EFFORTPOST Pectus Excavatum


Medical Definition: a congenital chest wall deformity that is caused by growth abnormality of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone (sternum).

Non Medical Definition: is a condition in which the person's breastbone is sunken into the chest.

Another name for this would be "Funnel Chest" and is more common in boys than in girls.


About 1 to 8 people per 1,000 have it.

While the sunken breastbone is often noticeable shortly after birth, the severity of pectus excavatum typically worsens during the adolescent growth spurt.

This is a graph showing the age composition for the condition. As you can see most of the cases range in the 13-18 age group.

Severe cases of pectus excavatum can eventually interfere with the function of the heart and lungs.


For many, the biggest symptom is the deformities of the chest. Some other symptoms include the following:

*Shortness of breath with exercise.

*Less stamina compared to peers.


*Chest pain.

*Irregular heartbeat.

*Heart palpitations.

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Of course, they could also have some psychological symptoms as well such as:

*Significant embarrassment from the appearance of your chest.

*Self-esteem issues.

*Clinical depression.


Researches haven't found a specific genetic link, yet. They do suspect there is one though. About 40% to 53% of people with pectus excavatum have a biological family member with the same condition.

Pectus Excavatum is associated with the following:

*Impaired exercise tolerance.

*Mitral valve prolapse (leaky heart valve).

*Compression of your heart.


There are actually TWO way's to fix this.

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The Nuss Procedure

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The Ravitch Procedure

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The Nuss Procedure:

This procedure is minimally invasive. Your surgeon would do the following:

*Insert a camera into your chest to guide the procedure.

*Make two small incisions on either side of your chest.

*Insert a custom-curved steel bar(s) under your sternum and position the bar(s) to elevate your sternum.

*Secure the bar to your chest wall on each side to correct the depression.

The bar stays in place for several years. A surgeon removes it in an outpatient (same-day) procedure.

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The Ravitch Procedure:

This is considered the traditional or opened procedure Your surgeon will do the following:

*Make an incision on the front of your chest.

*Remove the overgrown connective tissue that's pushing your sternum backward.

*Pull your sternum forward, away from your heart and lungs, into your chest wall.

*Use a small plate and tiny screws or a small metal bar to stabilize your sternum in its new position.

A surgeon will remove the bar in six to 12 months during a short outpatient procedure. This bar is smaller than the bar they use in the Nuss procedure. You don't need additional surgery because surgeons don't remove the plates.


*Pneumothorax (collapsed lung).


*Pleural effusion (fluid around your lung).


*The chest bar moving out of place.

*Pectus excavatum recurrence (happening again) after bar removal.

*Injury to surrounding structures.

*Chronic pain.


4-6 weeks.

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Short answer, yes.

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If you have gotten this far and have a few more minute's I can now tell you MY experience with this surgery.

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I ended up getting this procedure done when i was 13 or 14 years old. Just going into High School. Mine was severe enough to get The Ravitch Procedure done. How we knew I needed to get the procedure done was one day at Basketball practice I started having a hard time breathing and started hypervenalating from feeling like i was dying. Went to the doctors who found out that it has started pushing up against my heart and lungs and causing major complications to my everyday life. The surgery went great but the recovery SUCKED! I can only describe it as the most painful thing i have ever experienced. My doctor told me they had to break my sternum and ribs to put in the metal bar. I also had to go through physical therapy to get back to walking. The WORST part was when i ended up getting hiccups and when they had change my bedding. The nurses had to roll me onto one side and then onto the other to remove the sheets. I had to keep the metal bar in for a whole year.

My lasting complications to the surgery is that my right part of my chest from the scar to the top side of my right shoulder blade is numb. Seem's like my procedure also failed because i still have a bit of an incaved chest cavity but nothing major.


Jeff Goldblum

Bo Burnam

Joaquin Phoenix

Neil Patrick Harris

Patrick Swayze

Brendan Fraser

Hayden Panettiere

Tori Spelling

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

EFFORTPOST Introducing... WPDmap!


Anyways, me, @sog, @Slavo, and @water have been working on a map. A map, of DEATH! :marseyexcited:

Here's the gist: each flair gets its own symbol and color. The pin indicates where the video took place. The square pins are the general location (usually the street/neighborhood), the upside-down droplets are exact.

