
The Battle of Cannae was a key engagement of the Second Punic War between the Roman Republic and Carthage, fought on 2 August 216 BC near the ancient village of Cannae in Apulia, southeast Italy.

It is regarded as one of the greatest tactical feats in military history and one of the worst defeats in Roman history, and it cemented Hannibal's reputation as one of antiquity's greatest tacticians.

Commanders and strength of both sides;

The Roman Army

Total Strength; 86,400 Men
Light Infantry

15,000 Velites


≈25,000 Roman

≈30,000 Allied


2,400 Roman

4,000 Allied

Troops in Camp

10,000 Allied Infantry

Roman Commanders;

Gaius Terentius Varro
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Servilius Geminus

The Army of Carthage

Total Strength; 50,000 Men
Light Infantry

6,000 Skirmishers

2,000 Balearic Slingers


21,000 Gallic

3,000 Spanish

8,000 Libyan


4,000 Numidian

2,000 Spanish

4,000 Gallic

Carthagian Commanders;

Hannibal Barca
Mago Barca

This is the story I wrote about the battle, based Polybius, who was a Greek historian. I just added more action to what happened according to him. Enjoy reading.

On a sweltering August 2nd, the battle standard in front of Varro's tent signalled to the troops to array for battle. As the gusts of south-westerly Volturnus wind raised clouds of fine dust across the dry Apulian soil, for the next several hours, army officers closely supervised the complex deployment to ensure that the legions would form in the correct order.
Varro, and the rest of the Roman leadership, decided to show the enemy their willingness to fight.
However, they had no way of knowing if the Carthaginians would accept a battle in this new location. But then... Hannibal led his troops through the gates...
The two armies crossed the river Aufidius at various points and marched onto the dust-blown flat plain below the town of Cannae.
Yet, the Romans still weren't sure that Hannibal would give battle, so they left a 10,000 strong garrison in the main camp. It was Paullus who insisted on this, arguing that, besides guarding the baggage, this force could also threaten Hannibal's camp and cut off his line of retreat once the battle went in favour of the Romans.
However, Hannibal wasted no time in deploying his army, sending out his light troops to form a protective screen for the main body.
Varro too sent out the Velites to mask the process of deployment from the enemy.
There are suggestions that the Roman leadership didn't actually expect the more mobile Carthaginians to fight on such a narrow and confined battlefield, and merely wanted to deploy the legions in front of the enemy to boost morale and rebuild their confidence, after being humiliated the day before for refusing to fight. Such practices of building up the confidence of the men were common in the battles of this period, but it is far more probable that the Romans did, in fact, fully intend to fight this battle on the ground of their own choosing.
Whatever the case, Hannibal is said to have had 40,000 infantry and 10,000 horse, while the Romans fielded around 70,000 infantry and 6,400 cavalry.
Varro placed a screen of around 15,000 velites in front of the main line. 4,000 allied horse were positioned on the left under his direct command, while Paullus was in charge of the 2,400 Roman cavalry deployed on the right. To compensate for their numerical inferiority, the squadrons of horsemen were packed in a tighter formation, with no more than 1.5m between each rider. Room to maneuver the horses wasn't necessary as their role would be purely defensive while the infantry drove the attack forward.
Regular Roman infantry was mixed with the cavalry to give more stability to the static squadrons.
Servilius commanded the 55,000 Roman legionaries and allied troops in the center, arrayed in a much deeper and more tightly packed triplex acies. Varro used the overstrength maniples to add depth to the infantry formations. Furthermore, he reduced the gaps between the lines to bring the full weight of the legions to bear, aiming to overwhelm the enemy.
He knew that, at the battle of Trasimene, the Roman heavy infantry held off the Carthaginians for hours, inflicting significant losses, despite being in an unfavourable position. And the year prior to that at Trebia, the legions hacked their way through the Carthaginian center, getting the better of both the Gauls and several contingents of Libyans, Hannibal's best infantry. It's worth noting that the tighter maniple formations restricted the tactical flexibility, but eased the coordination of the massive army and, more importantly, the deeper formations possessed longer endurance in a direct confrontation, thus the Roman leadership was confident that the legions can outmatch the enemy and crush Hannibal's center yet again.
To achieve this Varro chose the battlefield wisely.
He packed the legions on a narrow front, with the river and the hills near Cannae protecting the flanks from envelopment. This would force the Carthaginian horsemen into a frontal charge and the Roman cavalry was tasked with delaying long enough for the legions to finish the job. If they could break through the Punic center, it wouldn't matter if the weaker Roman horse lost the fight on the wings, because at that point the Carthaginian cavalry couldn't do much more than harass the large block of legions.
The selection of the battleground at Cannae could allow the heavy infantry to smash their Punic enemy. The Roman plan was simple, but efficient.
Meanwhile, Hannibal placed around 6,000 Spanish skirmishers and up to 2000 renowned Balearic slingers as a screening force in front of the army, instructing them to raise as much dust as possible to hide the disposition of the troops. Behind them formed the close order infantry, with 21,000 Gallic warriors making up the bulk of the main line. 3,000 veteran Spanish infantry were interspersed to strengthen the center.
But, unlike at Trebia, where his main line collapsed because he amassed all of his infantry to try and match the Romans and didn't keep any reserves for decisive action and to plug the gaps in the line, this time he positioned the 8,000 Libyans, his best, most disciplined men, in the rear, hiding them from view behind the formations in the front.
On the Punic right were 4,000 Numidian horsemen, commanded by Hanno, tasked with holding the flank, while on the opposite side the Carthaginian general placed 2,000 Spanish and 4,000 Gallic cavalry, under the command of Hasdrubal, planning to overload the left flank in a direct attack on the Roman right, hoping to smash the enemy cavalry and threaten the legions from the rear.
Neither side was intimidated by the other. Gallic and Spanish troops had the confidence of past victories against the legions, while the Romans trusted in their superior numbers, remembering that even in prior defeats, their heavy infantry often prevailed in hand to hand combat against the Punic troops.

Then… around mid-day, like a lumbering beast, the Roman formation moved forward!

