EFFORTPOST Suicide by Firearm: A Deep Analysis. :marseygunshotsuicide: (Effort Post?)

Hello, everybody, Weko997 here. In today's post I will be doing a deep dive into the world of firearm suicide. Please use this post educational reasons for knowledge, instead of using it to learn how to actually kill yourself.

Introduction to Firearm Suicide

I would like to begin off by saying firearm suicide takes up the greatest number of deaths via firearm, in 2021, 54% of firearm related deaths were suicide. 90% of firearm suicides are successful. 10% of these people live though, are most likely lose basic motor abilities, experience severe chronic pain, and a bunch of other complications such as meningitis, aphasia, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia. 50% of survivors sever a nerve and have facial nerve damage,

Meningitis: An infection of meninges, protective tissue of the brain that causes stiff neck, headache and fever.

Aphasia: a person may be unable to comprehend or unable to formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions

Hemianopsia: Loss in vision, or blurriness

Hemiplegia: total or nearly complete paralysis on one side of the body

Firearm Suicide Terms

Multiple-gunshot suicide: This occurs when an individual commits suicide by inflicting multiple gunshots on itself before becoming incapacitated. These are extremely rare when it comes to firearm suicide,

Murder Suicide - The act of intentionally taking others' lives with a firearm before taking your own, with a firearm. A keen example of this would be the Columbine shooting.

Body after suicide

As evident throughout the many of suicides on this site, a plethora of things can happen when someone takes their own life with a firearm.

The first thing that can happen, is spasming out. Most of the time, when shooting yourself with a small caliber gun, you tend to tense up or move in a spastic or unusual way. The cause of this could be a multitude of things. If a area of your brain is damaged, you could go into different postures/positions. Another reason one may act this way is due to their brain going into shock that its shutting down, and in a responce acting in a frantic way. A good example would be 1444

Clenching onto the couch after the initial blast >

Frantic Response to the Blast:

The second thing that can happen is an immediate stop and complete limp as soon as the trigger is pulled, this usually happens with bigger guns like shotguns or rifles. Examples would be Ronnie's Suicide.

Body going completely limp after initial blast >

Different Angels

Through the Mouth :marseygunshotsuicide: < Using Marsey as an example (Thank you Marsey). Suicide through the mouth is the act of shooting yourself with the muzzle in your mouth. This method of suicide is uncommon, but a good example would be Budd Dwyer's Live Tv Suicide. As stated up above, people can react in frantic ways, but every through the mouth suicide I've seen had the user completely limp after the blast. Thie bullet of the gun enters through the mouth and out through the top of the head, and if shot right could cause leakage in the back of the head, causing a perfuse amount of blood to leak out through the nose. If you see a video of a man committing suicide with the muzzle pointed straight near the throat instead of the brain, that video is fake. Portrayed by Movies, the gun is pointed straight, this is inaccurate as the bullet can't access the brain. Straight firing has been used for self harm.

Example of through the mouth suicide causing blood leakage through the nose (Budd Dwyer):

The Temple: Shooting yourself in the temple is the most common way for suicide due to it having what seems the easiest way to enter through the brain. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple due so with a handgun, though rifles and shotguns have been used. A good example of a non-handgun temple suicide shooting would be 1444. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple have a frantic response to the gunshot. The gunshot enters through where the muzzle is placed, then exits perpendicular from where the gun is placed.

What a Temple Shot Looks Like:

Through the forehead: Through the forehead shooting is uncommon, but the people who have done so share the same traits with people who shoot through the temple, they want an easy acesss to the brain. The best example for a through the forehead suicide would be Shuaby's Suicide.

What a Through the Forehead Looks Like:

Under the Chin Suicide: Under the chin is where the muzzle of the gun is placed under the chin and the user shoots. This is mostly done with a shotgun or a rifle, and not a handgun. Out of every under the chin suicide I have seen, none of them used a handgun. If done with a shotgun or a rifle, the user starts to drip blood everywhere, and the face looks disfigured and almost like a demogorgan. A example of this would be when this animator killed himself. If you listen, you can hear blood drip on the floor, which also happens in Ronnie Mcnutt's suicide.

Fun Fact! The person in the Ogrish Vol.1 Collection was a under the chin shotgun survivor >

Uncommon Suicide Angels: Before I conclude this post, I will go into certain angels that envolve firearms, that not many people use, and I will list them off now.

  • Top Of the Head

  • The Chest

  • Multiple Gun Shot Suicide: Lower Body

  • Ear, Nose, or Throat.


