The WPD Top 100 list:Voting, Z0N×CDM collab

Hello WPD Users!

Me and @CursedDANKmemes are going to make a top 100 WPD users list to top all top 100 lists

This will be the Unofficial Official WPD Top 100 and will be used as flexxing rights

For this list, I want the public to choose, If you comment a name underneath this post and a reason for why you believe they should be on this list, Send them in!

You aren't limited to one person, You can send whoever you want and how many people you want, It'll all be put on a spreadsheet made by me and CDM

This voting period will last until we feel like it, Once we close the voting down, We'll tally up all the votes and make our list, This will probably take sometime to do but me and CDM will deliever it to you

Send your votes now!

CHILD WARNING The Academy Maniacs (Nikita Lytkin and Artyom Anoufriev)

A history of the duo “Academy Maniacs”, from their childhoods up to current day.

^ Artyom (left) and Nikita (right)


The Academy Maniacs is the moniker of two Russian teenagers who attacked 15 people and killed 6 from late 2010 to early 2011. They are also known as the “Irkutsk Molotochniki”, as Irkutsk was the location they both operated in during their attacks.

The first of the two is named Artyom Alexandrovich Anoufriev (Артём Александрович Ануфриев), who was born in Irkutsk on 10/04/1992. He was largely described as a polite, average boy by those who knew him in court. His home life was difficult, however, as he grew up without a father. His mother (Nina Ivanovna Anoufrieva) raised him to be misanthropic and hate those around him. He grew to be a very standoffish person, and, though he had good grades for most of his school career, his performance declined sharply by his 10th year. He just barely passed and graduated. Shortly before graduation, he and his class shot a farewell film in which each student describes happiness. Anoufriev was the inly person to say “To be honest, I do not know what happiness is. But I would really like to quickly find out what it is.”

An important incident: once, when he was younger, Anoufriev was beaten up by a group of Armenians, and despite a case opening for it, it went nowhere fast. Allegedly, Anoufriev had also been the one to instigate it, having taunted them online. This incident, according to Anoufriev's mother, left him unstable.

The second of the two is/was Nikita Vakhtangovich Lytkin (Никита Вахтангович Лыткин), born on 03/24/1993. Unlike Anoufriev, Nikita grew up extremely quiet and closed-off, but similarly grew up with an absent father (who was ethnically Ossetian). His family was rather poor, and he grew to largely resent those wealthier than him. Lytkin also had a younger half-brother, who shot himself after the death of his mother. Their father, due to this, was unable to really connect with Nikita. He would return to the family sporadically up until Nikita turned 16, but they remained nonetheless extremely distant.

Nikita was an exemplary student when he was younger, but his struggle with peers who disliked and teased him kept him from truly excelling. He reportedly was once extremely non-confrontational, choosing to defend himself after initial bullying incidents (ie; later robbing people who'd first bullied him). However, he later began telling his bullies to “die”, a habit which earned him the mocking nickname “Jimbo”, a reference to the Simpson's Jimbo Jones.

At a birthday party for another friend (Artur Lysenko) in 2004, Nikita met Anoufriev, and the two became inseparable. Nikita began to lose and drop other friends due to this, and became increasingly codependent on Artyom.

^ Photos of Young Artyom (right) and Nikita (left)

Together, they formed two music groups. First: Evil Dwarfs (Злые Гномы), a shortlived punk-rock band with only one full-length album release in 2008. Second: Dismembered PugachOva (Расчленённая ПугачОва), a more well-known noise/grindcore band. They also had a very small YouTube channel with only four videos, which were meant to be shock content.


The Academy Maniacs were inspired by past killers and nationalists, though their most recognizable influence were the “Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs”, two teenaged serial killers with a total of 21 victims. Anoufriev and Lytkin would walk the same outdoor route every single day from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in search of the ideal victim, and were actually quite picky about who they would attack. Anoufriev stated that Lytkin was the instigator for their attacks, as he always was the first to act at the approval of Anoufriev. However, Anoufriev himself was part of a white power skinhead group online and left it because their ideals were “too soft”. He didn't target certain races or groups; he hated everyone equally. He is considered the “think-tank” and leader of the pair, while Lytkin acted as a “performer”.

Their first attack occurred on 11/14/2010, the victim being 18-year-old Anastasia Markovskaya. They utilized blunt force against her (a hammer or mallet), hitting her on the back of the head from behind. However, she survived, as both boys got reportedly scared off by her playing dead. No official case was opened, due to her not being robbed, but Markovskaya herself reported the incident online. Unbeknownst to her, the Academy Maniacs actually saw this post, and began messaging her, interested in her experience and thoughts on it.

