CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST 7-year-old boy beheaded with a recurved sword! A sadistic child sacrifice incident

The worst human sacrifice incident most of us have ever seen...

In Jamui district, Bihar, an uncle sacrificed a seven-year-old child. In fact, a 7-year-old child was murdered in Jamui on December 22, 2020 in Sono block of Jamui district. In this case, the police have arrested the accused uncle Tufani Yadav. In the event of the murder, the SP said that at the behest of the tantric, his uncle was given 7-year-old Saurabh Kumar a human sacrifice in the affair of witchcraft.

In this murder, 5 people including the tantric have been arrested. The SP said that Karu Yadav, a cousin of the main accused Tufani Yadav, conspired in greed and instigated him for murder.

At first this murder was regarded due to land dispute between the families. But the investigation revealed that this murder is a murder in superstition. The child has been sacrificed in the circle of tantra-mantra. Tufani Yadav's first son died in 2019 due to illness and his three months old daughter was also ill for the last few days. He was reportedly suggested by Karu Yadav and Tantric Janardhan Giri to give human sacrifice to save his daughter's life. On Tuesday, the same tantric conducted a puja recitation in the house of Tufani and after the puja recitation said that if he sacrifices a human being, then his daughter will be cured. After which, in a hurry, the accused Tufani killed Saurabh, who was going on the road and killed by cutting his neck.

The incident took place in Kuhila village of Sono police station area, the accused came under the provocation of his younger brother Karu Yadav, in which a tantric asked to do so while doing tantra mantra. The SP said that Tantric Janardan Giri has been arrested from Giridih area, and the tantric arrested for the sacrifice had instigated the accused Tufani Yadav. Just before the murder of 7-year-old Saurabh, witchcraft was done in Karu Yadav's house, during which Karu Yadav was also given a palm tree toddy.

Saurabh, a seven-year-old son of Keval Yadav who is a resident of Kuhila village and elder brother of Tufani Yadav, had gone to the nearby shop buy biscuits. Saurabh was the only brother of three elder sisters. While returning home from the shop, the accused uncle came running with a sword and hit Saurabh's neck from behind, causing the child's head to get separated from the torso on the spot.

However, during this incident, the accused had planned to kill Saurabh's sister too, but she managed to escape and saved her life. At the same time, while Tufani Yadav was carrying Saurabh's head after killing him, a local woman saw him. After this, he left the head there and escaped to the forest with the bloody sword. The SP said that such an incident is a stigma for humanity and the accused will not be spared at any cost.

In an interview of the case, the SP said that there was also a conspiracy of Karu Yadav, cousin of the accused Tufani Yadav that when Tufani completed murder case, he would have the right to all his land. The police have recovered the sword used in the murder. In this murder, 5 people have been arrested and sent to jail in judicial custody, including Tufani's mother Kunti Devi (60) and wife Sindhu Devi (31) who played the role of instigators, and Tufani, Karu and Tantric Janardan Giri.

uploading some videos isn't meant for media copyright infringement, but for keeping those about to be or already been deleted by YouTube for gory scenes. The other two videos are from India's local video site

The two females holding the child's severed head and crying are his mother and elder sister. The male behind them is his father.

Keval Yadav escorted his dead son to the designated Hospital for autopsy, which suggests that "the death due to sharp cut of neck and haemorrhagic shock and totally sharp cut of neck bone, trachea, oesophagus, major arteries, nerves and vein. " The width (around 1.2 meter) of the three-wheel vehicle is just enough to hold a headless young kid.

This recurved sword made little Saurabh's head fall, separated his soul from his body.

The main perpetrator Tufani, who even dare to apply for bail!

What may move everyone to tears- Saurabh even could not have a proper funeral and burial. His corpse was neither cremated according to Hindu tradition nor reattached with his head. He had no coffin. Only a simple pit was dug. Saurabh's father and another relative first carried headless little Saurabh away into the pit, then his severed head.