I spent a couple hours on this, lost a lot of my progress, so I hope this becomes an effort post.

Special thanks to: @FinalGirl, @Em0_pr1nc3ss_666 and @Freakypoo for support and the idea.

If I made any Inaccurate claims, please dm me.


If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone

Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


>Hanging suicides have always been fascinating to me, so I decided to take a deep dive into learning more about this classic method of suicide. Let's take a look together on the effects of hanging. This post will include things like Photo and Video examples, Definitions, and links to other posts that made this one possible. Sources and Credits at the end.

What is Suicide by Hanging?

Wikipedia defines Suicide by hanging as "the intentional killing of oneself (suicide) via suspension from an anchor-point such as an overhead beam or hook, by a rope or cord or by jumping from a height with a noose around the neck."

Commonly used items for Suicide by Hanging

Noose : (noun) "a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled, and typically used to hang people or trap animals"

(Definition by Oxford Languages)

Ligature : (noun) "a thing used for tying or binding something tightly."

(definition from Oxford Languages)

Considered to be a "simple" suicide method, materials used for Suicide by Hanging are readily available to the average person, making it a difficult thing to prevent.

According to, the items most often used for self-strangulation are

  • Belts

  • Ties

  • Scarfs

  • Bedsheets

  • Cords

  • Ropes

  • and Shoelaces

The division of Suspension Hanging and Drop Hanging

Suspension Hanging Is the suspension of the body at the neck.

Complete Suspension consists of full suspension of the body when Hanging. This is not required as Partial Suspension (or Incomplete Suspension) consists of using the body's weight to tighten the ligature around the neck.

"Elaborate set-ups from high places are not needed for hanging. The only thing needed is leverage. This could be done by using a doorknob or bed post."

(Note from

An example of Partial Suspension >

18 year old Natália Mayer Parreira hanged herself by looping a piece of clothesline over the coat hook on the back of her apartment door

Link to full post about Natália:

Another example of Partial suspension >

During partial suspension, the victim may have their knees or feet flat on the floor.

An example of complete suspension >

Drop Hanging consists of dropping from a tall height with ligature around the neck, it is usually seen more as an execution method ratjer than a suicide method

An example of Drop hanging ^

(I couldn't find a backstory/explanation for anyone above except Natália, apologies)

Surviving an Attempt/Medical effects

Failed attempts happen when the ligature or anchor poimt breaks, or someone cuts them down in time.

Surviving these attempts lead to various injuries such as

Cerebral Anoxia (A form of Hypoxia specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen) which can result in permanent Brain Damage, results from suspension hanging

Laryngeal fracture (Fractures of the cartilage structures of the larynx or trachea),

Cervical spine fracture (fracture or break in the bone of the neck), result from drop hanging

Pharengeal laceration (may introduce air, secretions and bacteria into the Pharengeal space and mediastinum),

and Cartoid artery injuries (excessive Hypertextension of the cervical spine or extreme rotation of the neck)

Cerebral Hypoxia is the most common cause of death when hanging. Also known as Hangman's fracture

People who are hanged often have marks on their neck from where the ligature constricting them. An inverted V shape can also be seen most times.

Treatment for Survivors

(too lazy to type this one out)

"Initial treatment of survivors follows the 'usual priorities of airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC)'. Treatment should be 'directed at airway control with endotracheal intubation, ventilation using positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), and hyperventilation with supplemental oxygen to control intracranial pressure'. One study of people who experienced near-hanging who were treated appropriately at a hospital found that 77 percent of them survived."

(Suicide by hanging Wikipedia)

Hanging used as Capital Punishment

There are many factors that go into the "ideal" hanging of a subject.

The length of the fall is key in an effective hanging, It must be calculated based on things such as the person's size. (For example, a larger person may only require a shorter drop while a smaller person may need a higher drop.

If done incorrectly, the person could Die via decapitation if the drop is too far, or die of strangulation if the drop is too small or the noose was not placed correctly.

It can take several excruciating minutes for Strangulation to take full effect.

During Strangulation: "the carteroid arteries in the neck, which supply blood to the brain, are compressed, and the brain swells so much it ends up plugging the top of the spinal column; the Vagal nerve is pinched, leading to something called the Vagal reflex, which stops the heart; and the lack of oxygen getting to the lungs due to compression of the trachea eventually causes loss of consciousness due to suffocation. Death then follows in the same pattern as it does when the neck breaks, with the entire process ending in anywhere from five to 20 minutes."


What happens to the body during hanging? How does it feel?