To search for a specific video without panning through the map, all you need to know is either the country or date in which it happened (date is more specific, so go with that if you can). On the left-hand side is an icon that looks like three square tiles, click it and then hit "Browse data" to enter search. Just type in the country name or the month + year when it happened, and you'll be able to quickly find your video. To get the coordinates, zoom in as much as you can and center your screen on the video you want. They'll be in the URL.

Hitting the three square tile icon also allows you to filter by category. Just hit the eye next to whichever categories you don't want to see to filter them out.

For each video, we've selected the highest-quality post out there to represent it. This means no retarded, unnecessary watermarks or blurry footage! :marseythumbsup: We also added thumbnails, but I think if a lot of you access the site at once, it overloads the system and they won't display. So they might be broken for the next day or two. Sorry about that!

Some notable spots with a very high density of videos include Ecuador, Poland, Trinidad & Tobago, NYC, and Chicago. And not only did I post a dashcam for every Russian territory, we geolocated them all as well.

NOTE: There's no "child warning" in any titles. If they're underage, we usually state the age in the title, but not always. Also no "+ aftermath", "multiple POVs", etc.


Q: Can you add [video] to the map?

A: If you've already geolocated it, yes! Otherwise, only if one of us feels like it.

Q: Can I help out?

A: If you're at least semi-active on this site and you're actually interested in this, yes! We obviously vet who gets let in but that's the basic requirements.

Q: Why do this?

A: We have severe autism. Not even memeing here, just the truth. It also allows us to collect the highest-quality versions of videos in one easily-accessible place, but mostly autism.

To close out, here's where a few famous videos took place!

Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation: Google Street View

The Buffalo shooting: Google Street View

Itzdolly's suicide: Google Street View (yes, that's the exact tree)

Bollard ass-impaling: Google Street View

Mississippi store clerk complies with robber, gets shot in the head anyways: Google Street View

Hellish accident at steel mill kills one and leaves several others severely burned by molten steel: Google Maps (technically not that famous but holy shit it goes so hard)

Voice your praise (and constructive criticisms) below. Our map is pretty (albeit not totally) customizable, so if you don't like something about the map, please do let us know below.

geeeeettttttt doxxed lmao #DoxTheDead

EFFORTPOST Chemical Suicide: A Deep Analysis :marseypills: :marseyhelium:

In today's (hopefully effort) post I will be going into the world of chemical suicide. Remember, this is not met to be used as a guide.


Suicide through painkillers is when someone were to swallow a bunch of painkillers at once, or mix it with other painkillers intentionally. It is hard to link the same effects to every painkiller out there, so instead I will list off what happens with most painkilling suicides. As soon as the painkillers enter your body, you will already have trouble breathing, and this is only the beginning. After this takes effect, your stomach will start bleeding internally, and purfusely too, after this multiple organs will slowly (and painfully) die off as you try to survive. There a couple reasons you may die from overdosing on painkillers, but the most frequent causes are from internal bleeding, a complete stop in breathing, and organ failure.

Pesticide Suicide

A pesticide poisoning occurs when pesticides, chemicals intended to control a pest, affect non-target organisms such as humans. People take advantage of this, and that leads up to nearly 30% of all suicides. Right now in the U.S, it is very rare though, only accounting for 12 suicides a year. Through the organochlorine pesticides, like DDT, aldrin, and dieldrin accumulate in your fatty tissues. As this happens, you get pesticide poisoning. This already puts you at risk of long term neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and dementia. Cancer and kidney failure also starts to come into play during all of this. As these toxic chemicals cause onsets to your nerve cells, the body starts to shut down and you die.

Share of suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning:

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas. As you are exposed, you may feel confused, lost, dizzy, and chest pains. After long term exposure, you may experience loss of consciousness, arrhythmias, seizures, or death. Most death comes from hypoxia. Hypoxia is when you are deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. Survivors ussualy experience memory loss.