The incised wound present at the neck, occurred antemortem due to a chop by a recurved sword. The neck skin and muscles formed a cone.

The only lucky thing is that the innocent child's face looked so peaceful, without any agony. His eyes remained half open. His head must have been taken off within one single strike of the sharp sword behind him while he was walking, causing his instant and painless death .


0. Purpose of guide

I'm making this guide because I've noticed a lot of people being dumb and sharing personal information, then getting scared they might get doxxed. This creates all kinds of stress and drama. It might even worsen your life. The sooner you learn to keep yourself safe on the internet the better.

1. Fuck social media

Social media is the bane of the internet, period. It encourages you to put your life on display for the world to see, and it's a gigantic waste of time. At least sites like here and Reddit allow you to hold a proper conversation which if you're smart you'll use to learn and grow by asking questions and debating with people. You can't effectively do that on social media like Twitter or Facebook. But there's also nothing wrong with having fun. Social media's original purpose was to make it easier to connect with long distance friends and family. If you want to use social media you should keep it exclusively to that; don't share it with random strangers on the internet. Ever. That's how you dox yourself.

2. Compartmentalize your internet life

This means you want to have different usernames and different emails for each section of the internet. For example keep your social media life strictly separate from the rest of your internet life. Use a different username and email. Like I've got several different emails and each one is associate with a different username which is associated with different sections of my internet life. To demonstrate, I have my mainstream presence which is prim and proper, and my "other" presence which you see here and on other free speech sites.

My mainstream presence is where I'm not controversial and I don't generally talk about things that upset people. My extremely limited social media presence is combined with this, but if you want a larger social media presence ideally you would keep it separate but you don't have to, so long as you follow rule 3 that's next.

My "other" presence is where I'm far more controversial, where I can discuss my true feelings and express my true nature, on sites like here. This absolutely must be kept entirely separate from all other internet lives. This is the mistake some of you make and it keeps biting you in the ass.

And you should also have a false, throwaway presence mainly for use on sites where you aren't sure about their legitimacy and if things go awry you don't mess up your important presences. Mainly this is an email, so that if the site is untrustworthy and sells your information you aren't bombarded with spam on the accounts you do care about, and if it gets doxxed it can't be traced to anything you care about it either.

Never use more than one presence on the same site, it's an excellent way to dox yourself and the two presences linked together. Just don't do it.

3. Never reveal your personal information anywhere, for any reason

Exceptions of course for things like your bank, job, and places of business where you make purchases. Instead I'm referring to places like here, Reddit, Twitter, and so on. Only the people in real life need to know your real name, not strangers on the internet. This includes your social media presence. I strongly encourage you to use a fake name or real life exclusive nickname and have your settings set to friends only so random people can't see what you're doing. Absolutely NEVER tell people your real name or share pictures of yourself on the internet outside of your separate social media account. Never ever share nudes anywhere. People WILL spread them around and it's a great way to get doxxed, and if it got linked to your proper life you can get into some trouble.

Furthermore don't tell anyone in real life the usernames or emails of your non-social media accounts (which should also be separate). This way your "other" presence cannot possibly be associated with you in any way. So when people try to threaten doxxing, well they can't because you've kept things compartmentalized and your real life is safe.

Examples of things to NOT tell people about: first name, last name, date of birth, year of birth, address, state/city, job specifics, school specifics, pictures of yourself or family members or where you live

Things that are vague and ok to tell people: age range (20's, 30's, etc.), country, gender, race, sexuality. Feel free to keep even these a secret, doing so will only make you safer.