Survivors of hanging attempts recall seeing and hearing lights flashing and ringing noises

In most cases the persons tongue will protrude due to extreme pressure of the jaw, they might even bite through their tongue completely.

The following are some things i found on Quora of people who survived their attempt, and sharing their experiences about how it felt.

"The first thing that comes to you isn't the will to breath but the feeling of your head on the verge of bursting. I remember the vivid feeling of every heartbeat pounding in my head. Every passing beat intensifying the feeling of my head swelling up, until the point that I thought the back of my head would pop open. Thats when the feeling of my lungs begging for air kicked in and I clawed at my throat frantically by instinct. “I don't want to die yet” was what I thought. It's painful and leaves your neck with an obvious mark."

(Chris Peterson on Quora)

"When this event occured i was in a suicidal state of mind but i am not anymore. Right when i setted it up (what i was going to use when i was going to kill myself) i hooked it on me, but i was procrastinating because i was feeling scared. So after i was done with that, i pushed the chair and i was just hanging for 2 seconds.In those 2 seconds, i felt like i was in a movie of someone who was about to meet there sudden death. I was rushing, trying to put my feet on the chair. Then i got back on the chair. This is why i got back on the chair. When i was hanging, my foot was tingling really fast and my face (A mirror was in front of me) was really red. My chest was like screaming at me. My whole body was acting like it was on a workout, rushing so fast. When I got back on the chair. I started having an attack trying to breathe. My head felt so out of air."

(Eliana on Quora)

"When I first tried I was eleven, I hanged myself in my room (I had a hook on the ceiling), I was tall so I kept having to get back on my chair and shorten the rope, when it finally was short enough for my toes to barely touch the ground my head felt like it was going to explode and my eyes felt like they were about to pop out, I choked for a minute, my head got a really warm feeling and my hands started tingling at the end, I chickened out and grabbed the scissors from my boxers and cut the rope."

(Elmo's Left Ballsack on Quora)

Images/Video links

If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone <3

Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

I dont feel like typing anymore so here's the sources

EFFORTPOST Jodi Arias' lovesick murder :meatheart:

Jodi was born on the 9th of July, 1980, in Salinas, California. She attended school up until 11th grade but dropped out of school to chase her dream of photography. She worked odd jobs up until she got a sales position in PPL. She has claimed to have lived a dreamlike childhood.

Jodi and Travis met on the 6th of September, 2006 at a work conference in LA. Jodi converted to the same church as Travis ( the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and was baptized by him during November 2006 in a ceremony. Travis and Jodi began dating in February, 2007. Some say it was almost one sided, Travis saw Jodi as a long-term hookup while Jodi was genuinely interested in Travis. At some point Jodi moves closer to Travis, but then moved further away than before. they were in a long distanced relationship, and even when Travis broke up and got with another woman they continued sexting. Travis friends found Jodi strange, they all had very negative opinions surrounding her. They said things such as "She's like a crazy ex".

June 4th, 2008 in Arizona. That was the last time Travis was alive. He was killed while taking a shower. He sustained 27 stab wounds, a slit throat and a gunshot wound to the head. But what REALLY happened? :hmmgenocide:

Travis missed an important conference call on the evening of June 4. The next day, Jodi met Ryan Burns in a suburb of West Jordan. Burns noticed that Jodi's formerly blonde hair was now dark brown, and she had cuts on her hands. Jodi left and drove towards California; she called Travis multiple times and left several voicemails. She also accessed his cellphone voicemail system. When Jodi left the car and returned to the rental, it was reported that its floor mats and red stains on the seats were missing.

On June 9, friends were getting more and more concerned. They had been trying to reach Travis to no avail. His roommates had not seen him for days, but they assumed he was away and hadn't suspected anything. His friends had found a key. The group found pools of blood in the hallway to the master bedroom and Travis's body in the bathroom. His friends brought off Jodi quickly as a suspect, saying that she had been stalking Travis and had been slashing his tyres. While investigators looked through the home, they found a newly purchased digital camera in the washing machine. They managed to recover the deleted pictures from the camera and saw both suggestive and horrifying photographs of Travis. Some were him in proactive poses, engaging in intimacy and simply showering. And then others seem to have been accidental pictures of his dead body, a bloodied palm and a foot next to his body. That foot would turn out to be Jodis' foot. Jodi had tried to wipe down the scene and Travis's body with the intention of getting rid of her DNA, which would ultimately not work out in her favour. She had thrown the camera in the machine to destroy the evidence, which also did not work.