Helium is a colorless and odorless inert gas similar to Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen. Also similar to these 2, you die for the same reason. As your body tries to find oxygen, it can't. There is nothing but helium, as it digs for oxygen. You start to suffocate and you die from this lack of oxygen. You don't really feel like you're suffocating, unless Co2 is present. The more Co2 = the stronger feeling of suffocation. If you want an entire post dedicated to helium suicide, check this post

Photo of Helium Suicide:


No I am not talking about LSD, I'm talking about sulfuric acid. I don't know if acid is really a chemical but I know it's intriguing and I want to add it. Anyway, once the victim has drank the sulfuric acid, immediate burning and sharp pain is present in the mouth. This then moves down to the throat, where a higher hole is created by the acid. The rest of the acid moves its way down to the stomach and causes extremely deadly amounts of internal bleeding. The victim dies from having the hole in their throat, or the acid melting through other key parts of the body needed to survive

Other Chemicals/Methods

This last section is gonna go into chemicals that are too short for a full section about them, so I will be making one big section out of them.

Suicide Bag: A suicide bag, also known as an exit bag or hood is a device consisting of a plastic bag with a drawcord used to die by suicide through inert gas asphyxiation. This inert gas is lighter than air, like helium, nitrogen, or CO.

Bleach: as you drink excessive bleach, you start to vomit purfusely, have a fatally low amount of blood pressure, and acute liver failure. If you want to see the affects, check this video out

Gas Oven Suicide: People commit suicide through their gas oven because of the chemicals it produces, like Carbon Monoxide.

Suicide Pill: This could be in the Painkiller section, but it contains more. A suicide pill can contain cyanide, fentanyl, or any other lethal substance than can fit in a pill.


This is weko997 signing off, hope you enjoyed the post. I tryed using other knowledge aside from my own background knowledge like my last effort post, so I hope this is better. This took hours to do so I hope it's an effort post.

Special thanks to @blepp for a couple chemical ideas


If any of these claims are inaccurate, dm me

And as always, If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone

Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


In today's post, we are covering several types of sports accidents that may come from overestimating your abilities/letting your ego get in the way, incorrect form, lack of safety practices, inappropriate attire, and much more. We will go over the importance of understanding safety procedures and visual examples of why they're in place and the risks that come from doing things incorrectly and overestimating your abilities

Sporting Accidents

Skaters + Scooters

skater head slams

skater stairs + rails


↑ bro did not need an ambo for that :lelolidk:

3 story fall

↑ i do not know the end goal here

compilation of fails


failed stunts

failed jump on bike

biker does wheelie in the road and car speeds up to hit him

biker tries to bike on ice and falls through

Skiing + Snowboarding


skier crashes into someone standing

skier crashes into snowboarder

failed stunt

Helmets + Gear

Why should you wear a helmet?

Wearing a helmet is essential when bike riding and skating as it protects your head from injury. By wearing a helmet you significantly reduce your risk of brain damage when you take a tumble, while it will not eliminate this, it can lower the severity of the injury as the helmet is taking most of the impact as opposed to your head. If the impact is severe enough, you risk some serious brain damage or even death. So, wear a helmet, you're not invincible.


Why should you wear safety gear?

Properly equipping yourself with items like helmets, shin/elbow pads, thick clothing, etc. will significantly reduce the impact received when you fall off a bike, skateboard, skates, scooters, etc. They can reduce the risk of injuries such as a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), broken elbow, road burn, or a cracked skull.




snowboarder crashes into a kid (child)

failed stunts

failed stunt results in a crash into a tree

Football (or soccer for others)

Donald Parham concussed

Vikings quarterback Jaren Hall concussed

49ers Dre Greenlaw tears left Achilles tendon

Depending on the severity, a ruptured Achilles tendon may require surgery to repair. With or without, rehab and physical therapy will be needed with up to 6 months or more of healing time


double leg dislocation

failed stunt

↑ she landed on her neck

hope you guy's enjoyed! there's a part 2 coming out for these as well :marseyblowkiss:

EFFORTPOST Suicide by Firearm: A Deep Analysis. :marseygunshotsuicide: (Effort Post?)

Hello, everybody, Weko997 here. In today's post I will be doing a deep dive into the world of firearm suicide. Please use this post educational reasons for knowledge, instead of using it to learn how to actually kill yourself.

