Huge hairball emerges from woman during surgery :marseypuke:

Thief getting punished

Dude gets shot in pool hall

In La Guajira's capital, Riohacha, a hired assassin struck again, killing 32-year-old Jaider Antonio Mendoza Rodríguez, known as "Toty," while he was chatting with friends at a pool table in El Monumental billiards. The incident occurred around midnight on September 30th. A security camera captured the moment the assailant entered, drew a weapon, and shot the victim. Authorities are investigating the motive and perpetrator behind this crime.

Dude jumps on to an oncoming bus

my balls - your favorite martian

Looking for a video

Does anyone have that video of the fella recording a guy from his window who is shooting at random passing vehicles? He yells shit like "OH SHIT A MADMAN WITH A GUN" and "SHOOT ME"


Unfortunately, on 5/8/2024, there is a man who killed his family of 12 people and then committed suicide. there is news that say he works in real estate and was defrauded of money worth 763,000$. There is other news that says that there is a specific party that killed him. the man's relatives, They said he was a good man and had no problems.

  • there was no confirmed news about why he committed such an act.

What do you think?

i animefied marsey :>

silly drawing. yippee! hope you like it. :mersya:

Tahrir al-Sham storming a regime-held hill, Aleppo 2016

Im deeply troubled with selfharmIt's sicking

How can y'all encourage that fr..... Please discourage this nonsense it's making me worried for my child future seeing how this world is turning out to be..... Please it's messing me up mentally stop this I'm voting against this hate me or whateva this is not good.....

Just a little uncomfortable

This is just a little something that i thought people would might find interesting

fallout 4 guys

Horses horror story

I personally found this story interesting so I decided to share it with all of you

five guys crashed


Original video:

Kentwood, Michigan, United States

Police video shows an unmarked Michigan State Police SUV hit a man as he ran from officers in Kentwood last month, followed by Samuel Sterling crying out in pain and officers telling him to lie still and breathe while EMTs were on their way. Sterling, 25, of Grand Rapids, died hours after the crash.

Michigan State Police on Friday afternoon released about 15 minutes of video on YouTube, calling it a “representative sample” of what happened.

“There are multiple variations of these videos due to the number of officers on-scene, but the videos being released are the most relevant and comprehensive,” MSP said in a release. “Redactions have been made to conceal the identity of undercover officers and unaffiliated individuals.”

There are three body camera videos and one dashboard camera video. MSP said they came from a trooper, a Grand Rapids police officer and a Wyoming police officer. MSP said that the detective sergeant who was driving the SUV was not wearing a body camera because he was assigned to a federal task force and the unmarked car did not have a dashcam.

Parents Andrica Cage and Michael Sterling and their attorney were shown the video by state police Friday morning before it was released to the public. They argue police didn't respond quickly enough to their son's cries for help and that the trooper who hit him should face criminal charges.

“I hope they charge him with the most serious crime that they can, because this wasn't no accident,” Michael Sterling said.

Attorney Ven Johnson, who is representing the Sterling family, said the video showed the officers on the scene acting with “callous disregard for human life, let alone disrespect for (Samuel) Sterling.”

“What we saw today was … way too much sound and way too much for any parent's eyes to watch their son writhing and literally moving in such pain, and we now know it's because he was dying,” Johnson said.

Johnson said MSP Director Col. James Grady was there when the family was shown the video.

“Grady reiterated … he personally, after seeing the video on the day of this incident, suspended the trooper without pay. Highly, highly unusual. And it tells us a lot as to what MSP is thinking about the lack of propriety, in other words, the wrongful conduct of this trooper,” Johnson said.

Man holding his wife as she's dying


Back into this shithole again.

I was doing so well until.. everything went to shit in my life again

and here I am once again.. searching for someone to share my suffering and to watch people die because there's nothing better to do at this point besides killing myself


I think he had broken his toes or sum if anyone may know, correct me if i'm wrong :marseybowl:

A Face Only A Mother Could Love - Man hung himself from ceiling, locals wrap the body in plastic/cloth and remove it

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