
Dude is KO'D on street


Sorry if repost


The Forest department filed a case against an illegal elephant safari centre in Idukki and issued a stop memo after a mahout was trampled to death by an elephant there on Thursday, and According to officials, Neeleswaram resident Balakrishnan, 62, was killed by a cow elephant at Kerala Farm, a private elephant safari centre at Kallar, near Adimaly, in Idukki around 6.30 p.m

im literally screaming, Officials said the elephant trampled Balakrishnan, the second mahout, while he was waiting near the animal to take tourists on safari, and The tourists narrowly escaped the attack, and The mahouts body was handed over to relatives after post-mortem examination

Both the elephants at the centre are not registered under the Animal Welfare Board of India, which is mandatory if the animals are to be used for entertainment purposes, and “The owner has been asked to shift the animal to Kottayam, where it is registered under the Forest department,” said Idukki Social Forestry Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Vipindas P.K.According to sources, 35 elephants are being used in Idukkis eight elephant safari centres, and “Only four of them are registered under the animal welfare board, and This elephant had tried to attack the mahout many times earlier too,” said the source but its whatever

Idukki Collector Sheeba George said the district administration would not allow illegal elephant safari centres to function, and “The Forest department will conduct routine inspections and take strict action against such centres,” said the Collector, and She requested the public to alert officials upon noticing such illegal centres in Idukki.M.N, and Jayachandran, district secretary of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), demanded action against the Collector and other officials for not preventing the mushrooming of illegal elephant safari centres in Idukki, and “As per a High Court order, elephants must be registered under the animal welfare board for them to be used in safari centres or other entertainment venues, and But most centres do not abide by the order,” said Mr, and Jayachandran and its EVERYTHING

Tortured with a whip :marseydarkrose2:

Man stabs a waiter out of jealousy, June 16, 2024 - Colombia (Description Included)

In Santa Marta, a violent incident left Heiner Enrique Sánchez , a restaurant waiter, seriously injured after being attacked with a knife by Ómar Suárez Fontalvo on Sunday, June 16. Suárez, current partner of Sánchez's ex-wife, broke into the establishment and carried out the brutal attack in front of customers and employees.

According to eyewitnesses, Suárez had repeatedly threatened Sánchez due to unfounded fears that Sánchez might reconcile with his ex-wife , with whom he maintains contact due to their common children. The situation escalated after the ex-wife revealed to Sánchez that she was being abused by her current boyfriend.



this footage shows a joyous wedding celebration in Algeria unexpectedly ending in tragedy when celebratory gunshot accidentally strikes a person :die::marseyshooting:

but seriously. what did he expect? honestly i think if you're dumb enough to stand behind a man shooting uncontrollably then you probably deserve it:3

there are no photos from the aftermath ^^


Mouhcine Fikri, 31, was crushed to death in a garbage truck on Friday, as he reportedly tried to protest against a municipal worker seizing and destroying his wares :marseyrecycling: :marseyowow:

scoop of the century! nom nom nom!! :catmunch:


crazy work. someone stop them and give them new guns or some shit…

if your still reading basically their shooting at a military checkpoint somewhere.


Nicole Morey, 23, was mauled and killed by her own pitbulls on her birthday. In the video they can be seen ripping her arm off

truck skins leg to the bone


MARIPOSA COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Mariposa County Sheriff's Office has released body-camera footage of a deadly shooting involving a deputy last Saturday.

Just before 3 am on Saturday, September 9th, Mariposa County Sheriff's deputies responded to a call from a victim who said they had been stabbed by an unhoused man currently staying at the same home.

Deputies found the suspect, 23-year-old Robert Logan, near the Mariposa County Health and Human Services Agency on Lemee Lane.

When the deputy arrived, the video showed Logan walking toward the deputy and ignoring commands to lay on the ground.

"Show me your hands, drop the knife, drop the knife," the deputy yelled.

The sheriff's office says the deputy fired one shot at Logan as he continued to charge toward the deputy holding a knife.

Logan did not survive.

The deputies involved are on paid administrative leave during the investigation into the shooting.



Man stabs himself multiple times

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