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CHILD WARNING Penetrating Arrow Injuries! :marseycupid: :wol!fthink:

The TLDR: "Due to their unique method of penetration and relative complexity for removal, the removal of an arrow from the individual it impales has given rise to multiple tools and techniques that certain aspects of modern surgery can be attributed to. While the initial practical application of the arrow has been, for the most part, replaced by the firearm, it is still in use today, and there are cases that have highlighted the limited research in dealing with such a traumatic injury. Forensic pathologists have noted that the periodic use of arrows, both modern and historical, in homicide cases have pointed out the lack of literature concerning the appearance of these wounds. In addition, there lacks any major source for the current management of arrowhead wounds. Given the recent increase in archery participation, as well as the cyclical finding of arrowhead injuries, this review provides proposed techniques for the management of arrowhead injuries which may not have been previously considered."

For full writing please look at:

How it happened:

"Thirty minutes before arriving at the emergency service, he was in an archery field practicing this sport. Another athlete accidentally shot him in the frontal region with an arrow. The blow caused him to fall. He had mild epistaxis without loss of consciousness or other neurological symptoms."


"The foreign body was extracted 24 h after the accident by endoscopy. A 0º rigid endoscope was introduced through the right nostril up to the choana. The tip of the foreign body was seen medial to the middle and superior turbinates. It was retrogradely removed. The endoscope was reintroduced, and no evidence of active bleeding or lesions was found. The area was irrigated with ceftriaxone through a feeding tube, and a simple suture was placed in the frontal region."

"A 60-year-old man presented to the accident and emergency of our center with arrow injury to the neck of 8 hours duration. The patient was shot with arrow by cattle rearers while trying to prevent their cattle from feeding on his crops. There was associated bleeding; however no difficulty in breathing, hoarseness, or dysphagia. On examination, he was conscious and not pale, arrow was seen impacted in the lower aspect of the posterior triangle of the neck on the right side, there was tenderness, but no discharge or crepitus. X-ray soft-tissue of the neck revealed an impaled arrow in the posterior triangle of the neck, no emphysema or airway compromise. The patient had antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis. The patient was prepared, and he had neck exploration and arrow removal under general anesthesia. Arrow was approached through the entry point because it is less related to the vital structures at the entry point, dissection continued until the fangs of the arrow were exposed, and they were then clipped together. The dissection was completed up to the arrow tip, and the arrow was removed gently. The patient did well postoperatively, no complication recorded and he was discharge 1 week after admission."

"A 25-year-old Fulani man referred to our center with arrow injury in to the nose of 6 hours duration following fight over farmland. There was bleeding from the nose and the mouth, associated with odynophagia, no difficulty in breathing. Clinical examination revealed a young man conscious, not in respiratory distress with arrow impacted in the left side of the nose. X-ray paranasal sinuses showed the arrow passed through the left side of the nose into maxillary antrum, the arrow went posterior-medially into the nasopharynx. Arrow was removed under general anesthesia with orotracheal intubation. Arrow was approached through lateral rhinotomy incision along the entry point, dissection continued until the fangs of the arrow were exposed. The fangs were then clipped together, and the arrow was removed gently, and antral irrigation was done to drain blood that collected in the left maxillary antrum. The patient was stable postoperatively and was discharge, no complication was recorded."

"A 28-year-old herdsman presented to our center with arrow shot injury to the root of the nose of 4 hours. The patient was shot in a community clash between the cattle rearers and farmers, he sustained injury to the root of the nose on the left side, there was associated bleeding from the wound site, and through the nose but no cerebrospinal fluid leak. The patient also developed blurring of vision and diplopia on the same side. Examination revealed an impacted arrow in the medial canthus of the left eye, mucopurulent eye discharge, and decreased visual acuity on the same side. Contralateral eye was normal. Computed tomography (CT) scan shown impaled arrow that passed through the flour of the orbit obliquely downward in to maxillary sinus. The patient had exploration and removal of the arrow through Lynch-Haworth incision, the flour of the orbit was repaired, and maxillary sinus was irrigated thoroughly. The patient did well postoperatively and was discharge. One month after, the patient noticed excessive tearing of the left eye, which was due nasolacrimal duct fibrosis. Patient later had dacryocystorhinostomy."

Note: A dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a surgery that creates a new path for tears to drain between your eyes and your nose. You may need this surgery if your tear duct has become blocked (Or in this case shot with an arrow). The procedure can be performed externally through an incision in the skin, or endoscopically through the nose without leaving a skin incision. Both methods are equally successful.

Note: Nasolacrimal duct fibrosis refers to the thickening and scarring of the nasolacrimal duct, which is the drainage pathway for tears from the eye to the nasal cavity.

" The patient was attacked by cattle rustlers while moving their cows to grazing area 48 hours before presentation, he sustained an injury to the right eye, there was associated history of bleeding from the nose. Parent confirmed that there was attempt at the removal of the arrow at home. Examination revealed lifeless body with no sign of respiration or cardiac activity, arrow was seen impacted into the right supra-orbital region, leading to the brain. There was associated swelling that was diffused and soft. Likely, the patient had intra-cerebral hemorrhage or neurotoxicity from the arrow poison. The patient was certified death and the parent refused postmortem examination on the death body. Arrow was removed at the accident and emergency and corpse was released to the relatives."