Furthermore you need to keep in mind what you share and reveal on each presence. For example, I've shared pictures of my cat on my mainstream account, therefore I do not share such pictures anywhere else because a clever and industrious fellow might be able to somehow figure out it's the same cat and link my accounts together. I talk about video games a lot on my mainstream, therefore I rarely discuss video games elsewhere and if I do it's vague, because if you discuss the same topic in the same way in both presences it can possibly give you away. I discuss furries here on my "other" account, therefore furries do not have a presence on my mainstream account. And many other such examples. Basically you need to keep your passions and hobbies separate and associated with only a single presence at a time. If somehow someone sees two different accounts discussing the same hobby in the same way, they might be able to link them together. This is paranoia yes, but it will keep you safe and free of doxxing.

4. Don't give in to peer pressure

No matter how people try to convince you or threaten you to reveal personal information about yourself, never do it. A true internet friend will understand and respect your privacy. If someone is trying to peer pressure you and won't take no for an answer, then stop talking to them and unfriend them. Your life will be better for it. And if you have the inherent urge to share personal information including photos to people you don't know in real life, then you need to work on yourself and get rid of those urges, because they will not help you and can only bring stress and difficulty in the long run.

5. "How do I start?"

You may need to do a complete reset of your internet life. A lot of you have been fools and mixed everything together. Delete what accounts you can and scrub everything that you can, and start over. You can probably keep your social media presence if you posted a lot of pictures of yourself and have lots of real friends and family, just delete everything you want to separate into an "other" presence.

But you may need to truly start over. Abandon your random internet friends and delete literally everything and truly start over from scratch. Sounds harsh and a big deal, but in the long run it will be better for you. Unfortunately if you've been foolish to share your personal pictures around, they can't all be deleted, and if you restart your social media presence they might be linked back to you, especially if the old pictures were shared on places you want to become your "other" presence. Hence why I said earlier to have your social media private and exclusive so such pictures can't be so easily linked. And again, ideally don't have any such social media presence at all and then you need not worry about said old pictures getting linked to you.

Recap, tl;dr

Don't use social media, but if you must then limit what you put there and make it private and exclusive.

Keep different parts of your internet life strictly separate using different emails and usernames. Particularly things that would be awkward or hurtful if it got linked to your more public and proper internet life.

Never reveal personal information to anybody for any reason, no matter how they try to peer pressure you.

You may need to start your internet lives over from scratch.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST A True Hero || The Human Shield, Anthony Borges (Parkland School Shooting Survivor)

What Happened?

On Valentine's Day 2018, during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, 15 year old Anthony Borges heroically used himself as a human shield by gaurding and holding a door closed to protect his classmates from the gunfire. On this day, having been credited to have saved 20 class members, ³ he was shot 5 times..Taking hits to the lungs, abdomen, and his legs. Here, and here he shows the scars that remained. In total, 17 people died that day..3 of which were staff members.

Hospitalization + Recovery

Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to undergo 14 surgeries to repair the damage. There were also complications from the bullet wound where he suffered a severe intestinal infection which was ultimately treated. I unfortunately was unable to find what kind of surgeries he underwent and the exact amount, according to this source written in July 2022, Anthony confirmed he had at least 14 surgeries [5] and will require a lifetime of treatment and healing.

The extent of his injuries greatly impacted his life, having caused him to have to relearn even the simplest of tasks.

“It was like being born [again] … being a baby. Having to learn to walk, to redo everything,” he says. “I don't have words to describe how hard is [the] past. Every day was painful.” [10]

During his hospitalization, he was visited by XXXTentacion

photos during his hospitalization


Anthony's condition continues to improve and he aspires to be able to play soccer again after his recovery. He hopes to take his passion for soccer to the next step and play professionally!

"My goal is walking better," he said. "Run again. Because I want to play soccer. That's my goal." [4]

I believe the circle was from his colostomy bag which was removed around December of 2018 according to this source [10]


Anthony being wheeled into the courtroom

Because of his injuries, Anthony Borges sued Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz for assault and battery. The lawsuit stated they were seeking at least $15k in damages and for medical expenses, but will likely be requesting more. [7] Unfortunately, i was unable to find more info on the lawsuit.