The Carthaginian cavalry on the left led the line, trotting at pace, while the light infantry of both armies moved ahead of the main lines to open the engagement.
Now, hidden behind the dust raised by the screen of skirmishers, Hannibal made his move, advancing with the main line to form a crescent formation that would bulge towards the enemy.
He understood that the Romans chose this narrow battlefield to deploy their army as a battering ram and that his outnumbered infantry stood no chance of stopping the legions if they tried matching them man for man. Therefore, the bulged line was supposed to absorb the attack and then slowly retreat, to buy time until the cavalry attack on the left unfolded.
Hannibal personally commanded the troops in the center, with the help of his youngest brother Mago, for these troops would bear the brunt of the Roman assault and it was vital that they held out as long as possible.
As the skirmishing between the light troops began in the middle of the field, Carthaginian riders on the left advanced full tilt towards the Roman citizen-cavalry. With veteran officers leading the way, the Spanish and Gallic squadrons stayed compact, doubling up on and dispersing the first lines of Roman horsemen, quickly penetrating their formation. Some of the Roman riders dismounted to fight on foot, but the Carthaginians swarmed their positions, dragging their opponents from their seats.
But despite outnumbering the Romans 3 to 1, the confined space largely negated the numerical advantage of the Punic riders and Hasdrubal did well to tightly control his men, managing to overwhelm the Romans in a brief furious charge. The Roman cavalry couldn't cope and most of them broke and fled, with the Carthaginians now in hot pursuit. Others huddled together to hold off the Punic onslaught for as long as possible.
Paullus himself escaped the carnage with his retinue and moved to rejoin the fighting in the center.
Meanwhile, on the opposite flank, the Numidians pinned down the allied Italian cavalry with hit and run attacks, with neither side able to gain an advantage.
In the center, after a long exchange of projectiles, the skirmishers retreated behind the close order infantry as the Roman legions closed in. The massed ranks of legionaries must've been an intimidating sight, advancing slowly while clashing their weapons against the wooden shields, whilst the trumpeters added to the cacophony of noise. As an almost solid mass of rank upon rank of armoured legionaries clashed with the enemy, Hannibal's advanced center narrowed the width of the initial contact, reducing the deadly momentum of the Roman attack.
The bare chested Gauls, hacking at the enemy with their long slashing swords, and the Spanish in their white tunics, thrusting forward with their short blades, stood firm and held back the enemy for a time, but as more Roman troops entered the fray, the weight of the legions drove back the mixed Punic formation.
Roman velites supported the attack, while the Carthaginian light footmen were ordered to reinforce the flanks of the infantry.

Hannibal and his officers barked orders at the men, telling them to stand off the Roman assault and slowly move back!

Already overwhelmed by the wall of scutum shields pushing them back, ordering the troops to retreat further in the face of the enemy was fraught with risks. All it would take is a few men buckling under pressure to cause slight cracks in the line that could quickly break the formation and turn into a rout.
But the Carthaginian general and his Punic captains led from the front, fighting alongside the troops in the first lines, encouraging the men to hold their nerve, carefully controlling their withdrawal! Hannibal knew that he had to stay in the fight and buy time until events elsewhere on the field unfolded. And for now, the line held…
Close to the hills on the right, the light Numidian horsemen fought in small groups, throwing their javelins and rapidly retreating before the enemy could pin them down. However, their attacks caused very little damage, and Varro simply remained in place, making no effort to drive them back.
The main role of the Roman cavalry was to prevent the enemy from flanking the infantry formation long enough, until the main assault of the legions broke through the center.

But, on the other flank, the superior Carthaginian horse have by now decimated the Roman cavalry, completely routing them from the field.

Next, Hasdrubal could move against the rear of the Roman center or help surround Varro's allied cavalry on the right. But first, he had to regroup and allow his men and horses time to rest, who were by now exhausted from pursuing the fleeing enemy cavalry.
Back in the center, as the Carthaginian infantry fell back before them, the Romans pressed on, prodding and cutting through the retreating enemy line. Sword in hand, the centurions and tribunes shouted orders through the deafening noise of the screams and the clattering of weapons, urging the maniples to charge together, sending more and more men into the concaved Punic center, which seemed like it will soon break.
Conversely, Hannibal and Mago pushed the men to resist a while longer, trying to gain every precious second, hoping that the Spanish and Gallic cavalry will come to their aid.

But as more and more legionaries were drawn inwards, the Roman breakthrough was inevitable and the pressure on the center finally broke the Punic line!

The Gauls and Spanish at first moved back facing the enemy, with flurries of fighting still occurring, but before long they turned and routed.
With the enemy now on the run, Paullus and Servilius poured more men into the gap, refusing to give the Carthaginians any chance to rally and reform their lines.

The overcrowded Roman center surged forward into the salient!

Hannibal's infantry on either side of the gaping hole managed to maintain their lines, but were nevertheless forced to retreat in good order.
Meanwhile, up the field, Hasdrubal had reformed his cavalry squadrons and charged at Varro's formation, realizing that he could not move against the legions in the center before the threat of Roman cavalry was removed.
Until now, Varro successfully held the flank, but seeing the incoming Carthaginians, the Consul knew that the Roman cavalry on the other wing must've routed, and he could not see what was going on in the center. Unsure if the day was lost and facing annihilation himself against a force three times his own, Varro fled the field.
The Numidians gave chase, while Hasdrubal once again had to stop to rest and reform his cavalry, before he could turn them towards the rear of the Roman infantry.
Back in the center, legionaries in their tens of thousands pressed forward to complete the rout of the enemy. As they advanced into the gap, the maniples lost all cohesion, turning into a disorganized mob that rushed forward, with their officers barely able to control small groups of men in their own immediate vicinity.
This mattered little, however, as the Romans could taste victory, having punched straight through the enemy's center.
Hannibal relied on trickery and ruse in his prior victories, but it now seemed that the clear field at Cannae offered no possibility for him to set up an ambush.
But… as the mass of Romans streamed forward, they found themselves between the columns of Libyan infantry, that moved against the pursuing troops.
Incredibly, the Carthaginian general outwitted the Romans, yet again. By carefully masking the position of the Libyans behind his troops in the front and using the clouds of dust raised by the fighting, Hannibal concealed his best infantry from the enemy on an open field , luring the greatest army Rome has ever assembled into an ambush set in plain view, in effect letting the legions outflank themselves.
As the Libyans pressed the overextended and disorganized mass on both sides, the momentum of the Roman attack dissolved and the troops were no longer under anyone's control.
Hannibal and Mago rallied most of the routing Gallic and Spanish troops, turning to rejoin the fighting, while on the opposite side of the field, Hasdrubal charged into the rear of the enemy infantry.
As the compression of the legions began, the utter defeat of the Roman army was now inevitable. With the maniples hopelessly intermingled, they could no longer reform their lines. To make matters worse, Libyan troops looked similar to Roman legionaries, having been equipped with Roman armour, helmets and shields, that they stripped from the dead at Trebia, Trasimene, and Geronium.
The legionaries felt they were no longer protected on the flanks, and with the enemy seemingly amongst them, their nervousness soon turned to panic. Hannibal turned the strength of the Roman infantry, their deep overwhelming formation, against them.
As their ranks contracted under the pressure of multiple attacks, centurions and tribunes tried in vain to improvise, as movement became ever harder in the confined space.