Introduction to Firearm Suicide

I would like to begin off by saying firearm suicide takes up the greatest number of deaths via firearm, in 2021, 54% of firearm related deaths were suicide. 90% of firearm suicides are successful. 10% of these people live though, are most likely lose basic motor abilities, experience severe chronic pain, and a bunch of other complications such as meningitis, aphasia, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia. 50% of survivors sever a nerve and have facial nerve damage,

Meningitis: An infection of meninges, protective tissue of the brain that causes stiff neck, headache and fever.

Aphasia: a person may be unable to comprehend or unable to formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions

Hemianopsia: Loss in vision, or blurriness

Hemiplegia: total or nearly complete paralysis on one side of the body

Firearm Suicide Terms

Multiple-gunshot suicide: This occurs when an individual commits suicide by inflicting multiple gunshots on itself before becoming incapacitated. These are extremely rare when it comes to firearm suicide,

Murder Suicide - The act of intentionally taking others' lives with a firearm before taking your own, with a firearm. A keen example of this would be the Columbine shooting.

Body after suicide

As evident throughout the many of suicides on this site, a plethora of things can happen when someone takes their own life with a firearm.

The first thing that can happen, is spasming out. Most of the time, when shooting yourself with a small caliber gun, you tend to tense up or move in a spastic or unusual way. The cause of this could be a multitude of things. If a area of your brain is damaged, you could go into different postures/positions. Another reason one may act this way is due to their brain going into shock that its shutting down, and in a responce acting in a frantic way. A good example would be 1444

Clenching onto the couch after the initial blast >

Frantic Response to the Blast:

The second thing that can happen is an immediate stop and complete limp as soon as the trigger is pulled, this usually happens with bigger guns like shotguns or rifles. Examples would be Ronnie's Suicide.

Body going completely limp after initial blast >

Different Angels

Through the Mouth :marseygunshotsuicide: < Using Marsey as an example (Thank you Marsey). Suicide through the mouth is the act of shooting yourself with the muzzle in your mouth. This method of suicide is uncommon, but a good example would be Budd Dwyer's Live Tv Suicide. As stated up above, people can react in frantic ways, but every through the mouth suicide I've seen had the user completely limp after the blast. Thie bullet of the gun enters through the mouth and out through the top of the head, and if shot right could cause leakage in the back of the head, causing a perfuse amount of blood to leak out through the nose. If you see a video of a man committing suicide with the muzzle pointed straight near the throat instead of the brain, that video is fake. Portrayed by Movies, the gun is pointed straight, this is inaccurate as the bullet can't access the brain. Straight firing has been used for self harm.

Example of through the mouth suicide causing blood leakage through the nose (Budd Dwyer):

The Temple: Shooting yourself in the temple is the most common way for suicide due to it having what seems the easiest way to enter through the brain. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple due so with a handgun, though rifles and shotguns have been used. A good example of a non-handgun temple suicide shooting would be 1444. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple have a frantic response to the gunshot. The gunshot enters through where the muzzle is placed, then exits perpendicular from where the gun is placed.

What a Temple Shot Looks Like:

Through the forehead: Through the forehead shooting is uncommon, but the people who have done so share the same traits with people who shoot through the temple, they want an easy acesss to the brain. The best example for a through the forehead suicide would be Shuaby's Suicide.

What a Through the Forehead Looks Like:

Under the Chin Suicide: Under the chin is where the muzzle of the gun is placed under the chin and the user shoots. This is mostly done with a shotgun or a rifle, and not a handgun. Out of every under the chin suicide I have seen, none of them used a handgun. If done with a shotgun or a rifle, the user starts to drip blood everywhere, and the face looks disfigured and almost like a demogorgan. A example of this would be when this animator killed himself. If you listen, you can hear blood drip on the floor, which also happens in Ronnie Mcnutt's suicide.

Fun Fact! The person in the Ogrish Vol.1 Collection was a under the chin shotgun survivor >

Uncommon Suicide Angels: Before I conclude this post, I will go into certain angels that envolve firearms, that not many people use, and I will list them off now.

  • Top Of the Head

  • The Chest

  • Multiple Gun Shot Suicide: Lower Body

  • Ear, Nose, or Throat.


I spent a couple hours on this, lost a lot of my progress, so I hope this becomes an effort post.

Special thanks to: @FinalGirl, @Em0_pr1nc3ss_666 and @Freakypoo for support and the idea.

If I made any Inaccurate claims, please dm me.


If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone

Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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