Reported by:
  • mohamedisarab : Disrespecting Religion and Ramadan has nothing to do with car crash, wipe this video out ✊🏽
  • MayorCuomo : Rule 5 Part 3- No joke titles (or cheesy puns)
  • natsuki_ : just ban this asshole
  • Fydudududuudy : The creator mixed adan with music and its prohibited in our religion Islam
  • jakesmithereens : Osama bin Laden took a break from being raped by Muhammad to say he's offended
  • Dickfart : Allah was trans and muhammed is a pedophile
  • Bestsomaloyemeni : Im muslim and this has nothing to do with ramadan they are using ramadan then sending car crashes?
  • -bugzy- : good video but fuck islam
EFFORTPOST [WPD EXCLUSIVE] happy ramadan. remember to go fast.

fuck it. 1080p version


and only 100+ files                                  

song: interworld - rapture


the video's (wich i could still find) in order:

go and upvote them all :marseyagreefast:

video's missing: 6

EFFORTPOST post-mortem stages || INFO POST

When you die, your body goes through a series of changes to adjust to the conditions of death. In this post, I will go in-depth about the stages of death and decay. If you are confused by any terms, I included them at the bottom of the post. If a term you're confused about isn't listed there, let me know and I will help you out. Everything is labeled in the order they happen in.

Fresh + Autolysis

At this stage, pallor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis, and livor mortis are evident and there may be visible signs of external decomposition, on the inside, the body is breaking down cells and tissues by their own enzymes


Occurring 3-5 days after death, gasses and bacteria accumulate and release in the body causing it to swell up and bloat. The body can almost double in size at this time. Due to the rotting blood, the body can take on a green or blackish color. At this stage, putrefaction begins to take place which emits the foul stench of decay.

Early stages of putrefaction begin at the iliac fossa region causing greenish discoloration

woman in the earlier stages of death showing signs of light bloat, livor mortis, and marbling

Active & Advanced Decay

Active decay begins within a week to 10 weeks after death. At this stage, the muscles and organs start to liquify, and juices spill from the orifices of the body. The body decomposes due to the putrefying bacteria and fungi, which release gases that penetrate and degrade bodily tissues and organs.

Vincent Van Cute butch decomposition

stains left from decomposing bodies

Advanced decay begins around 25-50 days after death when maggots and other insects finish breaking down soft tissue that has decomposed, leaving behind hair, bones, and tendons. At this stage, putrefaction will almost/will be complete

The conditions in which the body is decomposing will greatly affect the process.


Indoor and outdoor conditions will affect a decaying corpse differently.

Indoors, you're less likely to be exposed to harsh elements and animals (unless you have pets) so the process will look different.

  • Corpses that die indoors are likely to be found faster because the stench will heavily ruminate, someone is bound to get suspicious and find you.

(i unfortunately couldn't find good charts showing the effects of indoor decomposition)

Outdoors, the body will decompose faster when exposed to the elements. Bacteria can thrive in those conditions and insects and animals will get to the corpse rather quickly which accelerates the decomposition process by eating away at the corpse.


Factors such as humidity and heat contribute to faster decomposition. "The heat aids the physiological changes in the body by raising the temperature of the cadaver. Furthermore, the heat creates additional decomposition odors that attract a greater amount of bacteria and pests." [7] When a body dies in a humid, hot, moist environment, this allows for the growth of adipocere which can lead to natural mummification.

In a dry climate, the body can rapidly decompose and potentially mummify if the conditions are right.

When a corpse dies in a cooler climate the rate of decomposition will be significantly lowered because the cold temperatures slow the bacteria that cause decomposition.

Clostridium spp. plays a significant role after death because of its anaerobic nature it allows for effective decomposition. This bacteria produces gases such as hydrogen sulfide and methane which add to the malodor of decomposition.

"Bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus, and other sulphate-reducing bacteria of the GI tract are often proteolytic and have been reported to be important in the breakdown of proteins of a cadaver" [6]

(it's been a little hard finding information on the bacteria that is present in decomposition sorry lolz)


Dry Remains/Skeletonization

The final stage of decay. This is when decomposition is complete and leaves the skeletal system and connective tissues behind. As mentioned before, if the conditions are right at this stage a corpse could be naturally mummified

These are mixed examples of mummification and skeletal remains

Pallor mortis

This is the first change you will see in death and occurs as little as 15-20 minutes after death, and is known as the whitening/paling of the skin after death. This occurs because blood stops traveling through the capillaries

It can also be seen in other parts of the body like the vagina, gums, and eyelids.