Paullus and Servilius fought heroically, leading a stiff resistance, but both were eventually cut down during the fighting.

Small groups of legionaries tried forming rough formations, but most were too exhausted and stood no chance against the fresh Libyans who were kept in reserve for most of the day. Some of the Roman troops, weary and fatigued, simply gave up, no longer having the strength to raise their weapons.

As the hours passed, the battle became a one-sided massacre.

The fighting went on until dark, but there was little to no tactical sophistication in this final stage of the battle, as the Carthaginians systematically slaughtered most of the trapped infantry.
In the end, widespread Roman resistance collapsed and those who had any strength left in them managed to flee towards the Roman camps and the nearby towns.

Hannibal had won an unbelievable victory!

By sundown, some 50,000 Roman infantry and 2,700 cavalry lay dead or dying on the field at Cannae. The gory sight gave pause even to the most hardened of observers, as nearly 3,000 tonnes of human flesh was left to rot in the August sun – the true fruits of Hannibal's tactical masterpiece.
But, achieving this slaughter cost Hannibal dearly. 5,700 of his men fell, a high figure for a victorious army in ancient times, which is testament to the harsh fighting on the day, although it is worth noting that the Carthaginians were significantly outnumbered until the very end of the battle, which also played a role in the relatively high casualties for Hannibal's army.
Nevertheless, the Roman leadership was decimated. Consul Paullus, proconsul Servilius, and Marcus Minucius Rufus were killed in the battle, along with 80 senators, two quaestors, 29 out of 48 military tribunes, some 300 equestrians, with many others captured and enslaved.

Never has there been a defeat that struck so hard at the very heart of Roman society.

And… as night fell on August 2nd, 216 BC, Rome's very future was left in doubt.


A dead boy with his intestines visible. Date unspecified.

The naked corpse of American aspiring actress and murder victim Elizabeth Short, known as the "Black Dahlia," lying in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. 1947.The body of 22-year-old Short was found mutilated and dismembered, in January 15, 1947 in Los Angeles. Despite

an investigation with 150 suspects, no one was ever arrested and the murder of Elizabeth Short remains a cold case.

Newspaper photographer Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, examines a body stuffed into a trunk and deposited on a patch of waste ground in New York. Circa 1945.

A New York police officer takes a peek at a dead body covered with newspapers. 1943.

Mafia kingpin Joe Masseria holds the ace of spades, "the death card," in his hand following his murder on the orders of infamous gangster Charles "Lucky" Luciano in a Coney Island restaurant. 1931.

The body of Earl "Hymie" Weiss, leader of Chicago's North Side Gang. He was killed when Al Capone's men opened fire with a submachine gun on him and his associates while they were visiting a courthouse where an ally of his was on trial. 1926.

The dead body of Al Capone associate Charles "Cherry Nose" Gioe, who was shot through the head by mafia hitmen hired by a Chicago mob boss whose plans Gioe had unknowingly interfered with. 1954.

The body of mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, who was killed by an unknown assailant who shot him through a window with an M1 Carbine while he was staying at an associate's house in Beverly Hills. 1947.

The burnt body of gangster Irving Feinstein, who was set on fire by Murder Inc. killers Harry Strauss and Martin Goldstein and left exposed in a lot in New York City. 1938.

The dead body of Joseph Rosen, a candy shop owner who was killed by Murder Inc. leader Louis "Lepke" Buchalter in his own store in Brooklyn. 1936.

The dead body of Andrew Borden, father of Lizzie Borden, in his house in Fall River, Mass. 1892

Weegee photographs a human head at the scene of a murder. Circa 1945.

Murdered gangster David Beadle, also known as "David the Beetle," in front of The Spot Bar and Grill in Manhattan. 1939.

The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, in which seven members of the North Side Gang were trapped in a garage, lined up against the wall, and shot to death by members of Al Capone's rival gang during a power struggle for control of Chicago. 1929.

Two police officers with a dead body in a New York apartment stairwell. 1957.

Close-up of a corpse's battered and bloodied face. Angres, France. 1912.

The dead body of Homer Van Meter, an associate of John Dillinger and a notorious bank robber, who was killed after fleeing police in St. Paul, Minn. 1934.

This was one of the first crime scenes to be photographed. Sadly, the victim was 6-year-old Clémentine pichon, murdered by a local teenager.

Before the advent of fingerprinting or criminal profiling, police departments around the world saw countless criminals slip through the cracks. That is until a French police officer named Alphonse Bertillon found an innovative way to do so. The work of Alphonse Bertillon was largely trounced by the introduction of fingerprint identification in the early 1900s. Nonetheless, his mugshot standard has remained virtually the same for the last 100-plus years.

Criminal identification for the Paris police department, developed the mug shot format and other photographic procedures used by police to register criminals. Although the images in this extraordinary album of forensic photographs were made by or under the direction of Bertillon, it was probably assembled by a private investigator or secretary who worked at the Paris prefecture. Photographs of the murder victims are assembled with views of the rooms where the murders took place, close-ups of objects that served as clues, and mug shots of criminals and suspects. Made as part of an archive rather than as art, these postmortem portraits, recorded in the deadpan style of a police report, nonetheless retain an unsettling potency. Among the traits Bertillon recorded was arm length, head length, and the distance between fingertips with arms outstretched.