Two weeks later, the boys attacked a 46-year-old woman and a case was opened this time, as they'd also robbed her. On 12/01/2010, they attacked another woman and stole 500 rubles from her, with which they bought more mallets.

Later that same day, they happened upon a schoolmate, 12-year-old Danil Semyonov; he was going for a ride on his snow-scooter. Lytkin had allegedly targeted the boy due to his inability to fight back and resist. He stunned the child by striking him in the back of the head, after which Anoufriev began beating him with a baseball bat. Lytkin finally stabbed him in the temple with a penknife, but the boy might have still survived had his ambulance not been stuck in a traffic jam on his way to the hospital. At first, the boy's death was seen as an accident, and took time to be connected to the rest of the Academy Maniacs' murders.

^ Photos of the body

Their second murder took place on 12/16/2010, during which they murdered 69-year-old Olga Mikhailovna Pirog a mere 20 meters away from Semyonov. She had been killed in a similar fashion, but more hastily, and her body sustained 30 knife wounds. (Notedly, she was not robbed in any way.) Before attacking her, the boys made an audio recording of their plans to kill her, and also recorded audio of the attack itself. Despite being the second murder, this was thought initially to be their first.

^ A photo of the body (?)

^ Audio of her murder

On 12/29/2010, the boys attacked Inessa Valentinovna Svetlova, but she escaped, having only her bag taken and sustaining notable injuries. About an hour later, the two came across 22-year-old Yekaterina Karpova, who was pregnant, alongside her 6-year-old niece Olya Averina; the two were near the railway, on their way home. The boys attacked them while they were crossing the tracks, and Averina managed to flee after being harshly hit in the sides by Lytkin. Karpova, even after screaming that she was pregnant, was not so lucky, having her fingers snapped and her head bashed in. Miraculously, though, a car starting nearby scared off the two boys, and Karpova managed to survive and was sent to the hospital, her baby surviving as well.

The third murder was of a never-identified homeless man on 01/01/2011. He was attacked early in the morning, being beaten relentlessly, sustaining 40 blows to his body. Fatally, his head was also smashed in with both boys' mallets, and he died due to his injuries in the hospital. (Officially, he was named “Corpse No. 20”.)

From 01/30/2011 to 02/09/2011, the boys attacked three more people, only one of which was openly identified as Oleg Semyonov (no relation to their first victim). The other two were older women, and the last was saved by— yet again— the boys being both scared off by a passing car. All three survived with injuries to the head.

On 02/21/2011, Alexander Petrovich Maximov was returning home drunk after hanging out with his sister when he was attacked. His entire jaw and skull were destroyed during the incident, and Lytkin had shot him in the head with a pistol; Anoufriev attempted to gouge out his eyes, but failed to do so. Allegedly, Maximov had “tried to gnaw out Lytkin's eyes” as well. Maximov's skull was taken and used as evidence for their case.

^ The skull as evidence

Lytkin alone attacked Nina Kuzmina on 02/27/2010, but was only able to hit her twice in the head before being scared off. Thus, she survived, Lytkin stealing her mobile phone only.

^ A quote from Kuzmina in court

During the night between 03/10/2010 and 03/11/2010, on an outdoor footpath near Anoufriev's house, the pair attacked and killed another homeless person, Roman Faizullin. Anoufriev fatally shot him twice in the head; he then, with the help of Lytkin, dragged the corpse into the bushes. They began to stab him repeatedly from his head to groin with knives, and though Lytkin tried to cut off his hand as well, his knife was too small to successfully do so. He made do with cutting off his pinkie finger only. Afterwards, from his apartment window, Anoufriev photographed the corpse from afar.

^ Photos of the body (?)

Sometime before their final victim, the boys attacked two more women, both of whom survived.

On 04/03/2011, they killed 63-year-old Alevtina Kuydina. After initially leaving the corpse, the boys returned to the crime scene. They filmed themselves later mocking her dead body, before Anoufriev recorded Lytkin cutting off her ear. He also tried to cut off her right hand and remove her eyes from their sockets, but once again failed to do so. In the end, he simply stabbed her repeatedly in the head with his knife. Afterwards, he tossed the earlobe he'd taken onto school property. The video recorded of this dismemberment was the thing to finally incriminate the Academy Maniacs.

^ Photo of the body

^ The dismemberment video


Anoufriev was sentenced to a lifetime in prison, whereas Lytkin was sentenced to only 24 years (which was later even shortened to 20). They proved quite odd on trial, frequently bending the truth despite first coming off as agreeable and compliant. Anoufriev put much of the blame on Lytkin, who interestingly never seemed to mind. In accordance with his documented prior dependence on Anoufriev, Lytkin frequently demanded he be imprisoned with his friend (who he was barred from ever seeing again). He would often make big shows and pull stunts in attempt to get closer to Anoufriev, to no avail. Both were reported to be mentally unwell, Lytkin especially so.