Algor mortis

This is the stage is the cooling down of the body after death

Rigor Mortis

To start, when someone dies their body will undergo primary relaxation which relaxes the body entirely, making them "dead weight". To elaborate, picking up a dead body will feel heavier than picking up a alive body because of the intense muscle relaxation, nothing is attempting to keep the body upward, making it feel heavier.

Time frame: Approximately 2 hours after death and completes between 6-8 hours after death. At around 24-48 hours after death, rigor mortis will subside and then disappear.

Following primary relaxation, rigor mortis takes over and causes the muscles to restrict which makes the body stiff and inflexible due to the depletion of ATP, the muscles can't relax. When rigor mortis subsides, secondary relaxation kicks in which causes the muscles to re-relax.

man was laying this way at death when rigor mortis took over and stiffened him into this position

Livor mortis

Livor mortis occurs when blood accumulates and settles in the blood vessels in gravitationally dependent (lowest point of contact) parts of the body.

this person was laying on an eggshell mattress, livor mortis took place and patterned the skin

more patterned blood settling

underwear pattern shown in post mortem lividity

arm print left on chest


This occurs due to the spread of bacteria in the blood stream which discolors the blood and as blood cells decay, they will stain the vein walls which exposes the superficial veins which gives the corpse a marbled look.

↑ i believe this one is makeup but still captures the concept well

chest-up marbling

full body putrefaction + marbling


Adipocere: a greyish waxy substance caused by the decomposition of soft tissue in corpses exposed to warm and moist environments

ATP: adenosine triphosphate, the energy source required for muscle contraction

Aridity: moisture deficient

Autolysis: the breakdown of cells or tissues by their own enzymes

Mortis: Latin noun for "death"

Proteolytic: enzymes that break down protein

Putrefaction: the process where proteins break down, tissues decompose, and organs liquefy. At this stage, the corpse will emit the foul stench of decay.

Putrefy: rot/decay that also emits foul odors









i hope you guys enjoyed. stay informed :marseyreading:

EFFORTPOST workplace accident collection

hello and welcome back 😁

today we cover why you need to pay attention at work and not do stupid shit

hydraulic press injuries

fingers caught in hydraulic press (separate instances)

auto errors

car falls on worker

car backs into man

lift runs over worker


↑idk wtf happened here↑

electrical wire incidents

worker shocked

steel mill accidents

In Loilo City, Philippines, 18-year-old Jomar Junco was found dead after he was found hanging out of a chorizo food processor

Police Major said that Junco initially got his right hand stuck inside the machine and was not able to pull it out and Junco was then pulled in by the grinder. "He was not grinded. He was just stuck". Investigators were told that Junco didn't not know how to operate the machine. When one of his co-workers stepped out of the room, Junco tried to operate the machine by himself and was killed quickly after.


(my personal favorite and i have dedicated a whole post to these as well)

hair caught in machinery

woman scalped + restoration

scalping due to her hair getting caught in a factory's machines

spinny machine incidents

man's leg ripped off by spinny machine

arm caught in spinny machine

In Thailand, this mechanic was found dead after an accident during his shift at work. He was found inside of a large centrifugal extractor fan. When the police arrived, they managed to get the remains of the worker out of the machine

On November 2020-, a 65-year-old worker died at the KAMAZ PJSC factory in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia after getting caught in a spinning machine. He was trying to sharpen a machine part but was sucked in after his jacket gets caught on the wheel, resulting in being shredded

hair caught in ice cream mixer

A lot of the time, spinning machine incidents lead in death, scalpings, or great bodily injury..getting yourself in this situation is far too easy, this is why it is important to always be on high alert and hyper aware of your surroundings when around machinery like this. This most commonly happens by your hair or clothes getting caught in it when you're too close to the machine. Make sure to workplace safety guidelines and wear appropriately fitted clothing and keep your hair put up and out of the way to prevent injuries like this

close calls

↑ they survived ↑

helmet saves worker

It is important to follow proper safety precautions and follow OSHA guidelines properly


pinned by machinery

hit by swinging object

fatal artery slash at work

hot metal slips and worker falls on top of it

man trapped in conveyor belt

cartoony ass fall

worker falls by overstepping on metal

in a world of OSHA violations

improper setups

hanging onto a pole for support when working

over stacked cans

fucking around with heavy machinery

improper working gear

what is an OSHA violation?

This is when a company or employee willingly or unknowingly ignores potential and real safety hazards


collection of (mostly) workplace accidents

workplace accident collection by congo

collection of animated workplace safety awareness videos

i hope you all enjoyed! and remember..make the new guy do it

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