Alphonse Bertillon the 'father of forensics', but really was given the proper name in 1954, the father of Scientific Detection.

Known also as the anthropometric system, criminal records also kept track of a suspect's height, ear size, foot size, arm length, eye color, skin tone, and any notable marks.

Within a few years, Bertillon's eponymous system allowed officers to scan their records by any category they desired — from foot size and hair color to birth marks and skin tone. He believed the evidence captured on film could serve officers during ongoing investigations. Taking photos also stopped officers from contaminating the scene.

Many of Bertillon's peers scoffed at the notion that photography would, in any way, help reduce the crime rate.

When Alphonse Bertillon joined the Prefecture of Police in Paris in 1879, the department had already collected 80,000 photographs of known criminals. They were captured under variable lighting, and at most, only accompanied by a name and address.

By 1883, Bertillon had collected 7,336 measurements and identified 49 repeat offenders. That figure reached 241 by the following year and kept growing as techniques got more practiced and more investigators began to started using Bertillon techniques.

It was a much more efficient system than the previous model, which forced police to rifle through stacks of photos with lacking details. Often heralded as the first forensic expert for his innovations, Alphonse Bertillon was also one of the first known people to identify a criminal by a fingerprint collected at a crime scene. He become well known individual within police and detective agencies while never working for then until Bertillon's father eventually got him work at the Paris police department, Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote in The Hound of Baskervilles that Holmes was "the second highest expert in Europe" — after Alphonse Bertillon. He also used compounds to preserve crime scene details like footprints. He also employed a dynamometer in his investigations, a tool which gauges just how much force was used in breaking into and entering a residence. Here are a few of many well known crime scene photos some taken by Alphonse Bertillon himself and others using his techniques.

Bertillon used floor grids to his advantage, standardizing their use in his crime scene photography to measure the size of victims and objects. He called this "metric photography.

Bertillon preferred to take low-angle photographs like this one, as well as bird's-eye views of his victims using the tripod tool.

A large tripod was used to capture the body from above. Here are some photos using the tripod technique.

Bertillon not only captured the crime scenes and corpses themselves, but made sure to collect exterior shots and views of the streets, alleys, and surrounding areas for his work.

This photo was used as an example for how to properly position the victim's body to capture a shot from the side.

Alphonse Bertillon died in February 1914, mere months before the beginning of World War I.

Thx for reading i know its alot of words, hopefully you learned something neat i had alot of fun just learning all this stuff.

I used AI to help with grammer and punctuation as i am an impressive retard.

EFFORTPOST Japan Airlines Flight123 disaster + cockpit voice recording (black box) - WPD EXCLUSIVE + coin giveaway - 2 videos

Video description: photos of the aftermath of the August 12th 1985 crash of JAL 123 which killed 520 people. cockpit audio from the final minute before the crash and music by @ApocalypseDude

flight voice recording (black box)

On the afternoon of the accident day, JA8119 has already completed two round trip flights, JL503/504 to and from Sapporo, and JL363/366 to and from Fukuoka. At 5.17pm, the plane has just completed flight JL366, and was parked at Spot 18 at Tokyo International Airport, getting ready for its flight to Osaka, JL123.

At 6.04pm, the plane started taxiing towards the runway. Takeoff was at 6.12pm, and it climbed to its cruising height of 24000ft. The flight was going smoothly up to this point.

At 6.24pm, a sudden, loud noise rocked the cabin after the failure of the pressure bulkhead resulted in explosive decompression. As air rushed out of the plane, its tail also broke completely off, which is where all four hydraulic lines are located; as a result, this meant the pilots no longer had any ability to control the aircraft. 46 seconds later, the pilots squawked 7700 (emergency) and requested to return to Tokyo International Airport.

However, although the air traffic controller approved the plane to turn towards Tokyo, the plane strangely started heading towards the north west direction. At 6.28pm, the Tokyo Air Traffic Controller asked the pilots to turn left, but received the message from the pilots, "now uncontrollable." By then, the plane was moving in a way called the phugoid motion, climbing until losing speed and stalling, then the nose goes down and gaining speed until the plane is able to climb again. The phugoid motion repeated itself until the end of the flight.

Photo show JAL123 in flight after it had lost it tail

At 6.31pm, the air traffic controller asked the crew to land at Nagoya Airport, which was 72 miles (about 133 km) from their location. However, the pilots wanted to return to Tokyo. Between 6.35pm and 6.56pm, the pilots struggled to control the plane without the tail. This failed, as the plane flew uncontrollably towards the mountains.

At 6.56pm, the plane's right wing hit a ridge. The aircraft then flew on, crashed into a second ridge, and exploded. 520 people died, while 4 people survived.

Photo taken from inside the plane shortly before the crash

The time taken for the plane to crash after the bulkhead failure is 32 minutes. The accident was the worst in aviation history involving explosive decompression.

About the plane

The plane that crashed was a Boeing 747-146SR, with tail number JA8119. The plane was used to fly short, domestic routes within Japan. The plane first flew on January 28, 1974. It had 4 Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A engines. Before it crashed, it had flown for 25030 hours, and took off and landed 18835 times.

On June 2, 1978, JA8119 was involved in a tailstrike accident at Osaka International Airport. When landing, the plane's tail struck the runway. The aft pressure bulkhead was damaged in the accident, as well as the rear of the plane. Later, during June 17 and July 11, repairman from Boeing repaired the plane, by replacing the lower part of the rear and a part of the bulkhead. The plane later returned to service.

While investigating the accident, the investigators realised that the repair done by Boeing 7 years before the accident was incorrect. While two rows of rivets were required for a splice plate in the bulkhead to be installed, the repairman only used one row. This increased the chance of metal fatigue by 70% and also caused the subsequent accident.


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 coins..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 coins!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey


Human limb grafting

Forehead nose

This man's nose was damaged beyond repair in a vehicle accident in 2012, Doctors had no choice but to grow a new nose as a replacement.

The nose was grown by placing a skin tissue expander onto his forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting cartilage taken from his ribs.

This grafting technique is called Rotationplasty.