On top of the lawsuit against Cruz, he planned to sue the Florida School District for negligence and failure to protect the students which led to great bodily harm. The separate lawsuit to further fund Anthony came only 2 days after a separate settlement of $25 million going to the 17 victims families, being unknown the amount each would be getting, it was said he was to be given an additional $1.5 million due to his injuries, but still had went ahead with a separate lawsuit [7]. It was stated that the severity and impact of his injuries will require further pay than what was initially given.

"The failure of Broward County Public Schools, and of the principal and school resource officer to adequately protect students, and in particular our client, from life-threatening harm, were unreasonable, callous and negligent" lawyer Alex Arreaza wrote in a letter dated on Monday. [2]

To further support the lawsuit, it was stated

"Due to his condition," the letter states, Borges "is currently unable to walk and has a great deal of difficulty performing rudimentary tasks for himself, requiring assistance constantly." [2]

"One of the problems that he still has is one of his feet he doesn't have full function in his toes, so they have some more work to do with the ligaments. He's not able to do what he loved to do, [that] triggers the PTSD and creates those problems," said Arreaza. [9]

The end goal of his lawsuits against Cruz and the Florida School District was to get the full truth out and to try and ensure something like this doesn't happen again.

"I don't know why I survived," the statement read, "but I will tell you that my family and I will dedicate the rest of our lives to seeing that something like this never happens again." [8]

Anthony revealing his scars to the court

Cruz was charged with and pled guilty to 17 counts of premeditated murder and was given life without parole. The families wanted him to face the death penalty as a way for the victim's families to seek justice, but courts decided against it.













good day everyone.

i requested the grass award so i could take a break so i could focus on some personal work.

i could however not disappoint with my comeback. so here are some follow up pictures of me going out.

cookies anyone ?

for about 100pcs

12oz/350g flour

9.5oz/270g butter

6oz/175g white sugar

1.5 small spoonful of baking powder

a little bit of salt

3.5oz/100g chocolate chips black

1 egg

3g gingerbread/cookie spices

  • weigh the flour and put it in a bowl for mixing

  • weigh butter and place in pot to melt

  • weigh sugar and add to butter when it has melted

  • add baking powder to flour

  • mix half a teaspoon of salt with flour

  • ad cookie spices with flour and mix

  • let the butter cool and add the egg (so you don't bake the egg)

  • mix everything together in mixing bowl

  • add chocolate chips IF it has cooled down enough (otherwise chocolate will melt)

  • preheat oven to 400°f/200°c

  • roll balls no larger than €1 piece

  • set oven to 300°f / 170°c

  • bake for 15-17 minutes

  • cookies may come out a bit soft, but this is normal

i originally wanted to request the grass award a bit sooner because i wanted to take a break and possibly quit wpd. mainly because the voxtek drama was eating at me. link1 link2

like some user said. maybe i do really care to much about the users here. :marseylaptopsad:

has the site gone to shit without clitpeeler ? why ? the mods are doing their best to prevent all and any doxxing. you got 3 new awesome mods since clit left. none of them could replace him of course, but they are all unique in their own way. :marseysatisfied:

please have fun on here instead of moping around gore. some of you only seem to be on here to find misery.

and for the love of god, please give more upvotes to each other instead of being self centered.

in closing:

anyhow, follow me for more shitposts like these. i'm hardly here for the gore.

the usual natsuki posting will commence shortly.

EFFORTPOST Serial killer: ed Gein

Ed Gein was born on August 27th 1906 and died on July 26th 1984

Victims: 2 murders confirmed, 7 murders suspected, 9 corpses mutilated.

Crimes: on the morning of November 16th, 1957 the owner of Plainfield hardware store Bernice worden disappeared. The hardware store's truck was seen driving out from the rear of the building at around 9:30 a.m. The hardware store saw few customers the entire day; some area residents believed that this was because of deer hunting season. Worden's son, Deputy Sheriff Frank Worden, entered the store around 5:00 p.m. to find the cash register open and blood stains on the floor.

