleep the whole night, go out and do squirrel stuff, then come back to hang out. He eventually stopped coming around tho but I left the shoebox there for him if he ever did come back. Needless to say I had all the things ready for this injured squirrel.

As I was carrying him home, he was sniffling so there was little bits of squirrel blood on me. I got him to the porch and put him in the box where he layed down for about 10 minutes. I went inside to grab the almonds and heard my friend calling my name so I went back to the porch and he was trying to leave but was having a hard time, then proceeded to throw up a shit ton of berries he had eaten before. I picked him up again and he started squirming, I was like "it's ok it's ok you're safe" and tried to calm him down like I did previously but he decided to bite me really fucking hard while scratching me at the same time. I let go, he ran to hide on another side of my porch, my friend was screaming "IT FUCKING BIT YOU IT FUCKING BIT YOU" As my finger was bleeding profusely. I cleaned it up right away, washed it and covered it. I don't think it had rabies or anything because it would've been more violent. I think he bit me because he was scared and I bothered him which makes total sense and I'm not even mad at him. Little bro stayed on my porch hiding the whole time we were there and I think he might still be on the porch, I'm not sure because I'm not home rn but he was still there when I left.

It hurts to move my finger now, idk I'll probably be fine.


❤️ Enki


❤️ Enki


Grizzly Adams gets lost in the woods :) - Missing man rescued after 10 days in California forest


Heart-warming pictures of hiker reuniting with family after being lost in California woods for 10 days

Lukas McClish, 34, survived for 10 days living on water and wild berries after getting lost while on a walk through Big Basin Redwood State Park. The trekker was reported missing after he failed to show up for a Father's Day dinner, according to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office.

A hiker who lost more than 13kg after disappearing in California's woods had to have rocks removed from his back.

Pictures have emerged of the moment a shirtless Lukas McClish, 34, was reunited with his family after being lost for 10 days in Big Basin Redwood State Park.

Mr McClish was last seen on 11 June but was only reported missing on 16 June, when he failed to show up for a Father's Day dinner, according to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office.

He was found on Friday after people reported hearing someone scream and drones were deployed to track him down.

Mr McClish, an experienced hiker, told the New York Times (NYT) he drank water from creeks and ate wild berries in order to survive - a "diet" which saw him lose 13.6kg (30lbs).

"I was kind of doing the water-diet thing," said Mr McClish. "If you drink a gallon and a half of water every day, you don't need food until you run out of carbs."

Mr McClish described how he had very little on him when he embarked on what he thought would only be a three-hour hike before work.

"I left with just a pair of pants, and my pair of hiking shoes, and a hat. I had a flashlight, and a pair of folding scissors, like a Leatherman tool. And that was about it," he told ABC7.

But he ended up getting lost as landmarks along the track had been eroded by fires.

The sheriff's office said it had received multiple reports of witnesses hearing someone yelling for help.

State Parks rangers were the first to discover him and fire crews helped bring him to safety on Friday.

During the first few days of his ordeal, Mr McClish tried to see his experience as an opportunity to spend time with himself and test his survival skills.

"So, I kind of just hiked," he said. "Each day, I go up a canyon, down a canyon to the next waterfall, sit down by the waterfall, drink water out of my boot."

But by day five, he started to look at ways of getting back home.

"I knew if I kept following the sun I'd get to the ocean eventually, but I didn't know how far from the ocean I was," he said.

By day eight, Mr McClish was repeatedly shouting in the hope of getting someone's attention as he suffered from hypothermia and had fallen while walking over a rock face.

Once rescued, Mr McClish was taken to hospital for a night, where he had rocks removed from his back, the NYT quoted him as saying

"I did enough hiking for probably the whole rest of the year," he said.

"Me too," his dad said.

"We've all hiked a lot," his mother added.



Water 💦 is by many myths around the world 🌍 the home 🏡 of the serpent 🐉 spirit. There are many of such 100s of myths across pagan Europe 🌍. Changed and altered later by the Christian church⛪, who by their meddling eroded the real history of the Atlanteans that spread their serpent worship and knowledge across the world 🌎.

🔥The Brotherhood of The Snake 🐍

  Timestamp: 28:02

And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols he shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

(Isaiah 2:17-19, KJVA)


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