This woman had osteosarcoma cancer and had to have her knee and part of her femur removed, and at the same time, the remaining leg was connected to the thigh with the foot rotated back 180 degrees. This is done in order to create a new knee from her ankle, which would then be fitted with a prosthetic

Man whos arm was cut off above the elbow in a vehicle accident. Though the cut was clean the arm became infected and couldn't be reached because of the infection. Doctors grafting the arm to the mans leg for 9 days in order to keep it alive while treating it for the infection. after the arm was free of infection it was reattach where it belongs

The Clutter Family murders

In the early hours of November 15th 1959, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith walked in the front door of a family farmhouse armed with a shotgun and a hunting knife.... before sunrise all four residents who lived in the house would be dead.

Smith and Hickock were two ex-convicts, recently paroled from the Kansas State Penitentiary. Floyd Wells, a former cellmate of Hickock's, had been a farmhand for Herb Clutter. Wells told Hickock that Clutter kept large amounts of cash in a safe, which was a bullshit story but Hickoch was a dumbass believed him. Hickoch was then able to convince Smith this bullshit story was true and the two started to hatch a plan to rob clutter once they got out of prison.

Once the were in the Clutter home They located Herbert Clutter separated him from his wife, teenage daughter and son and then interrogated his about the safe.

Since there was no safe Mr.Clutter didn't have any answers for them...

after ransacking the house the two men realized they were idiots and there was no money, angry they had wasted their time the turned their anger towards the Clutters and killed each one of the clutters with a shotgun blast to the head, Mr.Clutter was tortured and his throat slit before he was shot.

Hickock and Smith were convicted for the murders and sentenced to death and on April 14th 1965 both men were executed via hanging


The Clutters

Herbert "Herb" Clutter was a prosperous farmer in western Kansas. His two elder daughters, Eveanna and Beverly, had moved out and started their adult lives. His two younger children, Nancy age 16 and Kenyon age 15, were high school students. Clutter's wife Bonnie had reportedly been incapacitated by clinical depression and physical ailments since the births of her children, although this was later disputed. Both Nancy and Kenyon Clutter attended Holcomb High School.

Perry Edward Smith

At age 16, Smith joined the United States Merchant Marine. He joined the United States Army in 1948, where he served in the Korean War. During his stint in the Army, Smith spent weeks at a time in the stockade for public carousing and fighting with Korean civilians and other soldiers. In spite of his record, Smith received an honorable discharge in 1952 and was last stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington.

Smith stayed with an Army friend for a time in the Tacoma area, where he was employed as a car painter. With one of his first paychecks, Smith bought a motorcycle. While riding, he lost control of the bike due to adverse weather conditions. Smith nearly died in the accident and spent six months in a Bellingham hospital. Because of the severe injuries, his legs were permanently disabled and he suffered chronic leg pains for the rest of his life. To help control the pain, Smith consumed an excessive amount of aspirin

Richard Hickock

Hickock was a popular student and an athlete at Olathe High School. After finishing high school, Hickock had wanted to attend college, but his family lacked the means to finance his post-secondary education. Hickock went to work as a mechanic instead.

Head injuries from a serious automobile accident in 1950 left Hickock disfigured, rendering his face slightly lopsided and his eyes asymmetrical. According to his brother Walter, the accident "almost killed him," and it also changed him. After being released from the hospital, Hickock was left with hospital bills and mounting debts, leading him to start bad financial habits like writing bad checks and gambling. He drifted through several manual labor jobs, working as a railroad worker, mechanic, and ambulance driver while simultaneously continuing to write bad checks and commit petty theft. Eventually, the crime caught up with him, and in March 1958, at the age of 26, Hickock received his first prison sentence. After stealing a rifle out of a local home he was imprisoned at Kansas State Penitentiary where he would meet Perry Smith.


Retarded tattoos

The history of retarded tattoos by Rainonthescarecrow.

We do not know when the first retarded tattoo was done, but I can say with confidence that retarded tattoos date back as far as the first tattoo's...

We have all seen the so-called "art" early man scratched and scribbled on cave walls and random rocks so we all know early mans so-called "art" was no better than what a half retarded chimpanzee with crayons is capable of, so i'm gonna go ahead and say the percentage of tattoos from this early caveman era was between 99.9% to 100% retarded and the numbers most likely stayed there for the next 10,000 or so years...

we are going to skip through all the military, religious, medical, voodoo, gang, and freakshow history of retarded tattoos and pretend like it didn't happen...

which brings us to the modern era of retarded tattoos 1970's to the present day.

There are three categories for modern retarded tattoos and those categories are defined as followed...

Category 1. Tattoos of subject matter which is so stupid that no amount of skill by the artist can make these tattoos not retarded.

Here are afew examples of Cat 1 retarded tattoos

There are many factors we can blame for retarded category 1 tattoos such as alcohol, drugs, immaturity, peer pressure and so on but if we were to break it all down the cause is the tattoo artists refusing to tell people "No, that's stupid, im not doing that" either because they are desperate for cash and need the work, their sense of pride in their work is nonexistent or they hate you.

Category 2. Tattoos that should have been decent tattoos but were left in the hands of an incompetent tattoo artist.

here are afew examples of category 2 retarded tattoos.

The reasons we see so many category 2 retarded tattoos is 90% of so called tattoo artists are only artists because they call themselves artists, but really they are just douchebag wannabes who purchased a tattoo gun on temu for .89 cents, but despite the tattoo artists pool being saturated by dollar store wannabes the blame for cat 2 retard tattoos falls on the person who allows these crackerjack artists to cut into them.

Category 3 Tattoos are stupid because of where they are located, these tattoos can be of something awesome and done to perfection by a highly skilled artist but because of where the tattoo is located it is retarded.

here are afew example of cat 3 retarded tattoos.

the blame for cat 3 tattoos is shared by everyone involved because it takes at least two morons for a tattoo of a penis to end up on someones face.

source: trust me bro


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 coins..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 coins!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey


Hello, and good day. I must apologise for the time taken to getting around to write up this post, but work has been rather busy lately, including having to respond to a few emergency jobs. I hope y'all can forgive this. OK, so before I start, if you wish to, please feel free to check out my prior post ( breaking down the events leading to the Daichii disaster, not only would it greatly support me, but it will also allow you to gain an insight on the events leading up to this event. If not, I will briefly cover the events leading up, but this will be aimed at the Daichii disaster and the aftermath. Many Thanks, enjoy and as always, take the time to relax away from graphic videos and have a good read. Let's jump straight in.