Frank Worden told investigators that on the evening before his mother's disappearance, Gein had been in the store and was to have returned the next morning for a gallon of antifreeze. A sales slip for the antifreeze was the last receipt written by Worden on the morning that she disappeared. That evening, Gein was arrested at a West Plainfield grocery store, and the Waushara County Sheriff's Department searched the Gein farm.

A sheriff's deputy discovered Worden's decapitated body in a shed on Gein's property, hung upside down by her legs with a crossbar at her ankles and ropes at her wrists. The torso was "dressed out like a deer". She had been shot with a .22-caliber rifle, and the mutilations were made after her death. Searching the house, authorities found.

Some of the things they found: Whole human bones and fragments

A wastebasket made of human skin

Human skin covering several chairs

Skulls on his bedposts

Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off

Bowls made from human skulls

A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist

Leggings made from human leg skin

Masks made from the skin of female heads

Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag

Mary Hogan's skull in a box

Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack

Bernice Worden's heart "in a plastic bag in front of Gein's potbelly stove"

Nine vulvae in a shoe box

A belt made from female human nipples

Four noses

A pair of lips on a window shade drawstring

A lampshade made from the skin of a human face

Fingernails from female fingers

A female human nipple doorbell.

These artifacts were photographed at the state crime laboratory and then "decently disposed of". When questioned, Gein told investigators that between 1947 and 1952, he had made as many as forty nocturnal visits to three local graveyards to exhume recently buried bodies while he was in a "daze-like" state. On about thirty of those visits, he said that he came out of the daze while in the cemetery, left the grave in good order and returned home empty handed. On the other occasions, he dug up the graves of recently buried middle-aged women he thought resembled his mother and took the bodies home, where he tanned their skins to make his paraphernalia

Gein admitted to stealing from nine graves and led investigators to their locations. Allan Wilimovsky of the state crime laboratory participated in opening three test graves identified by Gein. The caskets were inside wooden boxes; the top boards ran crossways (not lengthwise). The tops of the boxes were about two feet (61 centimeters) below the surface in sandy soil. Gein had robbed the graves soon after the funerals while the graves were not completed. The test graves were exhumed because authorities were uncertain as to whether the slight Gein was capable of single-handedly digging up a grave during a single evening; they were found as Gein described: one casket was empty; another casket contained Gein's crowbar; and the final casket saw most of the body missing, yet Gein had returned rings and some body parts.Thus, Gein's confession was largely corroborated.

Soon after his mother's death, Gein began to create a "woman suit" so that "he could become his mother—to literally crawl into her skin". He denied having sex with the bodies he exhumed, explaining: "They smelled too bad." During state crime laboratory interrogation, Gein also admitted to shooting 51-year-old Mary Hogan, a tavern owner missing since December 8, 1954, whose head was found in his house, but he later denied memory of details of her death. During questioning, Sheriff Art Schley reportedly assaulted Gein by banging his head and face into a brick wall. As a result, Gein's initial confession was ruled inadmissible. Schley died of heart failure in 1968 at age 43, before Gein's trial. Many who knew Schley said he was traumatized by the horror of Gein's crimes and this, along with the fear of having to testify (especially about assaulting Gein), caused his death

Ed geins death: Gein died at the Mendota Mental Health Institute due to respiratory failure secondary to lung cancer on July 26, 1984, at the age of 77. Over the years, souvenir seekers chipped pieces from his gravestone at the Plainfield Cemetery, until the stone itself was stolen in 2000. It was recovered in June 2001, near Seattle, Washington, and was placed in storage at the Waushara County Sheriff's Department. The gravesite itself is now unmarked, but not unknown; Gein is interred between his parents and brother in the cemetery.

I've been seeing a lot of ppl do true crime things so I'd thought I'd do one ! Lemme know if you liked it :3

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