"The corpse at the scene, with an arrow lodged in the left hemithorax. Note the only moderate blood staining of the skin around the entrance wound"

"The crossbow Jaguar II, Mod. CR-071B, found at the scene close to the corpse. b The arrow pulled out from the body, with a shaft made of carbon and a conically tapered, pointed tip. c A Jaguar II recurve crossbow used for the experimental study. d Arrow tips used for the experimental study: conically tapered and pointed tip (above), bullet-like tip (below)"

"Deposition of black material on the edges of the entrance wound from a bolt with carbon shaft (a) and aluminum shaft (b), respectively. Faint brownish discoloration of the wound margins from drying (as seen in abrasion rings of bullet entrances)"



full video:

New details continue to come to light about the case of the man who was shot to death by his neighbor inside a luxury condominium in Escazú, this time it is a video that reveals how the heinous crime occurred.

The video was captured by a security camera of said condominium and is circulating in social networks and WhatsApp groups, but out of respect for those involved we will not publish it.

As reported by La Teja in the morning hours, the conflict that ended with the death of Otoniel Orozco Mendoza, 53 years old, at the hands of his neighbor, surnamed Ramirez, was due to a confrontation over a problem related to the water faucet.

The recording shows how a woman, who would be the suspect's wife, comes out of her house to open the faucet, then waits behind a pick-up truck while saying: “Here I am waiting for you to come and turn off the faucet, you fool”.

The woman continues arguing and shortly after another woman appears from the neighboring house, apparently the wife of the now deceased, and that is when the argument over the stopcock gets more heated than usual.

A few seconds later Ramirez appears on the scene, and after standing next to his wife, he covers himself behind the car, apparently to prepare a pistol that he then hides under his shirt.

The argument between the two couples moves to the exact spot where the stopcock is located, and after some insults, Otoniel attacks Ramírez by throwing a punch, at which point the other man retreats, pulls out his gun and shoots him several times.

Orozco's wife runs away, while Ramirez is grabbed from behind by his partner, who takes him away.

Ramirez was detained by the authorities.



Car crashes into the back of a truck

Passos, MG, Brazil - Jun 03, 2024

An accident on Monday morning (3), on the MG-050 highway, in Passos (MG), resulted in the death of coffee producer, Altair José Capato, 70 years old (see video). The victim was from Batatais, a city 44 kilometers from Ribeirão Preto, SP.


CHILD WARNING Uncle of the year 2024 Malda district, West Bengal: headless torso of 11-year-old girl being exhumed and sent to hospital

Shrishti Keshri, 11-year-old daughter of a businessman and studying in Class 5 of Malda St. Xavier School, was beheaded by her uncle Srikant Keshri (27) in West Bengal's Malda district on the night of January 29, 2024, triggering massive protests. Local people were angry that the police escorted the chief minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee's visit but could not find the abductor on Jan 29 when her father complained that she was missing. She went missing on the evening of 29 January after which, her father, Ram Prakash Keshri registered a missing diary at English Bazar police station. Thereafter the CCTV footage of the area was collected by the police. While examining the footage, police found that the minor had boarded a bike that was being driven by a youth and left. The youth was immediately arrested and interrogations were held.

The accused claimed he killed the minor because his father had humiliated and thrashed him in public several times in the past. Driving a motorcycle, he took her with a chopper sword to a desert, telling a pretext to his niece that it was just a trick to her father taking a photo of the weapon on her neck, warning Ram Prakash not to humiliate him again. Innocent and naive Shrishti trusted him but Srikant took heavy power to let the weapon fall...

Based on the information provided by the accused, the police team reached the spot and recovered the headless torso while the severed head was found 50 meters away on the roof of an old building on January 31.

The body has been sent for post-mortem examination to Malda Medical College and Hospital.

Amid numerous candlelight vigils demanding ‘Justice for Shristi' in English Bazar for the last few days, Yashabanti Sreemany, member of West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights, visited the bereaved family at North Baluchar on the evening of February 3. On Sunday afternoon, a 2-member team of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) also met the family. Sreemany said: “The police are handling both the law and order enforcement in the locality and carrying out the investigation deftly. The accused is opening up very slowly and a psychiatric checkup has been recommended. Then, possibly the police can be sure of the motive behind such a crime and also can recover the murder weapon. We also think that punishment for such heinous crimes should be exemplary so that people fear the law. As per the post-mortem report, no sexual offense was found.” Several days later, the chopper sword 12 inches long and heavy was finally found from the banks of Mahananda in Ward 20 of English Bazar Municipality.

During large protest, people displayed the dead body of Shrishti Keshri and paraded it through the streets.

deep cuts+stitches


Utah Cop kills sex offender

I Feared For My Life :marseycop3: (Police + Shooting)

Several cars obliterated by an out of control truck

No backstory.

Guy falls into meat grinder




Colombian has head cut off by the back of a flatbed truck



Viral video from 2016 shows a woman putting makeup while sitting on car wreck. This accident occurred in Brazil, and involved a couple in a luxury BMW who were speeding along Avenida de San Pablo. The car crashed into a concrete wall and was split in half. According to the media, the car was going nearly 90 miles an hour under a bridge at Salim Farah Maluf Avenue in São Paulo, Brazil.

She puts makeup on then uses her phone to make message and call someone.

It may not be clear to see but the woman's legs are bleeding from cuts. There is also a man dying or already dead on the back of the vehicle. The driver and her boyfriend died, though in the video I'm not sure if the can be seen anywhere.



CHILD WARNING Idiot woman drops baby on escalator



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