Firstly, even though I have already made a post on this, I thought for first time readers who haven't checked out the previous post I'll give yall a lil oversite and leeway. The date of the event is the 11th March, 2011, taking place across Japan. This is the day that one of the worst natural disasters fell upon to Japan, comprising of one of the worst earthquakes ever recorded (reaching a Magnitude of 9.0-9.1 *results vary per research paper and one of the most severe Tsunamis to hit the modern world. To add to the severity, more than 250 aftershocks continued to rip through Japan during the first day, and continued days afterwards, with many reaching above 5.0, slowing down rescue efforts and the safety of survivors. The incredibly rare phenomenon of a severe double 9.0 Major quake happened 130km to sea off the coast of Sendai. An area length of 650 km of the sea floor moved 10-20 meters horizontally (apart), and also caused the entire countey to move slightly further east. The earthquake was so severe that all of us were affected, (even though you may not realise) as it caused the entirety of the earth's axis to shift about 17cm off its previous point (not a major number, but incredible when considering this was caused by an earthquake). This, very obviously, caused an immense amount of damage to infastructure, including the Daichii plant. As severe as it was, this was the least of Daichiis problems.

The Cause of The Daichii Disaster:

As previously stated, the earthquake left the Daichii plant with severe damage, however, the plant was still safe and operational, and the eleven reactors in 4 different plants had, thankfully, not been damaged or affected. This would not be the case for long. As I touched on, the earthquake was so powerful that it pulled the ocean floor apart by 10-20 meters, and pulled the tectonic plates apart in a similar suit. This caused what would single-handedly be one of the worst natural disasters in Japans history. After the earthquake, throughout Japan, people had to bare witness to sheer horror, as the tide washed away little by little from the shores and out into the sea. For those who aren't into natural disasters, this is a clear indication that a Tsunami is not only on its way, its inevitable. Unknown to the workers at Daichii, a 15 meter high Tsunami wave was inbound, and closing in fast. At 3:42 PM, approximately E*+1hour (*Earthquake), the 15 meter high wave collided with the Daichii plant, causing 3 of the 11 reactors to lose power completely. This wouldn't have been a major issue in and of itself (ok, so yes it was a major issue but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed). Except this time, it really couldn't be fixed. Not only did it shutdown 3 reactors, it also disabled 12 of the 13 Generators on the Daichii site as well as disabling the heat exchangers that were responsible for dumping waste heat and decay heat into the ocean (In layman's terms, shit had just hit the fan). The 3 reactors mentioned, inevitably, lost the power to be able to maintain the ability to properly cooling and water circulation functions. This caused the 3 reactors to explode, releasing the highest level of radioactivity to the surrounding environment since Chernobyl. Although the Japanese government attempted to downplay the situation, it was later declared a Level 7 Nuclear Accident, the highest level grading possible, with only Daichii Fukushima and Chernobyl ever reaching this grading.

The aftermath:

Many people were prepared for the earthquake, but caught completely off guard by the nuclear disaster. Over 150,000 people were evacuated, leaving their personal belongings behind, including vehicles, personal property and possessions e.t.c. Much of the area remains cordoned off to the general public. However, this has, in recent years, slowly began to change, as the clean up efforts continue to be a success. Much of the effects can still be seen today however, as many explorers still visit the vicinity to check out the abandoned buildings and cars.

What about the cars and vehicles (for the car guys and gals here)

The Cars- Sadly, for owners and car aficionados alike, many of the cars are condemned. This is because after the nuclear radiation leaked from the reactors, much of it was absorbed into the vehicles. Metal is a very good conductor of radiation, and with metal atoms becoming incredibly excited when exposed to radioactive particles, this caused much of the cars to become much more radioactive than the areas surrounding. As well as this, the reaction of the radiation and metal atoms caused the metal to become much more brittle due to ionising radiation, making it no longer mechanically sound. Japans laws also have a part to play, with Japan customs also requiring that a vehicle emit less than a certain amount of radiation in order for it to be exported. Specifically, that measurement is 0.3 microsieverts, which is measured and exceeded by at least one car in the video. When all put together, it means many of the cars are fated to never drive or run again, and remain as ghosts to a tragedy gone by. The same also applies to concrete buildings in terms of making concrete more brittle.

As always, respect to the workers who worked, and continued to work tirelessly around the clock in their efforts to help others and the area. We love and respect all you do. And to the people of Japan, our hearts are still heavy to this day for you all. You have all of our love and condolences ❤❤️‍🩹

Anyhow, that concludes. Please find below an assortment of images, including a number of cars and buildings. 0

EFFORTPOST 9mm VS .45 ACP | Gunshot wounds with Schu

Hello! Welcome to what I hope will be the first in many detailed posts I will make to this site covering the science and gorey history of many different forms of injuries. In this specific post, I'll be going over gunshot wounds, specifically from handgun caliber bullets.

First of all I'd like to discuss the wounding capacities of two different handgun calibers. Two of the most common being 9×19mm Parabellum and .45 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP). There is a common belief amongst gun owners that .45 ACP is superior for self defense because it has a "bigger bullet." In terms of raw size, this is entirely true. 9mm has a diameter of (surprise surprise) 9mm, whereas the .45 ACP has a diameter of 11.5mm. Common sense would say that one would be more damaging then the other, right? Well, with the many advances of bullet technology this may not be the case.

The below data was gathered from Lucky Gunner's Labs tests.

When considering the wounding capacity of self defense ammo there are a few main factors we have to consider. The first is penetration depth. The FBI has a 12-18 inch standard that they claim is the ideal range for a bullet to penetrate into a body. This is because too little penetration can not be enough to hit vital organs whereas over penetration, where the bullet leaves the body after entry, means that not all of the energy is being dispersed into the target.

The second factor is post-entry bullet diameter. When a bullet collides with a body in ideal circumstances it "mushrooms" and expands, forcing the tissue apart.

Above is an image of Federal 147 gr HST with both pre-entry and post-entry expansion. Here we can see that the actual wounding capacity of a bullet, once it enters tissue, isn't based on the original diameter.