Anoufriev insisted that he was not guilty, and had no remorse for what they'd done. Lytkin seemed more remorseful.

On 11/30/2021, a decade into his sentence, Lytkin was found dead in his cell. He had committed suicide by slitting his wrists. However, it's theorized that he didn't really mean to actually kill himself; rather, he just wanted to pull another stunt to try and be moved closer with Anoufriev.

Anoufriev is still alive, and— last I checked— is on track to be married to his fiancé Daphne (sorry, I cannot for the life of me remember her last name right now).



The Reddit community dedicated to the Academy Maniacs:

Evil Dwarves on Spotify:

An online photo archive of the Academy Maniacs:

Random creations from them on

Their YouTube channel (mainly Nikita's):


Originally this video was posted on WPD awhile back, but that video had theYNC watermark on it, but i managed to find a version of this video without theYNC watermark.



FATALITY: " And they say Russians have no heart " ( FULL VIDEO ! )



Diving instructor killed by great white shark

LITTLE BAY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – FEBRUARY 16, 2022 The video shows the corpse of 35-year-old Simon Nellist, who did not survive his encounter with a great white shark. The incident took place off the coast of Sydney at a place known as Buchan Point.

Nellist made his living as a scuba diving instructor. He spent a lot of time in the ocean and was certainly familiar with how to behave in the event of a shark encounter. He was very unlucky. It was the first fatal shark attack in Sydney since 1963.


A ELDERLY man, believed to be in his 70s, died earlier today when his car ploughed through a wall on the fourth floor of a mall parkade in Overport.

Garrith Jamieson of ALS Paramedics said paramedics arrived at the scene after receiving numerous calls.

He said the car had ploughed through the wall "coming to rest on the road below on its roof”.

"The driver, who was the only occupant of the vehicle, was assessed by paramedics inside the vehicle as he was severely entrapped in the wreckage. Unfortunately, he had sustained fatal injuries and there was nothing paramedics could do for him. The man was declared deceased on the scene," said Jamieson.

He said the eThekwini Fire Department together with the South African Police Services and the metro police search and rescue unit had to use the jaws of life and other hydraulic equipment to free the man's body from the wreckage.

Jamieson added: "At this stage, the events leading up to the crash are unknown, however, SAPS were on the scene and will be investigating further."



A Hernando County inmate was charged with second-degree murder after killing another inmate who was charged with sexual assault on a minor.

“It was a surprise to us as well as the other inmates. I don't know if we'll ever know why he did it.”

Jory Linn Van Antwerp, 49, was booked into the Hernando County Jail on January.

“He was charged with sexual assault by a custodian and the victim was over 12 and under 18 and there were six counts of that.”

He was receiving medical treatment for a serious medical issue before he was in jail.

William Harrison Gillespie, 35, was booked into jail on June 4 for felony battery.

Both inmates were in the medical unit.

Gillespie kicked Van Antwerp in the head while leaving his cell for questioning about previous fights.

"We don't have any indication that he knew the person, knew the charges or knew anything about our victim."

Van Antwerp died in the hospital on Saturday. The medical examiner ruled that the cause of death was a brain bleed.

Gillespie had a criminal record that included five felony convictions and 13 misdemeanors.

IED defuse attempt goes wrong

Chechen Soldiers Laugh as Enemy Forces Rain Down Hell


[CHILD WARNING]Truck destroys a jaywalker :marseyzalgo:



Officials are now reporting that Eight people have been hospitalized with four being shot, and another was hit by a car after a shooting took place during a Juneteenth celebration. The exact number of people who have been stabbed is not yet known as the situation is still developing. No suspects have been identified.



Article here

Car crushed biker in the most unluckiest way :marseybadluck: :marseydeath:

When death says “not today….” :marseydeath:


Two thieves in Angola were beaten and then set on fire in the middle of a big crowd

Two thieves were caught red-handed stealing in the street markets of Luanda, Angola and got caught. To our surprise, this time the locals acted relatively calmly, when the most angrier between them took justice by their own hands and beat both of them with the most advanced destructive weapons at their disposal, some sort of advanced combat sticks, then, around 1:04, one distinguished gentleman in a grey hood sprinkled the beaten individuals with a flammable liquid, presumably gasoline, from a plastic bottle, while other enthusiastic gentleman ignited both of them with a match. An exquisite fire of justice emerged from the agony of the two unfortunate individuals.

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