A controversial factor is the velocity of a bullet. It's a common misconception that a greater velocity would equal more damage. This just isn't the whole story though. A good example of this is to compare the wounding capacity of both 9mm 147 Grain HST JHP Federal and the +P variant. The +P variant, standing for 'Over pressure', reaches an average velocity of 1008 feet per second. When we look at the normal version, this drops to 973 feet per second. If the logic of "more velocity = better" was to be true here, we'd have to see an increased performance in both expansion and velocity but we don't. Instead the +P variant penetrates on average 4 inches deeper, but actually has an average diameter of .60 inches of expansion compared to the .61 inches of expansion from the normal pressure variant. This shows that a higher velocity bullet doesn't necessarily mean it's more deadly, but it does mean that it can penetrate armor better.

With the characteristics of the actual bullet itself covered, we now need to look at the wounds bullets can cause.

When a bullet makes contact with flesh it creates an entry wound, usually about the diameter of the actual bullet itself as it's not had a chance to dump its energy yet.

Here are two examples of a 9mm entry wound. Example A is an entry wound on soft tissue that stretches easier, with example B being on the tissue of the back which tends to be tougher and less elastic. In example A we can see that the wound measures approximately 9mm in diameter, the exact same as the bullet that went in.

The wound then enters the body, where it begins to dump its energy. As the bullet passes through tissue it causes shockwaves to expand through the flesh, pushing it outwards. The elasticity of the flesh kicks in and the wound then closes in on itself, leaving what is called a "permanent cavity." The temporary space created is known as a "permanent cavity" and is the space that can be easily seen in the flesh once the bullet has passed through.

The above image shows an example of ballistic gelatin expanding when hit by a bullet. This is the temporary cavitation. I would love to give you real examples of this on a human body, but this is incredibly hard to capture the nature of the wound.

I was able to find an example of a gunshot wound on the dead cadaver of an animal, however.

In example A you can see the temporary cavity forming as the bullet passes through. In Example B you can see the same wound with it's now much smaller permanent cavity. Although the temporary cavity is now contracted and no longer present, tissue will still receive a large amount of damage and in extreme cases can tear from the pressure of the cavity, as seen in the image below.

The image above shows flesh torn as a result of the expansion of temporary cavitation. Even though the temporary cavity is gone, the wound is still very much present.

Lastly there is the exit wound. The exit wound is what occurs when the bullet manages to penetrate through the entire body. Due to the fact that the bullet has already expanded and dumped much of its energy the exit wound is commonly a lot wider than the entry wound.

Here is the entry wound and exit wound of a small caliber revolver.

We can see that on the right the wound is much bigger and irregular sized. This increases the likelihood of bleeding out and provides an extra challenge to doctors attempting to stitch up the wound due to the often irregular size of the exit wound.

Headshots are the most iconic form of bullet wound and for good reason. Due to the lack of elasticity, fat and muscle in the head bullet wounds can be the most graphic form.

Above we can see a bullet wound to the head, specifically the entrance wound. Due to the rigidity of the skull and tissue inside of the head the "temporary cavity" is still very easy to see, even with smaller caliber bullets such as in the example below.

Although they are iconic in their own right, gunshot wounds to the head are not the most common in actual warfare. A staple of modern video games, headshots actually only account for 36.2% of combat gunshot wounds. In suicides however headshots count for a much higher amount of gunshot wounds.

The wounds seen in suicides are also much different. They tend to be even more gorey owing to the fact that they are often contact wounds done from less than inches away from the head. It's common for the wounds to also be taken to the front/underneath of the fact, leading to almost flower-like wounds as seen in figure A of the below image.

Now, how do the two most common handgun calibers compare in terms of wounding capability? Well, as we've established, the largest factor in wounding is the permanent and temporary cavitation. There is a direct link from bullet expansion diameter to cavition diameter.

When we compare the tested 9mm cartridges we see a range of expansion from .35" to .74" with a median of approximately .50" and a similar average. When we compare this to .45 ACP we get a range of expansion from .45" to 1.00", with a median of approximately .65" and an average of approximately .60".

In terms of raw data, the .45 ACP is more powerful.

However in ballistics tests with modern ammunition this just isn't the case.

The above figure shows two ballistic gel wounds. The above showing a 9mm wound and the below a .45 ACP round standard generic ammunition. Here we can see that the .45 ACP temporary wound is infact slightly wider but it's arguably neglible and not stastically significant. The .45 ACP also does not show an increase in penetration depth in both the ballistics gel test and in the ammunition tests.

So to answer the question of which is better, it's really up to you. Do you prefer the slight increase in power or do you prefer the slight increase in capacity that 9mm can often bring?

So that's it. That's my first attempt at a proper detailed post on this site. I hope you enjoyed the read. If you have suggestions for what I should do next, please comment them down below, be that specific types of ammunition, guns, tortures, executions. Everything (that isn't illegal) is on the table.

I hope you enjoyed :D


EFFORTPOST gym fails and sports accidents || bone breaker special

Bone breaking is arguably one of the most cringe-worthy content out there. Whether it's caused by pure accident or human stupidity it's bound to make you wince.

Some of these will be recycled from my gym fails and sporting accident post

There are several types of bone breaks

Bone breaking recovery time generally ranges from 6-8 weeks or more (depending on the break and severeity). After the recovery period, you're able to resume activity as normal (possibly with short term splits or braces to keep everything proper). Bone breaks take around a year or more to completely heal while in the remodeling phase, depending the severity of the break this time may be extended. It is important to take into account that the injury may look healed on the outside, but on the inside your bones are still repairing themselves until completion.

During the healing and remodeling process, it starts with the inflammation stage which occurs hours-days after the break. After a few days-weeks, chondroblasts produce a soft callus of cartilage around the fracture, providing initial stability after the fraxrure/break. This is then replaced by a hard callus formed by osteoblasts, which gradually replaces the soft callus with woven bone over a few weeks. Eventually, the hard callus is remodeled over several months to years by osteoclasts and osteoblasts, replacing the woven bone with stronger lamellar bone, thereby restoring the bone's original shape and strength. Throughout this process, proper nutrition, appropriate weight-bearing activity, and physical therapy are reccomended to support optimal bone healing and remodeling.

Now enough with the nerd stuff :nerd: let's get onto the good stuff

And a special mention to @weko997 for helping me find some of this conrent!

Gym Mishaps

Leg Work

don't lock your knees when using the leg press, this will happen

When lifting with these machines, it's important to keep your knees bent slightly to prevent an accident like this. The weight will force your legs backwards

keeping your legs too stiff

lifting too heavily causes open fracture

weighted pushups end in a broken finger

arm bends backwards after lifting

arm break after lift

Ruptures, Tears + Dislocations


pectoral tears

hamstring tears

double bicep tear

failed 400lb log press attempt causes bilateral patellar tendon rupture

Lifting too heavily/lifting beyond your abilities, using incorrect form, and stretching too deeply can cause your muscles to tear. In severe cases, surgery may be required which is followed by several long months of healing and rehabilitation (location dependent).



49ers Dre Greenlaw tears left Achilles tendon

Depending on the severity, a ruptured Achilles tendon may require surgery to repair. With or without, rehab and physical therapy will be needed with up to 6 months or more of healing time

Dak Prescott ankle fracture + dislocation

gymnastics double leg dislocation

skater dislocates ankle then corrects it

Skaters and Bikers


failed tricks

↑ bro did not need an ambo for that 😭

rails + stairs

arm snappers

skater breaks teeth + jaw (?)


failed trick

skater fails trick and breaks leg (2 angles)


bikers fail stunts and breaks leg

Sports Fails

Football + Soccer

sideline worker gets a broken leg after a player slides onto him

Tony Adams breaks finger

unknown football player breaks leg

soccer player breaks foot after falling from a kick

Ewald Lienen with exposed femur break (?)

Argentinian defender breaks leg during Copa Libertadores match


BBL basketball gone wrong

Kevin Ware with exposed tibia break

Tyrone Prothro breaks leg


gymnast (?) breaks leg

(sorry for not having it cropped, it wouldn't play if i did it)

broken lower leg

failed stunt

gymnast breaks arm

gymnast breaks both ankles

Much like in the gym, in gymnastics it is important to have a spotter who can catch you or throw something your way to prevent injury.

examples of gymnastics spotting

Wrestling, Karate + Fights

wrestling match ends in broken arm

leg broken during karate match

MMA(?) arm break

MMA fighter snaps leg

MMA fighter breaks leg

Chris Weidman blocks Anderson Silva's kick and breaks his leg. 8 Years later, Uriah Hall blocks Chris Weidman's kick and breaks his leg

guy breaks his brothers neck while wrestling

play fighting with officer leads in leg break

arm breaks during fight

Arm Wrestling

arm wrestling bone break videos

reddit /u/smkrby broken arm Xray + post surgery after arm wrestling match gone wrong

reddit /u/abdoSabbagh broken arm Xray + post surgery + healing after arm wrestling match

reddit /u/Novawave12 arm wrestling break Xray


double leg breaker


rock climber breaks leg

forcibly having leg broken (unknown reason)


Osteoclasts: the cells that degrade bone to initiate normal bone remodeling and mediate bone loss in pathologic conditions by increasing their resorptive activity [1]

Osteoblasts: the cells that form new bone and repair existing bones




CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Jaylen Fryberg (Effortpost + CW)

This is my first effortpost, sorry if it's not the best😂👍🏽

Jaylen Fryberg was born July 31, 1999 and attended Marysville - Pilchuck High School in Marysville, WA. On October 24, 2014 Jaylen took the lives of 4 friends, injuring 1 who survived, and then ended his own life.

Leading Up to the Shooting/ Motive

Days before the shooting Jaylen's girlfriend Shilene George broke up with him, when asked why she said she had no choice after he behaved violently towards her.

For days leading up to the shooting Jaylen tried to contact Shilene constantly and started messaging her cousin when she blocked him.

Timeline/The Day of the Shooting

October 24, 2014

! i couldn't find an exact time but at some point during the morning Jaylen convinces his friends to skip a class and meet him in the cafeteria.

7:44 AM: Jaylen typed a lengthy group text to his family describing how he wants his funeral, who his belongings are to be given to, and his final wishes.

“I want to be fully dressed in Camo in my casket, make sure all of my trust money or whatever goes to my brother.”

“Apologize to [blank/redacted] parents and tell them that I didn't want to go alone. And who would be better to go with them then the one and only [blank/redacted], also apologize to Andrews fam and [blank/redacted] fam for me taking them with me. But I needed my ride or dies with me on the other side. I LOVE YOU FAMILY! I really do! More than anything, I needed to do this tho … I wasn't happy. And I need my crew with me too. I'm sorry. I love you.“ He spent the majority of early morning classes typing out the last message he would send them.

(I couldn't find a screenshot of the message)

10:25 AM: He contacted either a friend or the cousin of Shilene through FB messenger. He told them to have Shilene call him before he follows through.

It's the only screenshot I could find, it's a picture of his gun in his lap.

10:37 AM: Jaylen texts his dad “Read the letter on my bed, Dad I love you.”

A few seconds after this text he sent out the message he had spent the morning typing to a family group chat.

At 10:39 AM Jaylen opened fire on his friends sitting at the cafeteria table with him, going clockwise around the table.

I'm going to use a screenshot from Documenting Evil's channel on YT to give a visual, ALL CREDS GO TO THEM.

I just colored it in myself because only 1 victim, besides the 2 girls directly to the right who immediately fled, survives.

By 10:43 AM the police verify that the shooter is down after Jaylen turned the gun on himself.


!Because of the age of the victims NO crime scene photos have ever been released. I will leave photos of the victims below though.

It should be noted that Gia, Shaylee, and Andrew did not die instantly and died in hospital between 2 days and 2 weeks following the shooting.

After the shooting many were surprised at the local reaction, many grieved over Jaylen as well as the other victims. Even some of the victim's family members came to Jaylen's defense, saying he committed a horrible act but was a genuine soul who needed help. He is even included on memorial's for that day.

Andrew Fryberg, the 3rd victim, was Jaylen's cousin.

On March 31, 2015 Jaylen's father Ray Fryberg was arrested for 5 guns he had bought after an unverified background check. He was not legally allowed to own guns and one of the guns purchased was the Beretta later used in the shooting.

The families have also filed an $18 million lawsuit following the tragedy.

Edit: Shilene (the ex gf) was not hurt during the shooting, she lived in a different county.

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